Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 330 - Three Hundred And Thirty: His Son

Chapter 330 - Three Hundred And Thirty: His Son

The third point of view :

"Oh shit!"

Pedro was awoken by Isabella cussing early in the morning. He groaned, sitting up without stretching so he could know what got the calm Isabella worked up.

"What is it?" he asked, concerned.

"Nothing," Isabella told him, hiding something behind her back.

Pedro narrowed his eye on her, Isabella was the calmest person he knew amid chaos. The only people who could rattle her were her family and he had a faint premonition it had to do with her father.

"Isabella?" he pressed for the truth.

"It's nothing to worry about," Isabella still refused to tell him.

Pedro stretched his neck and peered behind her, catching an outline of her phone. If he had a theory previously, it was a fact now.

Without warning, he lunged for the phone but Isabella was smarter and moved to the side. However, Pedro had predicted that move hence trapped her with his body.

But even with that, he couldn't snatch the phone from Isabella thanks to her fast hand movements. Knowing Isabella was skillful and he could never defeat her, Pedro applied his clever shameless tactic.

Isabella was enjoying this, she didn't mean to prove she was more flexible, but the scene called for it. Pedro didn't need to know her father knew about everything they did last night.

She was just about to slip out of his grasp when Pedro dipped his head and kissed her. Isabella's mind froze in time. Though her sixth sense told her this was a distraction by Pedro, she was far gone, no, scratch that, she was enjoying this to care.

Pedro smiled, he got her where he wanted her to be. While Isabella was engaged with the kiss, he reached out and grabbed the phone from her.

"Pedro, no, don't!" Isabella shouted, but the boy had opened the message already.

[You owe me one for last night, Isabella - thank your lucky ass. While you're at it with your boyfriend, remember to take care of your siblings. We're leaving]

"We're leaving?" Pedro pointed out from the text message Reina sent. He checked the time on the cell phone, "8:00 am? Doesn't this mean they didn't leave for their honeymoon last night? In one word, your father -"

"Knows what we did last night,"

Pedro gulped down hard. He knew it, his days were numbered. He better prepares his gravestone.

"But you don't have to worry," Isabella was quick to assure him, "From the look of the message, Reina, no, my mom got this under control,"

"Yeah, until Niklaus returns," Pedro reminded her with dread.

"His anger would have waned by then. I believe in Reina, you should see my father around her," she reached out and cupped his face with her palm, "I'm not going to let him do anything to you - don't worry, Niklaus won't dare it,"

Pedro calmed down, what was he even troubled about? What could Niklaus possibly do to him? Send him away? Bury him alive? Now he thought about it, the man couldn't do anything to him since Isabella was in love with him - hurting him would be hurting his daughter.

"Alright," He relaxed, his pounding heart slowly returning to its normal beat.

"So shall we continue?" Isabella had on a sly smirk.

"C-continue what?" he pretended to be oblivious to what she was suggesting. He had not intended her to finish what he started, seducing her was just a tactic to snatch the phone from her.

"Resuming what you've started," she announced and flipped him over, straddling his waist and taking up the passion from where they had stopped from last night.

By the time they were done with their urm... exercise, it was almost afternoon and they left the hotel finally.

"Here you go," Pedro dropped her in front of her place, "You should rest since we've been....er…."

"We've been what?" Isabella intentionally teased him.

"We've been.... been..."

"Been what?" She poked fun at him, loving the blush on his face. He was adorably cute when shy.

"I read somewhere that women feel an ache there when they do it for the first time," Pedro said without looking at her face. Gosh, why did he have to say this nonsense?

Isabella's smirk broadened,?"Oh, I do feel an ache..." she leaned closer, brushing her lips against his before moving to whisper into his ears, "Only you can fill, "

Pedro felt a slight discomfort down, he was alive there again. But then, they've gone at it so many times this morning. So he simply pecked her on the lips saying, "You should go in now,"

Isabella pulled away, "Of course, I have to leave," she then grabbed his shirt and kissed him passionately once more

"Goodbye Pedro," Isabella breathed and left. She couldn't stay in here any longer else she devoured him.

