Sword Devil Also Dual Cultivates?

Chapter 138: Shadow Empress

Chapter 138: Shadow Empress

"What is zone?" Qin stared at Lan Ming with confusion and asked.

Lan Ming slapped his forehead and muttered "You don't know zone and you don't have a talent for swordsmanship. More importantly, the first sentence you said before the game and the first sentence after the game are contradictory."

"This is nuts. I can't decide what you truly want."

Qin looked at him strangely and asked "Are you going to tell me what exactly is Zone?"

Lan Ming pressed his eyes and puts his hand, saying "Zone is a special ability that only a few people can unlock. Zhao Tan is one of them. He didn't have the talent for anything before. But, due to his hard work, he was able to awaken Zone. But."

Then, he turned his head at Zhao Tan and continued "His cultivation technique suppressed the effect of the zone. Of course, without cultivation technique, he would be nothing. But still, his new and only talent was some that he can't ignore. But now, it seems things are settled down."

Then, he turned his head at Qin and continued "But, you also seem to be someone who has entered Zone. Did you train with a sword before starting the cultivation?"

"Yeah, I did train swordsmanship for almost eight years. Though I did train with other weapons some time most of the time, I used the sword." Qin nodded his head and answered.

"This explains why you were able to enter Zone. But, your swordsmanship seems a little complicated. I am surprised why you aren't having sword deviation with that mentality." Lan Ming stared at him with confusion and asked.

Only then, Qin smiled and said "Now I understand what you mean. Well, you are indeed correct. Because I did have a sword deviation recently. But, I did manage to fix it somehow. And, since I already had the knowledge and experience, it didn't take long to return to my original sword cultivation."

"As for zone, I do not know more about it. Can you tell me?"

Lan Ming nodded his head and turned around "I can indeed explain it to you and believe me it's something amazing. But first, let's do what we have to do here. I don't know how long can we stay here. So, try to memorize everything rather than comprehending it, alright?"

Hearing his words, everyone rolled their eyes. They were confused by his leadership attitude. But, they did as he said. Qin wanted to learn about Zone. But, after seeing everyone's enthusiasm, he didn't speak.

Rather, he turned his head to Qiao Fu and whispered "See! These people do not care too much. And, you can control yourself. Just believe in yourself."

Qiao Fu bites her lips and nods her head with determination. Then, she walked away to find something for herself.

"What happened? Why so much love for her?" Yue Bin appeared behind him and asked. When Qin turned around and saw her eyes, he found jealousy in her eyes.

"Nothing! I just find the truth. By the way, how was your game?" Qin smiled and shook his head before asking her.

Yue Bin shrugged her shoulders and said "It was nothing too extraordinary but."

Then, she pulled Luo Xue near and blinked at him, saying "We two are now sisters."

Qin's eyebrows twitched upon hearing her. He didn't understand the reason behind that blink. But, he quickly saw the change in her expression and immediately spoke "Amazing! I don't know what to say."

It was his true feelings. He truly doesn't know what to say here. He found Yue Bin was indicating something but he didn't understand what it was.

"Alright, Sister Xue, I will go around and search for dragon scriptures. Until then, you can stroll around with Qin." Saying so, Yue Bin slightly leaned close to Luo Xue and whispered "This is your chance. Grab it!"

Luo Xue couldn't help but tremble to hear those words. Yue Bin smirked at Qin and left. At this moment, Guan Xing also noticed it and frowned. As Yue Bin walked away, he followed her.

On another hand, Qin stared at Yue Bin speechlessly and turned his head at Luo Xue "So, I am going to search darkness and light attribute cultivation technique. What about you?"

"I. I want to search for them as well." Luo Xue lowered her head, blushing fiercely. She bites her lips and spoke.

Qin tilts his head slightly and spoke: "But, aren't you good at Metal Element?"

Hearing his words, Luo Xue was startled. She hurriedly started speaking "No-no-no. I need those techniques for something else."

