Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 339 - Three Hundred And Forty: Saint Martyr

Chapter 339 - Three Hundred And Forty: Saint Martyr

The third point of view:

"You're such a doormat, why didn't you begin the story by telling them you're a thief," Nadia lashed out at Sakuzi who was now silent.

"Grandpa, are you a thief?" Asked Neon who unlike the others takes his time to comprehend a situation.

"Of course not," Sakuzi ruffled the young boy's hair.

"Really?" Nadia cocked a questioning brow, it was obvious she wasn't ready to let him off.

"Nadia, we shouldn't discuss this in front of the kids nor would our argument make a good essay for the competition,"

"I would have agreed with that on other days, but today, the kids should know everything about us so they don't end up making the same mistake as I did,"

"The mistake you did?" Sakuzi scoffed, "You make it sound like it's my whole fault 'we' failed,"

"No, I more than regret the first time that we met. If you haven't stolen from me, I wouldn't have gone over to your territory to collect and get entangled with you for the half of my life in the name of marriage!" the woman said in an emotional outburst.

"Fine, I might have cheated that day - I was in some kind of situation - but not stealing. Moreover, I gave you an assurance that the money would be made available to you but you never trusted my words. Perhaps, if you had sat your pretty ass down in your turf, you wouldn't have met me and got ensnared in a marriage you oh so detest! " there was mockery in Sakuzi's tone.

Though Neon wasn't as smart as the others, instinct told him things had just taken a bitter turn and he quietly and slowly moved away from the arguing couples.

Meanwhile, Isabella was tactically videoing the whole argument on camera. She would send it to Reina once she returns from her honeymoon - she wouldn't disturb Reina's time with her father as far as she keeps Niklaus from returning any sooner. Then, she would explain to her how difficult this mission was and their rewards would be upgraded. Hopefully, she settled this.

"I oh so detest?" Nadia couldn't believe her ears, she stood up to her feet abruptly, " I gave you my heart, body, and resources, and yet what did you do with it? Stepped on it like it was a piece of filth by cheating on me, huh? No, come on, deny it?"

"I'm not going to deny it!" Sakuzi stood to his feet too, tempers flaring, "I admit that I have not been a good husband but you're not entirely faultless either. Did you ever work hard to fight for my heart? No! You were so filled with pride that you left me to my antics!"

Nadia was speechless but Sakuzi was not through, " And you know what's funny? Even though our marriage was nothing but an arrangement, I tried my best to be the husband you needed since I wasn't crazily in love with you, but what did you do? You pushed me away with work like you're doing right now?!"

"Seriously" Nadia threw her head back and laughed sarcastically, "Fine let's leave the past. However, you haven't changed at all and you expect me to give you a second chance?" She glared at him with those fiery eyes, "In your dream, Valentino. I refuse to be used again!"

Sakuzi's brows furrowed together, confusion apparent in his gaze, "What are you talking about?! "

"Angela!" the woman shouted.

"Oh boy," Isabella whispered, "Things are about to get ugly," and she was ready to watch through it. Quarrels like these were hard to witness in their household since Reina and Niklaus settled theirs on the bed.

"I saw her on your daughter's wedding day, remember?"

"Nadia -"

"So tell me, Valentino," She didn't let him speak, "Are you planning on getting back together with her especially now she's separated from her husband, huh? Is that it? After all, you're single now and so is she, there's nobody to stand in your path anymore,"

"Nadia -"

"No, don't worry," She interrupted him, "I'm not a clingy ex and I wish you well in your pursuit of happiness -"

"She has cancer!" Sakuzi screamed it out this time. He has been trying to explain to her all this while but the woman was unreasonably angry.

"What?" Nadia was taken aback by his announcement.

"You heard me right, Angela has cancer. I only brought her to the wedding to see her daughter one last time since it was apparent Reina wouldn't bother to let her in - their feud runs that deep,"

Isabella looked at the ongoing record in her grasp thoughtfully. Initially, she had planned to send it to Reina when she was back from her honeymoon, but Isabella had a niggling feeling it might be too late.

