Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 344 - Three Hundred And Forty-five: Defeated The Evil Seductress

Chapter 344 - Three Hundred And Forty-five: Defeated The Evil Seductress

Niklaus point of view: The honeymoon

My eyes narrowed as those couples from earlier made their way over to our table. Though I haven't sensed any malicious intent from the male beside her nor has he stared at my wife in a way that requires me to break his nose, I still have to keep my guard up - some people are good pretenders. Even without that, this honeymoon was supposed to be about me and Reina, not the company of these annoying strangers.

"Hi, we meet again," the lady from earlier greeted only me. That was funny, was my wife exempted from the same treatment?

I knew people her type, knew what she wanted, me. They are just human with no self-respect who just wants the thrill of the fun. She doesn't give a damn about Reina, in fact, the idea of snatching me away from her thrills her. And trust me, I was nothing like her.

Though I was your everyday casanova, I never went after married nor engaged people - I still have a conscience. I was selective, moreover, I had enough trouble on my plate hence didn't have time to deal with such unnecessary fillers in my life.

"What do you want?" I went straight to the point. Reina didn't like her, her presence here clearly makes her uncomfortable.

"Heard about your girlfriend's heroic deed -"

"Wife," I corrected sternly and watched a trace of surprise across her face.

She smiled, "Never thought a hottie like you would be married by now. Don't you wanna have more fun?"

"His wife's standing right here and he was having enough fun before you decided to bless us with your overwhelming presence. I don't understand what else you're suggesting?" Reina's voice was cold and blunt.

The woman who I thankfully haven't gotten her name laughed, tucking her hair behind her ear, "I'm not suggesting anything, I'm just saying you know. Isn't everyone's entitled to their opinion,"

"Well, keep that opinion to yourself. He doesn't need it,"

Reina was so badass that a hint of a smile crossed my features, that's my baby girl.

"Oh my God," the woman gasped, "I didn't mean it that way," she then looked at the wine still on our table, "I just thought of thanking you for your bravery out there. Saving that kid was not an easy feat," she said.

"Oh don't worry, it's just something anyone with the knowledge could have done," Reina rejected this kind of offer.

"Oh no, that's where you're wrong,"

And before I could tell what that strange woman meant by that, she turned around and announced,

"Hi everyone, some of you might know about the incident today and some of you might not but please I want you all to give it up for the lady who bravely saved a boy from dying at the beach today!"

At first, it looked like nothing was going to happen but a few people who had been at the beach when the incident happened were present, they began to clap and the others followed suit eventually. Thus, my wife was forced to accept the compliment.

"Thank you. Thank you all. Thank you so much, it's really nothing," Reina waved at them with a smile before sitting back down.

"So," the woman began, "Since we've figured this out, you wouldn't mind if I join your table?".

"I?" I pointed out her pronoun, "Isn't that your boyfriend by your side?" I referred to the quiet man by her side. I couldn't understand their relationship at all or was he such a doormat.

She laughed awkwardly, "I'm sorry about that, it was a slip of the tongue, and Of course, I meant James and me. You don't mind, right?"

"Well, I do -"

"We don't mind at all," Reina contradicted my words to my very surprise. I turned to her, wasn't she the one who didn't like her? But when I looked at Reina, everything was clear to me. I had to trust her.

And just like that, the waiters added more seats to our table to accommodate the new unwelcome guest.

"So you and her together?" I asked James because the more I looked at both of them, the more unreasonable it became.

"Yeah, we're engaged to be married. It's sort of a family promise, you know. Gramps and their matchmaking," He chuckled.

Well, that just reminded me of Adam. Old people do know how to mess with young people's lives. If only that gramps knew the kind of hell he just put his poor boy into. It's obvious this woman didn't have an atom of love nor disregard for her fiancé else she wouldn't be flirting with me right in front of him.

"And by the way, my name' s Claire," the woman finally introduced herself. Not that my wife gave her much of a chance.

"I don't need it," Reina quickly brushed her off.

There was an awkward silence yet the woman didn't give up. I wonder why some people are plain stupid. Things were not going to end well, the look on her face told me my wife was planning something.

"Well, let's drink to that then," Claire opened the wine and poured them into the four glasses set before everyone.

I watched as she purposely bent lower than usual as she poured wine into my glass, giving me a view of her ample breast that was barely hidden by her strapless gown. I chuckled, wondering if this woman even knows who I was. I've bedded over a hundred women - not that I'm boasting - scenes like this no longer move me except it was Reina's.

