Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 346 - Three Hundred And Forty-seven: Killed Her Grandchild

Chapter 346 - Three Hundred And Forty-seven: Killed Her Grandchild

The third point of view:

"How is she, doctor?" Judy sat up from his seat, rushing the doctor who just emerged from the room. He had taken Emily to the Royal medical wing where she was given attention immediately.

"We've stabilized her condition. She's fine now," the doctor assured him.

Judy was just about to take a deep breath of relief when it crossed his mind, "The baby?"

The doctor's expression changed and Judy knew that moment that the baby was gone.

The royal physician took a deep breath, and glanced up at him with a sympathetic look, "Your highness, we tried our best but...."

"It's gone, isn't it," He squeezed his eyes shut, a look of pain crossing his features. It was too heartbreaking.

"It's gone. The fetus was weak from the very start. It couldn't survive even with our best effort," he disclosed the bad news.

Judy pinched the bridge of his nose, he stumbled back as everything dawned on him. He just lost his child.

"Your highness!" The doctor panicked, "Are you okay?" if anything happened to him, the queen would have his head served on a platter of gold.

Judy lifted his hand, motioning to him to keep his distance, "Can I visit her now?"

"Of course, you can," as if he could say no to the prince of Lincolnshire.

Judy left him and grabbed the doorknob entering the room where Emily laid. His eyes watered as he took in her sickly state; her complexion was pale and her lips chapped and her eyes red from crying.

Judy sat on her bedside then took her hand into his as tears rolled down his cheeks, "I'm so sorry," He muttered, kissing the top of her hand.

"If only I had listened to you," He regretted.

After Emily had told him to break the news of her pregnancy to his mother, he had agreed. When they arrived at Lincolnshire, Judy had visited his mother and had every opportunity to tell her the news, but he pushed it to later. When he was through the pile of documents on his table, he'd tell her - he had planned.

Who knew that he had missed the opportunity to make things right. He wasn't so sure his mother had ordered Fiona into fighting Emily but he was sure as hell she had incited the girl into doing so!

Tears gushed out from his eyes, how was he going to tell Akim that he just lost a potential sibling? The boy has been progressing lately in his treatment, he wouldn't want this news to dishearten him.

Aside from that, how was he going to tell Emily that the child she has been waiting for long was gone? He knew how much she was so excited about becoming a mother after so many years, considering the maltreatment she underwent because of fertility issues when she was together with Ahmed. Where was he going to start? He didn't even know how to face her. This was all his fault.

"I'm so sorry, Emily," He cried. Just like that, Judy continued grieving for hours till she woke.

"Where am I?" Emily rasped, looking around in confusion. She was groggy and felt a patch of dryness in her throat.

"You're in the hospital," He told her, pulling a curl away from her face.

"You're in the hospital," He said with a gentle tone.

"Hospital?" For a slight moment there, there was confusion in her gaze until her eyes widened, the memory returning.

"Oh my God," Emily gasped, and tried to sit up abruptly but Judy was quick in holding her back.

"Please rest, Emily,"

"M-my baby," She choked, hands going to her stomach, "Is okay, right?"

Judy couldn't reply instead he looked away and that was all Emily needed to break down in tears. She knew Judy; studied him like a book; knew him like the back of her hand; that look wasn't for good news.

"Oh no no no no," Emily sat up forcibly, shaking her head vehemently, "You're lying, my child can't be gone. He was with me, how can he be gone like that?!" her face was lined with pain with tears streaming down her face.

"Emily, I'm sorry. They tried all they could but they couldn't save it," Judy tried to comfort her.

She closed her ears with her palm, "No, I don't want to hear that...." she then grabbed him on his shirt, "Give me back my baby! I need my baby!"

"Emily, calm down" she was agitated, which wasn't good for her health.

"No!" She screamed, "I need my baby right now! Give me my baby! My baby!" She raved, striving with Judy to be freed from his grasp.

Holding her down with a hand, Judy hit the intercom," I need help now!" and then hugged her tight when she tried to escape during that distraction. She wasn't in her right mind, he knew that.

"My baby can't be gone! Judy, my baby can't be gone, he was with me just then," Emily wailed, tears after tears rolling down her cheeks.

Her sobs were breaking his heart. Judy never wanted her to be in pain. He had told himself that he would make her happy but he failed. How was he any different from Ahmed now?

Immediately, the doctors came in and they seemed prepared since one of them helped hold the agitated Emily down and the other injected medicine into her vein, probably a sleeping drug.

"No, don't put me to sleep," She understood clearly their intention, " I'm fine. I just want to see my baby,"

The doctor sighed while withdrawing the injection. He too was human and understood the pain both couples were going through.

The drug kicked in immediately, Emily didn't have the strength to struggle anymore. Only then, did Judy let go of her slowly and gently. He carefully tucked her back to the bed, watching as the tears rolled off her face. It was apparent that she didn't want to sleep but they had to do this before she injured herself.

"Go to sleep now," He pecked her on the forehead, "You'd feel better when you wake," Judy assured her and as if his words were magical, her eyes fluttered close.

As soon as Emily went back to sleep, the warmth in Judy's eyes vanished. The murderous aura around him was so suffocating that even the doctors took a step back.

"I'm leaving but until then, take care of her. If something happens to her, consider your life gone," he warned them seriously and left.

The doctors remembered to breathe only after the god of death left. Whoever their prince was after, was surely dead.

Judy strode back to the palace, his eyes were red and he was out for blood. Anyone who saw him didn't need to be told twice to leave: they fled from him as if he was death himself.

"Where is she?!" He growled at a maid who pointed at Emily's room. Though Judy had not mentioned her name the maid had guessed he was searching for Fiona and out of fear, pointed to the door shakily - they had never seen their prince this angry. Someone's death was impending.

Judy went in and locked the door before the guards who had sensed his intention could get in. He saw Fiona sitting on the edge of the bed, her eyes trained on the spot where Emily's blood had been previously - the maids had wiped it clean. She looked shocked - not that Judy noticed anyway. Even if he did, he doesn't care.

Fiona was roused from her thought when she heard the door close and she looked around to discover it was prince Kai. Her blood ran cold. She stood up with lightning speed, body trembling.

She could have escaped ever since but strangely, she hadn't been able to take her eyes off that pool of blood. She had heard the maid reveal that Emily was pregnant. It couldn't be that she just killed a child, right?

"H-how t-the b-ba-by?" Fiona stuttered badly. Kai's deadly expression was frightening her.

But the reply she got was a slap to the face. A scream left her lips and the impact tossed her to the bed.

"You have the nerve to ask about her," Judy hissed out, approaching her with malicious steps. A cruel smile curved his lips as he said, "Why don't I send you where my baby is, you should keep him company,"?With that being said, Judy sprang on Fiona and began to strangle her.

Fiona attempted to move his hand away but the man was incredibly strong, he didn't even budge. Judy was like an impregnable wall, so all she could do was scratch and hit him with her poor fist that yielded no result.

Judy was determined to end the life of this woman today. Nothing would be done to him, after all, he was the prince of Lincolnshire. Moreover, she just killed a royal heir - that deserves the death penalty.

But his plan was halted because Archie opened the door with a spare key and the guards rushed over, stopping him before Fiona could cross over to the land of the dead -as he wanted.

"Kai, stop it!"

He heard a familiar voice say while striving with the guards and looked around to discover it was his mother, the queen.

"Kai, I know you are angry right now and -"

"No," Judy spat, "You don't know how furious I am right now. But I hope to hell, you remember the rest of your life how you killed your grandchild! "

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