Taming A Billionaire

Chapter 318 - Three Hundred And Eighteen: Comfort Before Charisma

Chapter 318 - Three Hundred And Eighteen: Comfort Before Charisma

The third point of view:

"What pleasant weather today," sounded a nonsensical voice by her side.

Isabella rolled her eyes, the universe was really testing her patience by sending this foolish male specimen by her side today of all days.

"What are you doing here?" she hissed out upon seeing Julie at the church and to make matters worse, was sitting beside her. The nerve of him to sit here since that particular spot was reserved for family. Well, unlike her other sibling who had assumed one role or the other at the wedding, Isabelle opted out.

Ailee was the flower girl while Allen was grudgingly the page boy - Reina had threatened him into accepting that role. Neon was the only one who seemed happy with his page boy role, and no, they weren't the ring bearers. Reina was smart enough not to put that important task into the hands of those mischievous devils.

Pedro was chosen to be the ring bearer while Anabelle joined the bride's grooms and Isabella chose to wish them well by the side.

"Did you think I would miss such an important day like this?" he winked and leaned closer to her, "You're my fiancé, anywhere you go, I go,"

Suddenly, Isabella reached out and grabbed his chin tightly yet the boy didn't show a pained expression, instead he was amused.

"Thank your lucky God there are people around?" she spat.

"Why?" he smirked, "Are you thinking of doing dirty things to me," He asked seductively.

Isabella scoffed, she could not believe what she just heard. How could someone be this shameless? That low tactic would have worked on her but having lived with her casanova father, Niklaus all these years, she was immune to all of their underhanded wiles.

Julie was elevated, he was confident that he would win over Isabella's heart in no time. With his signature move, what girl would not fall for his charm?

It was this ridiculous thought he had in mind when Isabella suddenly pulled him closer, to the point that their lips almost met. His face flushed, eyes widening slightly. Was she really going to kiss him here? And why was his heart beating so fast? Why was she suddenly beautiful?

His mind flew out the window and just when he was confident the girl would kiss him, Julie felt a strong pain in his below and looked down to notice the girl had grabbed him so damn tight it hurt. Oh please, mother of God!

"Listen to me," there wasn't a trace of warmth on Isabella's face, and that joviality in her tone was long gone,

"Try anything funny with me and you'd be surprised how fast you'd lose your balls, fiancé," she finished with heavy sarcasm and let go.

Julie went beet red on the face, he was in so much pain but he couldn't dare to speak it out, else people ask questions and he begins to tell them the shameful story of how his atrocious fiancée almost crushed the source of his future generation. It would be so damn embarrassing. So he chose to keep his mouth shut and suffer in silence.

Isabella breathed in the fresh air, now the nuisance was well taken care of, she could enjoy the wedding properly. In reality, she was just anxious to see Pedro turn up. The boy has been avoiding her lately and thanks to the wedding preparation, both hadn't time to solve the conflict between them.

However, today Isabella was determined. Even if it means chaining him to herself, she'd do it - hopefully? God damn it, this confidence was a parade. She was so damn nervous. What if she and Pedro never get back together again? Forever? She didn't like the sound of that.

Everyone's attention was grabbed when the choir began to sing the wedding song just as Niklaus and Eden walked in with grandfather. Though the man was old, he didn't need the help of a walking staff and escorted his grandsons down the altar with pride.

Isabella stared at her father, surprised at the nervousness on his face, unlike Eden who seemed more comfortable. Tsk Tsk, she clicked her tongue disapprovingly. That old man better not have second thoughts about this wedding!

Niklaus and Eden took their place at the altar while Grandpa came to sit at the right side of the aisle in the front role.

Isabella was seated in the second row so she leaned closer to greet him. Julie didn't try any funny moves and she was happy to know that the lesson was well understood.

Though her father Niklaus already knew about the outrageous engagement, Grandfather didn't and she wanted it that way since she'd have it disannulled by all means possible before her two years of freedom was up.

The next to come up was Judy, the best man who walked in from the side of the venue, taking his place at the altar next to the grooms.

Almost immediately, followed the groomsmen and of course Pedro, who looked breathtaking in that suit. Isabella licked her lips while her eyes twinkled in adoration causing Julie - who had recovered from the attack- to release an irritable huff.

"You're not seriously undressing him with your eyes?" Julie scoffed, wondering what was so great about that boy. The boy wasn't even handsome than him, Isabella must be blind not to notice him.

"What do you think?" Isabella snorted, continuing feeding her eyes with the sight of her darling.

It was not that Julie was head over heels in love with Isabella, but she was his fiancée, his prized collection. What man would stay still and watch their fiancé lust over another man? No! He couldn't take it! But what could he do?

As expected, the next to arrive was the bridegrooms who looked beautiful in their orange-colored dresses with a tinge of green and Anabelle was one of them.

The groomsmen having done their part took their seats at the third aisle with their female counterparts. However, Anabelle chose to sit with her cousin Isabella and one could imagine the disdain on her face when she saw that player.

Humph! The girl focused her attention on Isabella while Julie brazenly took in her appearance. Anabelle didn't look that bad, he observed, but she needed to eat more to fill up some important parts, hehe. He shamelessly ogled her.

And yes, the brides of the day were next. Everyone stood in awe as the brides, Reina and Camille, made their appearance with their fathers at their sides.

Both brides looked beautiful in their wedding gowns and carried themselves with grace - they almost seem to be gliding. The wedding dresses were intricately made and one didn't need to think twice to know their gowns cost a fortune.

Reina wore a floor-length lace gown that showed off her sexy back. The gown was tight and made to accentuate the curve of her waist before flowing down. While Camille who was more voluptuous wore a plunging neckline that was beaded around the long sleeve and waist with layered ruffles.

Proceeding the brides down the altar was the maid of honor, Emily and the flower girl, Ailee plus the page boys of course - Allen and Neon. Ailee carried the basket of petals which she happily scattered as they walked while Allen had a frown on his face as he watched his sister walk hand in hand with Neon.

Why was this boy sabotaging all his sister's attention? Previously, he never cared If Ailee gave him attention or not since they'd always end up together for every task, but now? His sister was slowly slipping from him and he didn't like it. That prime focus was for him, alone! And what the hell was even a page boy's duty?

Sakazi was the happiest man on earth as he walked his daughter down the right side of the aisle, having her on his left arm. He never thought he would have the opportunity of giving his daughter to another man - he was always the one receiving daughters-in-law.

But still, giving his precious daughter to that rascal? Sigh, fine, he'd just do this because she was happy with him. But the moment Niklaus makes her shed as much as a tear, he'd take her and his grandkids away - the Sakuzi's were not to be bullied!

Reaching the altar, Sakuzi gave Reina to the groom. But Niklaus, the groom thanked Sakuzi by offering a hug, acknowledging the father for training the bride all these years. Surprisingly, both behave civilly, offering no words of threat evidenced by their past interaction.

However, something happened. Just when Sakuzi left to take a seat at the front row aisle and the pastor about to commence the wedding rite, Reina wobbled and almost fell had Niklaus not caught her on time by the waist.

There was a shocked gasp from the crowd but when they saw Niklaus's romantic timely intervention, they all swooned.

Reina's face was red with embarrassment, she had an ominous feeling that something like this would happen. Damn those heels! Once the wedding was over, she'd be wearing damn sneakers to her reception!

Comfort before charisma!

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