Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

Chapter 219 - Fireflies

Chapter 219 - Fireflies

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

The Crosson Show’s live stream room.

As the showdown began, the virtual screen projected up the final survivor count, 12.

The special effects for the 12 player columns extended from the top all the way down to the bottom of the page! The support values of the players at the bottom rose up rapidly, and in the broadcasting hall, colorful advertisements from all over the world were pouring in. It seemed that they were sending out advertisements with the talent show––

The camera cut back to the elimination match arena.

The compartment room behind the broken mirror.

Caesar, dressed in a dark red embroidered gown, panted as he slowly got to his feet.

Blood Pigeon, Ying Xiangxiang: “......”

The scrolling comments: “Holy shit hahahahahahahahahaooooh––”

90% of the cameras in the venue rushed towards Caesar!

This White Moonlight assault player had directly exploded the waist of the gown. The 1.9 meter figure beneath the gown showed a non-stop 300 pound domineering aura, and this was a scene that no fairy tale queen had ever shown before!

Caesar slowly raised up his machete!

The Queen snapped the threads on the gown beneath the armpit, and the skirt of the gown was pulled up with his arm, revealing legs covered in hair. There was a ripping sound, as Caesar’s Byzantine lantern sleeves expanded again––it wasn’t the sleeves that were bulging, but rather Caesar’s bulging deltoids and triceps!

“!!” Yu Chu, who’d been watching secretly from outside the door, started running away!

Caesar’s eyes were as big as copper bells, his face as big as a plate, and the iron hoop skirt banged under the force of his movements. As Caesar began to run, a circle of hard carbon-based armor extended to form a protected layer at a speed visible to the layered eye. The surface was then tempered and strengthened to form an impregnable Caesar fortress.

“How dare you run in front of your granddaddy Caesar?! [Beep––] your dress wearing...”

In the Crosson Show live broadcast room, the audience feasted their eyes and discussed eagerly, “Hardcore Queen!”, “Princess Snow White opened her eyes and was scared into stuffing herself straight back into the coffin!”

At the center of the camera shot, Yu Chu finally gave up resisting Caesar’s mechanically reinforced attacks. He appeared quite calm and gentle as he explained himself with sophistry, “We were never allies. I plotted against you, but now I’ve given you a body covered with equipment to make amends. If you calculate it, you gained an ally out of thin air, and a whole body of equipment. It was a worthwhile trade. Calm down a bit and think about it...”

Off-camera, Instructor Blood Pigeon, who was providing commentary, calmed down, thought about it, and felt that there was some truth there.

However, Caesar didn’t say another word as he chopped down with his blade! Contestant Yu Chu instantly transformed into a popped up life-saving capsule!

Blood Pigeon: “......”

Ying Xiangxiang smiled: Contestant Caesar didn’t seem to have the ‘thinking’ function installed.

The huge life-saving capsule rolled down towards the end of the corridor. At present, there were 11 people still alive.

Ying Xiangxiang controlled the camera positions, and the camera once again focused on Caesar with the heavy armor. The ball skirt fortress had been strengthened again, and the female instructor gave the same conclusion that Wu Jin had come to, “The Queen’s evolutionary direction is defense, Karen’s is attack, and the Nightingale’s is agility. Now, Contestant Caesar&#k2013;&#k2013;”

There was a loud noise at the scene!

It sounded like a violent metallic impact. An alloy arrow left a strong wind behind it as it flew in fiercely from the corner of the corridor, straight at the metal joints in Caesar’s arm!

Ying Xiangxiang’s mouth dropped open in amazement.

Caesar’s mechanical armor had very strong defenses and ultimately wasn’t pierced by the arrow. Only a few surface parts fell off and jingled as they rolled down the stairs. Ying Xiangxiang immediately realized, “Is that Contestant Zuo Botang’s arrow? It’s a pity that based on Contestant Caesar’s current level of defense, there are no cold steel weapons on the field that can break through his armor.”

“Now then, let’s switch the camera to Karen and the Nightingale...”

The main camera changed directions.

From the perspective of a certain support player, Caesar could be seen jumping in to fight with an archer. In the corridor, Zuo Botang quickly picked up the metal parts that had rolled down from the Queen’s elbow joint and led Ming Yao to retreat as quickly as possible.

At the other end of the corridor.