Left for Isabella alone, she wouldn't let him leave her sight, and thinking about other women staring at her man, made a hot anger course through her. Gosh, what the hell was wrong with her?

"Wow," Pedro breathed, still not believing what just happened. His day has been nothing but good so far. High on ecstasy, he drove back to his house which wasn't far since they practically lived in the same street.

"Someone's happy today," was the first word Cecil his mother used to welcome him the moment he returned home. She was seated on the couch in the living room, going through a fashion magazine

"Afternoon, mom," He pecked her on the cheeks, taking a seat beside her.

"Yeah, I'm sure you had a pleasant morning," she said knowingly, "Don't even need to guess your status anymore,"

Pedro blushed.

And as mothers would be mothers, she sat up properly to get the rest of the juicy gossip.

"So tell me, how was your first night? I bet it was sexy,"

"Mom!" he whined, leaning back into his chair with his face buried in the crook of his arms, "I am so not telling you that,"

"What's wrong with telling me? Come on, this woman's bored. Pedro, entertain me," she pressed, yanking his arm off to see a face as red as shrimp.

"If you want entertainment, get a companion," Pedro told her, shifting away so she doesn't bother him further.

"This woman's old for that," Cecil claimed.

"You're just thirty-eight, what's old about that?" he shrugged.

Cecil groaned, "Are you gisting me or not?"

"Nope. Not a chance," Pedro stood his ground. Mother or not, there was no way in hell he was telling her about the things he and Isabella did last night. So he diverted the topic.

"You're not going to work today - "

"Nope, not a chance. Not after the stressful wedding yesterday," Was her reply. Though today was Sunday, his mother's work as a fashion designer knew no day of rest.

"I'm having my beauty rest today, my schedules were all adjusted, thought tomorrow would be one roller-coaster ride judging from all the clients I have kept waiting," she sank back against the couch with an exhausted sigh.

"What about Emily? How does she work from Lincolnshire?"?he asked her since both women were running a partnership.

"I've discussed with her and we're going to open a branch in Lincolnshire,"

"Wow," He was stunned, "That's a good one,"

"Yeah, we're thinking of blending our style with Lincolnshire culture for the season and see how that works out,"

"Well, Emily has the prince on her side, why wouldn't it work out?" Pedro stood to his feet, "I'm going to have a rest,"

"Sure, after such an exciting night, you need as much rest as you can," she intentionally teased him.

"Mom -"

The doorbell rang.

"Huh?" Cecil looked up at him, a smile stretching her lips, "Don't tell me that's Isabella at the door,"

"Ugh," Pedro rolled his eyes and went to answer the door saying, "Isabella, what brings you - oh,"

It wasn't Isabella as they thought, rather a man who had his back turned to him. He was looking around and had not noticed the door was opened yet.

Pedro cleared his throat to notify him of his presence, "A-hem, excuse me sir, but who are….." the rest of his words died off when the man faced him.

No way in hell.

Pedro gaped at the man who had the same blue eyes as him and though they didn't share the same hair color - he had inherited his mother's blonde ones - that face was incredibly similar to his. Pedro didn't need a prophet to tell him that this man was his father.

The man looked startled to see him too. Father and son kept staring at each other, regarding one another intensely. Scenes like this could only happen in movies, but it was happening right in front of him.

"Hi son," the man waved, hesitantly.

The boy was confused. What was he supposed to do? Or say?

"Pedro, what the hell is keeping you at the door. Don't tell me you and Isabella are doing dirty things …" there was a hint of laughter in her mother's voice and it was coming closer in his direction.

Cecil arrived at the entrance," Pedro, what are you -" the woman's eyes suddenly widened as soon as her eyes rested on the man standing at the door.

"Fernandez," she gasped from pure shock.

"Cecil," the man said, softly.

"What are you doing here?" She spat, her previous shock turning into hot simmering anger.

"What do you think I'm here for? Of course, I'm here to take my son,"

Oh, God damn you.

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