Qin nodded his head and walked away. Luo Xue hurriedly followed him. At this moment, Qin was thinking something.

'Is Yue Bin asking me to flirt with her? But, why would she suddenly suggest something like that? By the way, she did change a lot after her bloodline awakening. For now, let's just go with the flow! I will ask her about this after leaving this place.'

'Though Luo isn't bad.'

Qin slightly glanced at her and thought to himself. He does find Luo Xue attractive but that's not enough reason to establish a relationship with her. He wasn't even sure whether flirt with her again. Because he knows she has some kind of alternate motives.

"So, Senior Sister Xue, what do you plan to do after this?" Qin asked as he turned his head at her.

Luo Xue was startled by his sudden question but quickly replied "After this, I plan to return back to my home. I have something to do. This time I am going to miss the Comet Festival but I will return after a month."

"Ohh! Do you want to join us after a month?" Qin was surprised by her words. But, he invited her to their future adventure immediately.

Luo Xue tilts her head in confusion and asked: "Where are you going after the festival?"

"We will be leaving this region. Hopefully, if everything goes correctly, we will try to reach the capital and stay there. This place can't improve our strength more. This secret mansion and something else is the only thing that held me till now."

"So, what about you? Do you want to join us?" Qin explained her while inviting her once again.

"Of course, it would be my pleasure to join you. By the way, who else will go with you except for Qiao Fu and Sister Yue?" Luo Xue curiously asked.

"Everyone else!" Qin replied as he swings his arms."

"Arare you taking me as well?" Suddenly, a voice startled both of them. They hurriedly turned around and saw the girl standing behind them. She was the same girl wearing a blue and white dress.

"Oh, it's you! How did you get behind us? Were you following us?" Qin asked with confusion. Although he was relaxed, he wasn't that relaxed to completely forget his surroundings. But, he didn't even feel her. It's almost like she wasn't even there.

It was so ridiculous to the point that he even forgot that she was inside the mansion.

"UmmI was following you from the start. As... I asked, are you going to take me as well?" Liu Bing asked while her voice was still shuttering.

"If you want to come, we can take you. After all, you did reach the top ten and with that skill of yours, I bet you would be a great help. But, can I ask you something?" Qin asked.

Liu Bing raised her head and nodded.

"Umm.. Sorry to ask this but what's your name?" Qin finally got a chance to ask her name. Unlike Lan Ming, nobody else knows her name. Because she didn't even get a chance to introduce herself properly at the start and everybody else forgot her quickly.

"My name is Liu Bing." Liu Bing answered while lowering her head.

"Nice name! By the way, what kind of power is this? How can you remain silent for so long? Is it your physique or bloodline? Oh sorry, you don't have to answer if you mind." Qin curiously asked her but suddenly realized his mistake and apologized with a slight bow.

"You have no darkness in your heart." But, Liu Bing's next words made him dumbfounded.

"Huh!" Qin stared at her with confusion.

"I belong to darkness but you belong to nothingness. I don't understand. I was supposed to be the master of the void, eternal slumber. How can you belong there?" Liu Bing curiously started moving around him, analyzing his body while muttering words the Qin and Luo Xue found weird.

"Sister Bing, are you okay? Why are you suddenly talking about darkness, void, eternal slumber?" Qin asked her with confusion on his face. He didn't understand what she was saying.

Liu Bing's footsteps stopped and she swiped her hands while saying "Because of this!"

The next moment, a blue panel appeared in front of him.

"Name- Liu Bing

Title- Shadow Empress

Cultivation- Qi Gathering Realm- Ninth Stage

Bloodline- Eternal Monarch of Darkness

Bloodline Ability- Shadow Puppets, Cloak of Darkness

Element- Dark Element

Divine Ability- Eyes of Infinity

Martial Arts- Sword of Darkness, Dark Arrows, Shadow Blink, and Wall of Darkness

Item- None"

Qin pointed at the screen with confusion and asked "What the hell is this? Is it the same as those blue boxes?"

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