Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 46: I can bet my life on it

Chapter 46: I can bet my life on it

Qiao Fu looked at him and asked "What happened?"

She didn't understand why Qin screamed in pain. She knew Qin was holding on but she didn't expect it to be so dangerous. Normally, if he hadn't held on, he would've come in the first movement.

"I didn't expect you to be this good." Qin looked at her with a painful smile and muttered. Breaking the Dual Cultivation Body, he knew just how much of an accomplishment is this. After talking with Claire, he learned a few things about the Dual Cultivation Body.

As long as your will is strong, it can hold you from cumming, impregnating women, and even keep your supreme rod straight for days and nights. Did she break his will? No, his will was as tough as the rock. She couldn't break his rule rather she broke his body.

And, not just a normal body, it was a Dual Cultivation Body. Supreme physique for dual cultivation. And, she just broke it in two minutes. How can he not be impressed by her?

At this moment, Qiao Fu couldn't help but slap his head. When Qin tried to ask why she hit, he saw the angry look on her face. She couldn't help but scream at him.

"I know you are a swordsman but do you think everything is just about Willpower? If it was the case, why would everyone fear Emperors? Why would everyone fear strong? Because willpower can't do everything. You need a body as well."

"I don't know why you held on for two minutes did but I know something was holding it for you. Didn't I tell you about me already? I am not your normal girl. Before marrying Cheng Gun, I could take fifty men in a single day without an orgy."

"Do you know what this means? I could make them useless in just a few minutes. People have willpower but their bodies can't hold it. Do you think I bragged about me being known to the entire continent as a legendary slut?"

"I am not bragging. Even if a god agrees to do it with me, I can make him bow under my skirt. That kind of skill I have. But, what about you? You are just a kid who has given away his virginity a few days ago. I am not insulting you."

"But, even with your willpower, I can take hundreds of you in a single day. I know it is shameful to cum as soon as I swallow it in. But, think it differently, who is swallowing your cock? Is it your virgin girl? No! It is me, the legendary slut Qiao Fu."

"If there is anything that I am proud of, it is to make any man who agreed to have sex kneel under my pussy. I know you aren't taking me seriously. And, if I don't change myself, you will definitely leave me. But, until then, take your time and enjoy."

"If there is a day when you can fuck me day and night without cumming, then there will be no woman in this world that you can't conquer in a single night. I can bet my life on it."

When he saw those eyes filled with pride and worries, Qin couldn't help but get startled. Pride! It's is something dangerous to have. But if you have the necessary skill to back it up, it is not pride rather confidence.

Does Qiao Fu have that skill? Yes, she has. Just contracting your inner cheek to that level and pressing it hard is not a skill that everyone can have. To do that, she must take the cock of thousands of people in her mouth.

Qin couldn't help but feel just how good this woman is at sex. Qiao Fu shook her hand and took out a few clothes. While wearing a thin white robe, she looked at him and said "You should recover first. And, also can you give me some pointers on swordsmanship?"

When he heard her words, Qin smiled. Although he was injured, he could still talk. He slowly started explaining the Way of Sword. He asked her to follow the Sword Cultivation as he explained everything about it.

After an hour, he left the mysterious space and appeared in the room.

As soon as he appeared, he saw a few maids waiting for him. All of them were wearing black robes. They looked at Qin and kneeled down "Master, please take us as well!"

When Qin heard that, he frowned. He wasn't interested in sluts. He only took Qiao Fu because he promised her. But, suddenly Qiao Fu spoke in his mind.

'You don't need to be sexually engaged with them. Just treat them as your subordinates. These four girls are the best talent I have found in the entire Flame City. Currently, they are Revolving Core cultivators. I trained them to be an assassin.'

'Let them hide in dark and protect you. They are very loyal to me and that's why they treat you as their master. Treat them as your maids.'

Hearing her words, Qin shook his head 'If I rely on someone else in my journey, I will never grow. The path of a swordsman is filled with tribulation and training. But, I do have something for them.'

After that, he took out a pen and a piece of paper. He started drawing a figure in a piece of paper. After the drawing was complete, he showed it to them and said "You can follow me or rather do something for me. For now, find all the information about this person."

But, when one of the maids held the paper from his hand, she looked at him with a confused expression.

"Master, are you sure this is the person you are looking for?"

Hearing her question, Qin frowned but nodded his head.

"Master, I almost forget you aren't from Flame City and you only joined the sect yesterday. This person is non-other than the son of the sect master of Battle Dragon Sect. He is a very cruel person and often slaughter villages when they don't comply with his words."

"Is he is your enemy, master?" The maid couldn't help but look at Qin cautiously and ask.

"Yes!" At this moment, Qin's eyes were bursting with intense killing intent. The sword energy was roaring out of his body. The flames of hatred were bursting out of his eyes. This was the exact person who slaughtered his village.

And, he didn't expect him to be the son of Battle Dragon Sect Master. As soon as he thought, he took a deep breath and calmed down. He wasn't an idea. The Battle Dragon Sect Master was an Origin Law Realm cultivator. He can't face him without proper strength.

Not to mention, he also has an enemy with the Blood Demon Sect. And, there are other top cultivators in the sect as well. He must hide his strength train himself before he kills that person and takes revenge.

At this moment, he realized just how important being low-key is. He thought for a long time and looked at the maid.

"Do you know Yue Bin from Battle Dragon Sect?"

The maid nodded her head. At this moment, Qiao Fu's voice rang on his head 'These four maids have almost every information that you want to know.'

"Good! I want you to go to her family and protect them in dark." Qin commanded them but his words made them confused.

The maid couldn't help but open her mouth "What about you, master?"

"I don't need protection. By the way, can you tell me your names?" Qin asked as he shook his head.

"My name is Ah Re." The maid with the tallest body introduced herself. Then, she pointed at the maid with the smallest body and introduced "She is Ah Se."

Then, she pointed at the maid with a ponytail and said "She is Ah Wu."

Finally, she pointed at the girl with falling hair and said "She is Ah Min."

Qin nodded his head and walked out. The four maids looked at each other and sighed. In the end, they still followed his command. When Qin walked out of the building, many women looked at him with confusion.

Some of them tried to make the conversation but Qin rejected them and walked away. He knows he doesn't have time to waste here. He needs to grow stronger and take his revenge. Revenge is like a knot. The more you wait, the harder it will be.

"Qin, be careful!"

Qiao Fu's voice suddenly rang in his mind. He pressed his left leg on the ground and dodged to the right. As he dodged, a spear pierced the place where he was before.

"Do you need help?" Qiao Fu asked because the opponent was not a normal one.

"Yes!" When Qin nodded his head, a shock appeared on her face. Qiao Fu thought he would reject her but when she heard his next words, she was dumbfounded.

"Can you use your qi to hide my breath and my face?" At this moment, Qin didn't have any intention to ask for help. The opponent was at the peak of Qi Condensation Realm.

But, so what?

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