I swore I was not staring and took my eyes off when Claire attempted that move but the pinch from Reina was so painful tears stung my eyes.

I looked at her, she looked at me, booming a smile that didn't touch her eyes. I was innocent, she was the one who invited the woman to join our table yet was taking the whole thing out on me.

"So," Claire lifted her glass, "Let's cheer drinks to that -"

"On the other hand," Reina interrupted her, "Let's do something more fun. A little competition between the two of us, "

And yes, it's begun.

"What is it?" Claire was interested.

"The both of us have to drink until one of us turns up drunk and unable to drink anymore," Reina proposed, which was a very bad idea. Not that I didn't trust my wife's drinking skill but drunk Reina was not a very civil person.

"Sure," Claire agreed without a second time. Guess she was still intent on defeating my wife.

"If I win, you get your ass out of here and never come near us again," Reina told her.

"And if I win?" her brow raised interestedly.?Claire knew her pretense had been seen through and would do everything to take advantage of this opportunity since this was her last chance.

"What do you want then?" Reina didn't back down.

"An hour alone with your husband," was her request.

Reina's expression changed to a grave one.

"I have something important to discuss with him unless you don't trust your husband," She incited my wife who smirked. Regina knew this game white well. And yes, I know that glint in her eyes. This Claire woman has just been blacklisted

"Fifteen minutes," Reina bartered.

"Thirty minutes,"?Claire refused.

"Ten minutes,"

"Fifteen minutes it is then," she laughed, "You bargaining with me, doesn't it mean you're not confident of winning? "

Contrary to the woman's belief, Reina was giving her a false impression of fear; Claire thought she was the one winning already.

"Stop bitching and start drinking," Reina sassed and took the glass of wine. Both of them gulped down the wine in one swift. It seems Claire was good at drinking too. Just hoped Reina knows what she's doing - this time, she might have met an opponent on equal footing with her.

The both of them continued drinking until that bottle of wine was finished and another was brought to their table per their order.

"So, how does it feel, lusting over my husband?" Reina asked out of nowhere to everyone's surprise.

"Lust?" Claire laughed, her cheeks were rosy, indicating the alcohol was finally kicking in. Neither was Reina any better."You don't deserve him,"

"And you do?" Reina laughed back.

"Of course. You're not even half as beautiful as I am, he should be with people in his league," Claire claimed, swallowing her drink greedily - that woman has annoyed her.

"Wow, that's shocking, but guess what? You would never be with him, why? Because we already have kids and I'm sure no responsible man would leave his family to hook up with someone like you?with a fiancée," she added, "Oh, and even if he does, you would always be known for the hookup while I'll be the woman he returns to every day,"

"Shut up!" Claire hissed out in anger. She was so blinded by rage that she didn't realize how fast she was drinking compared to Reina who was taking her time.

"This man here," She slurred, pointing at her Fiancée James, "It's a nobody. He's always the one holding onto me but don't worry, my family is searching for a way to disannul the engagement our grandfathers did, and soon, the fool would be out of my life," She poke drinkily.

"Now, I'm done with you. I have taken every insult you've given with good faith because I loved you and thought you would change. But I was so wrong. Goodbye, Claire " James couldn't take the humiliation anymore. He stood, picked up his jacket, and left.

"Hey, where are you going? Come back here?!" Claire bellowed and as if the veil was lifted off her eye, she turned to Reina and bellowed, "You tricked me!",

"You don't need him - you clearly said that. Moreover, you can't chase after my husband while having another as backup," My wife smirked evilly.

I felt proud of her achievement. She indeed has a good teacher - me. Who knew Reina was a good student. All my lessons were not in vain.

"Now, let's drink," Reina urged her to continue and it was at that moment that Claire realized she was drunker than she thought due to her fast drinking. Her head knocked on the table with a thud as she passed out.

Reina gulped down the rest of her wine and turned to me with intoxicated eyes, saying, "Mission accomplished: Successfully got rid of the evil seductress. Mission rewards: a steamy night with my hobby all to myself. How does that sound?"

I readjusted in my seat, a bit flushed with the way she was staring at me, "You should have some food before we go,"

But the drunk Reina laughed at me - the personality I've been trying to avoid.

"Why bother about food," She leaned closer seductively, and breathed into my ear, "When I have a tantalizing meal set before me," her hand went to my crotch.

I jumped from her touch, looking around like a thief as I wondered if anyone had seen her do that. Maybe, it wasn't such a bad idea to return to our room now.

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