Talent Awakening: Draconic Overlord Of The Apocalypse

Chapter 90: Unexpected Competition

Chapter 90: Unexpected Competition

The auctioneer continued.

"It is rumored to cure even the most terminal illnesses. The starting bid is one million Union credits!"

Before the echo of the auctioneer's words could fade, Alister's voice cut through the room. "Two million."

A massive gasp could be heard throughout the room as Alister's bid echoed through the grand hall.

Lady Lian's eyes widened in surprise, her gaze flickering between Alister and the vial, but then she calmed with a mischievous smile.

She knew this item was highly sought after, but she hadn't expected such a bold opening bid. The auctioneer's eyes lit up with excitement. "Two million, do we have any other bidders? This is your chance to possess a miracle in a vial!"

For a moment there was silence; finally, a voice broke the stillness.

"Two and a half million," a deep voice announced.

Alister glanced at the man who had made the bid. He had a tall build with a cold, calculating gaze. It was clear that this man was determined to acquire the World Tree sap at any cost.

Alister raised the bid once more. "Three million."

"Three and a half," the old man countered immediately.

The air in the auction hall was now electrifying, and everyone's eyes were focused on the two of them.

Just when it seemed the contest would be between Alister and the old man, Lady Lian's voice cut through the air.

"Four million."

A collective gasp rippled through the crowd. Lady Lian joining the bidding war had taken everyone by surprise.

It was clear that she was just as desperate to possess the World Tree sap as the other two. The auctioneer's hammer hovered in the air, his eyes darting between the three bidders. It was clear that he was enjoying every moment of this escalating bidding war. Alister turned his gaze toward Lady Lian, his voice steady but with a touch of intensity.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Lian met his eye with a calm expression. "Bidding for the item, of course," she replied, a faint smile spreading on her lips.

Alister narrowed his eyes slightly.

"A moment ago, you sounded like you had an idea of who I might be. Do you really want to go against me?"

Alister said, wanting to use whatever history this mask he wore had to his advantage.

Lian's smile didn't leave her face. "Nothing of the sort, sir. This is just business."

Alister's gaze lingered on her for a moment, weighing her words. Then, turning back to face the stage, he said, "I see."

"Five million," Alister suddenly called out, his voice firm and clear, drawing the attention of everyone in the room.

Without missing a beat, Lady Lian raised the bid again. "Five and a half million."

The crowd murmured in astonishment as the bidding intensified.

"Five and a half million? That's no small sum..."

"I guess that is the power of someone from one of the five major families."

The old man who had been bidding earlier raised his hand, his voice echoing across the hall. "Ten million."

A collective gasp rippled through the room as all eyes turned to the old man.

"Ten million? He just doubled it like it was nothing!"

"Who is that man? Does anyone recognize him?"

"Must be some new rising tycoon."

Alister, watching the scene unfold, couldn't help but think to himself that he should have expected something like this.

'Of course, it would come to this,' he thought, his mind racing. Alister knew that he hadn't saved up enough funds for such a fierce bidding war. His next bid would have to be his last. There was no way he could compete with the wealth of the old man or the connections that Lady Lian seemed to possess.

As he prepared to make his final move, weighing his options, Lady Lian's voice suddenly rang out, cutting through his thoughts like a knife.

"Thirty million," she announced with a smug smile.

The room fell silent; the air was so thick you could cut it with a knife. Alister froze, his thoughts momentarily derailed by the staggering bid.

Lady Lian had tripled the old man's offer, crushing any hope of a counter from him.

Alister's hand tightened into a fist beneath the table as he thought about his next step. He knew when he was outmatched. There was no point in raising the bid further; he simply didn't have the resources to continue. This was no longer a fight he could win.

The auctioneer paused, taking a look across the room. The intensity of the moment could clearly be seen, and he seemed to savor it.

"Thirty million from Lady Lian. Do we have any other bids?"

The attendees exchanged glances, but no one moved or spoke up. Lady Lian's offer was simply

too large for there to be any other attempts.

The auctioneer, noting everyone's silence, let the tension really sink in before he finally


"Going once... going twice..."

The entire hall held its breath, waiting for the inevitable outcome.

"Sold! To Lady Lian for thirty million!" The auctioneer's hammer came down with a loud

thud, echoing through the room.

The crowd erupted into applause, acknowledging both the incredible sum and the skillful way Lady Lian had outmaneuvered her competitors.

Alister remained still, his frustrated expression hidden behind his mask. He had been bested this time, but he was already thinking ahead, plotting his next move.

'I have to make her give it to me... I have to take it...'

'I don't have a choice in this; Miyu's life depends on it.'

Lady Lian, her expression as calm as ever, accepted the congratulations from those nearby with a polite smile. As she waved her hand, she said, "Alright, Sir Spade, I guess I'll be seeing you later. For now, I'll be going." She rose from her seat and slowly exited the VIP section, her bodyguards and massive silver wolf following her as she did.

Alister slowly turned around, clutching his fists as he watched her leave.

'My lord, what are you going to do now?' Terra asked.

For a moment, Alister paused, his thoughts racing. Using force seemed tempting, but it

should only be a last resort as long as other options were on the table. But there was none, or

perhaps there was.

'I'm going to have to talk to her. I'll cut her a deal.'

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