Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 49: Spilling some beans

Chapter 49: Spilling some beans

After a blowjob, Qin simply sat on the ground and frowned. He couldn't suppress his breakthrough anymore. It was getting harder and harder. He knew this would happen so he immediately closed his eyes but suddenly, he opened his eyes the next moment.

"What happened?" Qiao Fu asked him with surprise when he didn't breakthrough. His breakthrough is imminent after all. But what surprised her, even more, was her own improvement. She didn't improve by a stage but she still felt some improvement.

As cultivation reaches a higher realm, it is harder to improve. That's why she can easily feel the subtle change in her cultivation. Her cultivation was at the first realm of Origin Law. She was in the middle period and it was five years ago. Her cultivation reached a high period in just less than five hours.

How could it not surprise her? No matter how much she cultivates? Her cultivation didn't improve. She knew she could improve her cultivation through dual cultivation. But, the problem was she couldn't do it with others.

So, she remained stagnant and many people do not understand her cultivation. In fact, she is terribly low-key. Only a few people know about her true cultivation otherwise, that man wouldn't have attacked her five years ago while being a Revolving Core Realm cultivator.

Of course, this doesn't mean Qiao Family is strong. After all, she can't come out to face a man. Because she fears she will lose herself in lust and let them fuck her.

The thing that surprised her the most was she didn't use dual cultivation techniques while having sex with Qin. That's why she was surprised a lot. She didn't think Qin is a dual cultivator. After all, how could a sword devil in her eyes dual cultivate?

Because of his passion for swords and his swordsmanship, Qiao Fu already gives Qin as a sword devil.

Qin stares at her face and looks at those bouncy boobs. He wanted to taste those as well but both times, he didn't get a chance. And, more importantly, she only covered herself with a thin white robe. She was completely revealing her boobs and cave.

Qin sighed and suddenly closed his eyes. The next moment, a massive amount of qi burst of out him. But, this wasn't a normal qi. It was fire qi.

"You------- comprehended fire element?" Qiao Fu's eyes widen when she saw him channeling fire element. She knew Qin has a wind element but even that he has perfected yet. And, he didn't show Fire Element in the fight either.

Suddenly, she doubted whether Qin was truly acting low-key or did something happened?

Qin suspiciously looked at her and asked "Do.... You perhaps have the fire element?"

He has thought about this and wanted to confirm his guess. If it is true then, he could fuck her all day and night while getting stronger.

Qiao Fu nodded her head but suddenly her eyes widened, she pointed her finger at him and shuttered "Yo--- You do not mean you stole my fire element."

She freaked out for a moment and instantly released her qi. When she released her qi, Qin got solemn. The fire qi around her was a hundred times stronger than his. If she wants, she can kill him in a matter of seconds.

Qin finally understood what kind of risk he was taking.

"Hu! For a second, I thought you stole my fire element." Qiao Fu breathed an air of relief. But then she looked at him with confusion and asked "Why did you relate your fire element to me?"

Qin looked at her deeply and said "Because I am a dual cultivator."

Hearing his words, Qiao Fu blinked her eyes twice, making a cute face. She suddenly bursts into laughter "Hahahaha! When did you start to joke? How could you be a dual cultivator? You are a swordsman."

But her laughter fades away when she saw the seriousness in his look. She took a deep breath and asked "So, Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?"

Hearing her words, Qin's eyes shrunk.

'How did she know I have devil transformation?'

This question rang in his mind but Qiao Fu hurriedly spoke "Uhhh! Your sword cultivation was good and you were a sword freak with a great passion for swords. That's why I called you a Sword Devil. Don't get the wrong impression! I am not saying you are an actual devil."

Hearing her words, Qin looked at her with a dumbfounded gaze. But, he quickly changed his gaze because he didn't want to hear about the devil's transformation yet. But then he realized he can't hide it for a long time either.

After all, Qiao Fu will stay inside the mysterious space and he can only come to this space for devil cultivation. Qin took a deep breath and transformed into Rakshasa. His body got covered with dark scales and his face turned red.

"You.. You are a devil?" Qiao Fu instantly retreated a few steps and spoke with confusion all over her face. There was no fear in her eyes. She can still take down Qin with his devil transformation but she didn't attack.

Qin shook his head and spoke "I am just a human. But, I do cultivate a devil cultivation technique."

"But why? You are a sword cultivator. You don't need to practice devil cultivation techniques. And, don't you know it is taboo for humans to cultivate devil technique. If others find out, they will hunt you down. Can you stop this? Don't cultivate such technique!" Qiao Fu tried to convince him to give up the devil cultivation but Qin shook his head.

"Humans aren't good and the devil aren't bad. I am not an orphan but I am alone. If someone stronger attacks me, I might not be able to fight. I don't doubt my sword cultivation. But as you said, just because we have willpower doesn't mean we are strong."

"Without Devil Transformation, I can barely fight the peak Qi Condensation Realm cultivator. But, I already have stronger enemies such as Tan Family, Blood Demon Sect, and maybe even the Battle Dragon Sect. I can't stop it because it is the only thing that can help me survive in most desperate times." Qin shook his head and instantly declined her.

Although he hasn't seen the devil, he also knows how humans treat them. That's why Yue Bin killed those men even though he just gave them hope.

Qiao Fu looked at Qin for a long time and sighed "Five years, I waited for someone to free me for five years. Although I said, I can die taking the rod in my cave. I don't want to die, not when I am still this young. That's why I waited for five years."

"Of course, I didn't expect it to be you. I waited because I thought Cheng Family will come and free this restriction. I know they won't let me go that easily but for a man, what do I have to fear? Now, I have a chance to enjoy it and also change, I won't make mistakes."

She stared at his eyes and said "Don't worry, I won't reveal this to anyone even if I can't change myself."

Saying so, she walked away. Qin became silent for a moment. He understood what she meant. If she can't change herself, he can't keep her. And, after leaving him, she can tell others about his weakness and strength.

That's why he hesitated before showing her his devil cultivation. Qin looked at her back and sighed "Maybe people are not that bad as I thought."

Although his view on Qiao Fu changed, he still doesn't believe everyone is the same. He quickly dispel those thoughts and started focusing on his own cultivation. After a few seconds, he found another change in his body.

He had comprehended the Wind Element to perfection as well. He knew this happened during the sex. This made him even more curious about the Dual Cultivation Body. It seems he has a lot to explore. He quickly takes back his fire element and wind element.

Then, he took out the Lightning Hegemon Technique. Since he has the Lightning Spirit Body, he wanted to make lightning his base element. In the previous battle, he didn't use the lightning because he feared others might get suspicious of his identity.

After all, Qin Che who has joined Battle Dragon Sect has the Lightning Spirit Body. He opened the book and turned to the first page.

After an hour,

Qin Che closed the book and took a deep breath. According to this book, the Lightning Hegemon Technique is only for those who can bear extreme pain and suffering. If one can't handle such pain, he shouldn't practice this technique.

To practice this technique, he must gather three resources. One would be Lightning Elemental Stone, the second would be healing paste, and the third would be body tempering paste. Using Body Tempering Paste on a big bucket of water, then merged the healing paste on it as well.

Finally, sit on the bucket full of new solutions and use the lightning elemental stone on the water. The immense lightning qi can be stored in the lightning element stone.

So, when it is used, the body will absorb the lightning qi but before entering the body, the body tempering paste merged in the water enhances the lightning qi thus making it more destructive.

Absorbing such qi will be a suicide but one must absorb it. So, when the cells absorb it through pores, it destroys those cells and the healing paste in water heals the body. Two different things happening at the same time create Nirvana Effect.

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