Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 342 - Three Hundred And Forty-three: Leave My Wife Alone

Chapter 342 - Three Hundred And Forty-three: Leave My Wife Alone

Niklaus point of view:

"Niklaus, look this way," Reina turned my face to the camera and pouted her lips as she took another shot. I've been glaring at the men who have been staring at her nonstop. I knew her wearing this bikini or swimsuit or whatever she called it, was a bad idea but she still didn't believe me.

The more annoying fact was that even with the kimono that covered her body, they still gaped. In fact, it seems the kimono brought more attention. Maybe I shouldn't have given it to her, but then, if it wasn't because of that, they would be staring at her butt - this was highly annoying.

Truthfully speaking, there were a lot of beautiful and curvaceous women out here on the beach today that could enthrall a man with just a look, but there was just something special about Reina - her smile. Her smile wasn't flirtatious nor coy nor seductive, just warm and kind - she was like a goddess come to earth.

Left for me alone, I would rather have her back at the hotel, making love to her. There were positions and places to explore; the kitchen; table; couch; bathroom; all were better than here. I just want to have her by herself as I take her back and front to heaven. But then, sigh, I have to fulfill her wishes - women are such sentimental creatures.

Well, at the least, I got rewarded by her smile. The crinkle forming around her eyes and the delighted glint there made my heart warm, I never knew it was satisfying to make your woman happy until now. I wish she could keep on smiling forever.

"You're having all the fun," I grumbled.

"What? How?" there was a doubtful look on her face while pushing away her hair obstructing her view as a result of the wind.

"Oh, I'll show you," I said and reached out for her waist. I wrapped my arms around the curve of her back, pressing her to me, and took the phone from her grip. Surprised, she was about to speak up when I lowered my head and kissed her, and took a shot.

"Niklaus! "She chuckled and hit me playfully on the chest.

"That's fun," I said, handing the camera over to her and watched her eyes widen from surprise.

"Holy shit! How did you get such a perfect shot?" there was a look of admiration in her eyes which made my heart swell with pride; she adored me.

"Do you really want to know?" my eyes twinkled, drawing her closer.

"Teach me then, husband," she teased me, wrapping her hand around my neck with a smile. And slowly lifted her face to meet mine in a sweet kiss.

Our lips moved slowly and in synchronization while my hands moved to cup the globe of her ass. It was a sweet sensual kiss as I nibbled on her lower lips, enjoying the moan that escaped her mouth.

It was as if the world around us vanished and it was just the two of us, entangled with each other. Her hands grabbed a fistful of my hair, kissing me harder while her other hand threaded carelessly through my curls.

None of us came up for air, I guess we were competing for the strongest breath holder. However, our plan was disrupted as a shriek cut through the air startling us. We turned in the direction of the scream.

"Oh my God! Somebody help me!" We followed others to the scene where a teenager crouched on the floor unable to speak and was red on the face. He was not able to breathe and had watery eyes.

There was a great murmuring from the crowd that was beginning to form yet none stepped out to help instead called for 911.

"Oh my God," Reina gasped, drawing my attention, "He's choking," She revealed.

"How did you know?" I was surprised by her discovery.

"Take a look at that plate," She pointed at the plate of bacon beside their makeshift shield.

"Oh," she was right.

"He's choking with a completely blocked airway, no oxygen can enter his lungs. The brain is extremely sensitive to this lack of oxygen and would begin to die within four to six minutes. I must offer first aid during this time or?Irreversible brain death occurs in as little as ten minutes," she announced, and before I could stop her, had walked over to the boy.

Right in front of me, before anyone could stop her, Reina hauls the boy off the ground with effort and starts performing the Heimlich maneuver while the crowd stared on with anticipation.

Admiration grew in my heart as I saw what she was doing. The Heimlich maneuver is a first-aid procedure for dislodging an obstruction from a person's windpipe in which a sudden strong pressure is applied on their abdomen, between the navel and the ribcage.

She alternated between five blows and five rusts until a huge chunk of bacon was thrown up; the blockage has been dislodged. The boy coughed for a while but other than that, he was okay.

"Call 911" Reina announced breathlessly, she had exerted herself.

All of a sudden, a rapturous sound of applause reverberated across the beach as everyone hailed her brave act. As usual, Reina comes to the rescue - I wouldn't be surprised if she's Supergirl in disguise.

Most of the people were busy capturing the whole thing on camera while the others complimented or applauded her. They formed a small crowd around her that I couldn't get past them to my wife. This was annoying, why couldn't everyone leave my wife alone for me? I escaped the kids at home just so I could quality time with her and yet, I still struggle for her attention.

"Miss, look here!" Everyone was struggling to take pictures with her while I stood out like an outcast.

I could tell Reina was overwhelmed with all the attention from the wry smile on her face. Our eyes somehow met and she smiled at me, but something weird occurred. My heart began to beat strongly and as if everything was in slow motion and her smile, the only thing I wanted to see.

But to my annoyance, her attention was ripped once more from me and I felt a strong urge to just strode over there and take her away. Fine, Niklaus, let's be civil.... yes, civil..... Oh, fuck civil!

I marched over to her, clearing everyone in my path until I was standing right in front of her. The knowing smile on her face told me she knew I had finally run out of patience.

As if she knew what I wanted, my wife appeased me by standing on tiptoes and kissed me deeply on the lips. The crowd went gaga, all swooning and taking pictures of this romantic moment - not that I minded. All my attention was on this woman in my arms.

"You're failing your wedding vow already," I told her as I came up for air.

"What?" She was confused.

"You said you would give me all your attention till death does us apart, yet, you've shared that attention with almost a hundred people already," I pouted - that gesture always melts her heart.

"Tsk tsk, such a baby," My wife clicked her tongue, shaking her head sympathetically.

"Let's go," she took my hand and began to lead me out of the crowd who still wanted to take pictures with her.

"Miss look here,"

My deadly glare silenced them and they made way for us to pass through - much better. I changed the grip and held Reina instead as we continued our stroll on the beach.

"So how did you know how to perform that Heimlich maneuver?" I asked her, full of curiosity. Not everyone could pull that move efficiently.

"Did you think raising Allen and Ailee was easy?" She laughed," Even with the help around, Aille has always been the touchy and greedy one compared to Allen. Not to mention the times they almost killed me with anxiety over their fastest eater's competition. Twins are naturally competitive and In such a situation, one of them was bound to choke on their poorly chewed food. So I got used to it thanks to them, " she explained nonchalantly.

I stopped walking, she stopped too, looking at me questioningly. I took her face in my palm, "It must have been hard on you all those years, taking care of them alone," I said, caressing her soft skin.

"Nik," She sighed, "We've gone over this already and I've told you it's okay. You don't have to keep blaming yourself for anything that happened," she took hold of my hand on my face, stroking it too.

"I know," I nodded, "Which is why I'm going to spend the rest of my life to make it up to you by protecting and always keeping you happy," I?promised.

"Fine, if you want it that way," Reina shrugged and was just about to hug me when a ball out of nowhere came flying at her.

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