Of course, she wasn't trying to compel Reina to act against her will - she too hated the sight of Angela and her daughter, Kimberly - but Reina deserved to know what was going on and make a decision afterward.

No matter what, a mother was still a mother. Though Kay had filled her head with crazy thoughts, Isabella wouldn't hesitate to take the chance to see her if offered one. There was no need to bear grudges at the brick of death - she just hoped Reina made the right decision.

"You mean Angela is dying?" Nadia asked in disbelief, feeling tired all of a sudden.

All these years, she has used Angela, as an excuse to hate Sakuzi and wished the woman would die with dep hatred. . However, now, her worst nemesis was dying, she didn't know what to feel anymore. Was it the fact the battle suddenly became worthless that made her demoralized?

"Nadia, I already gave up on Angela years ago when I returned to my senses. I know that I might not give you that kind of love you want from me but I'm willing to spend the rest of my life, building that," He took one of Nadia's hands, "Let's give 'us' another chance, and this time you can hold me to my word - We, the Sakuzi's honor the word," He said sincerely, waiting for her answer.

"Oww, he's so romantic," Ailee swoon yet Isabella didn't bat an eyelid knowing fully well what would happen next.

"What do you say, Nadia?" Sakuzi hoped she would give him a positive reply.

Everyone looked into Nadia with huge expectation, however, their hope was dashed when the woman in question withdrew her hands saying,

"I'm sorry but I need to think right now," And just like that, she left.

"Wait -"

"Just let her be, old man," Isabella stopped him from pursuing after her.

"What?" He turned to her

"She needs time to process the thought of her enemy unwillingly surrendering without a fight," She told him, causing the man to marvel at her wisdom.

Sakuzu slumped back to the sofa with a resigned sigh, this was harder than he thought. He didn't know when the feelings for Nadia grew but he guessed maturity was a huge contributor to that.

Sure, he had loved Angela sheepishly, to the point he was blinded not to realize she was using him for her satisfaction - an unrequited love. But now, his eyes were clear to realize the mistakes and people he shouldn't have added into his life.

"Tell me you're not seriously thinking of giving up on her?" Isabella scoffed and rolled her eyes, "Men,"

"Who said I'm giving up on her?"

"Then get that look off your face! Do you want her? Get her! I heard Reina say you're the greatest womanizer on earth, then seduce her, or has your skills gone rustic over the years?" she incited him.

"Of course not!" Sakuzi was stimulated, "I've never given up on what I cherish and I won't give up now either,"

"That's the spirit!" Isabella was still in the process of encouraging him when his phone rang.

"Hello, Angela?" Sakuzi picked up.

At the mention of that name, "Angela," anger like no other coursed through Isabella's veins, and before she knew it, stormed over to Sakuzi and snatched the phone from him.

"What are you doing?" The bewildered Sakuzi was still asking when Isabella smashed the phone to the floor.

"What have you done?!" Sakuzi couldn't believe his eyes. If she wasn't Reina's stepdaughter, he would have beheaded her already.

"Are you ignorant, foolish, or are you just plain stupid!" Isabella yelled. This was the first time she had lost her temper this much, "Angela is the cause of the friction between you and Nadia, and yet here you are, answering Angela's calls like a damn errand boy minutes after pleading you would love her!"

"You don't understand," Sakuzi explained, "Angela's dying and she needs someone by her side to -"

Isabella didn't let him finish, "She has her daughter, Kim, remember? Everything Angela is going through right now is as a result of what she's done" she went on, "However if you want to be a saint martyr that much, then visit her with Nadia by your side; her hands looped around your arm. Give the woman a sense of security and stop crushing her pride! She deserves respect as your woman,"

Isabella added after a minute of holding his gaze, "Unless you weren't serious about her in the first place " she spat and took her leave while Sakuzi stared on with his mouth open.

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