At the moment that the scene changed, the atmosphere in the live broadcast channel suddenly heated up!

If Wei Yan beating up ordinary players and Caesar beating up Yu Chu violently was like watching a one-sided contest between mechanical armor and ordinary human beings, then Karen and the Nightingale was the ultimate visual feast based on dark fairy tales, cyberpunk, and women’s clothing.

In the middle of the screen, Wu Jin gasped for air. The metal extension around the joint of his knee was a wreck, and the white silk stockings around it appeared carbon black from being scorched. On the other side, Wei Yan was no better off than Wu Jin. A pair of pink wings was only open at half mast, and his fighting spirit burned like a raging fire in his eyes.

They were well-matched in strength.

The camera quickly rushed towards the two people!

Ying Xiangxiang took over the microphone and spoke quickly, “There is no doubt that Contestant Wei Yan has demonstrated a perfect S-level performance. But it must be said that Contestant Wu’s strategy is slightly better. Karen’s restraint of the Nightingale is reflected in the following ways: The thrusters, the robotic arm and the attack speed, defense, and aiming.”

“As we all know, Wu Jin is an A-level trainee. With the benefit of these restraints, Wu Jin can easily resist Wei Yan’s attack and perform even better than he had in the previous round of elimination matches...”

Wei Yan suddenly jumped down from the air, and the thin blade of the rose thorn bayonet covered in electricity sliced down with the force of thunder!

Wu Jin dodged to the side, and then his right hand that was coated in soft gel armor grasped Wei Yan’s blade tightly––

Ying Xiangxiang wasn’t surprised, “He wants to dissolve Contestant Wei Yan’s blade... Wait a minute!”

They all saw that Wu Jin didn’t hesitate to input instructions for refitting. An instant before his palm touched the blade, the youth extended the metal armor from his wrist to his fingertips.

Wei Yan’s expression stiffened abruptly, and he tried to withdraw the blade and retreat––

Wu Jin’s lips flattened. He held the blade firmly and pulled it towards him. There was nothing between the contact surface of the metal arm and the blade, and through the energy supply from the high-voltage mechanical core, a huge lethal current of several hundred milliamps was suddenly released!


Karen and the Nightingale collided like two metal mecha. The ceiling was blown open in that instant, and earth and stone bricks and tiles toppled down. The Nightingale turned to retreat, but the evil spirit Karen refused to let go until one of them was dead!

In the Crosson Show live broadcasting hall, Ying Xiangxiang was surprised, saying, “This... suicide attacks have the most destructive power, but it will leave both players wounded. They aren’t the only two mechanical ghosts in the arena. Even if Wei Yan is killed, Caesar is still there. Little Witch doesn’t have to––”

Blood Pigeon shook his head, “The problem is Caesar.”

“At present there are only 10 people left. Caesar failed to catch Jingyi just now, and in order to let out his anger, he eliminated Thin Fire and strengthened his armor. In other words, other than the three female ghosts, there are only seven ‘portions’ left who can be offered up to the female ghosts in the competition.”

“If Wu Jin continues to fight with Wei Yan, no matter who wins, what’s waiting for them will be a Caesar who has devoured all seven people and can’t even be killed with neutron cannons.”

“On the other hand, if the battle is determined quickly––the survivor can grab food away from Caesar and continue to evolve. Only in this way will he have the capital to compete with Caesar for first place.”

At the edge of the seventh elimination match arena.

The dome had been destroyed and blackened by the strong electric current. Rubble fell to the ground like ruins after a nuclear explosion! Wu Jin staggered out of the ruins and resumed fighting Wei Yan at the same time––

Far away in a corner of the corridor, a contestant who was aiming at Wu Jin with a crossbow arrow screamed shrilly.

The tip of a blade quietly landed on his neck.

Wei Shi appeared like a ghost.

That contestant immediately recognized Wei Shi and didn’t hesitate to turn the crossbow at Wei Yan instead, “Let’s talk about it, I can help Wu Jin...”

He hadn’t finished his words when the life-saving capsule popped out!

The B+ contestant from the Crosson Show who’d worked so hard to survive to the end was caught by surprise by the life-saving capsule, complaining incessantly. Wasn’t Little Witch God Wei’s ally? What was wrong with helping Little Witch? Wait a minute, if Wei Shi ambushed him here, he could help deal with Wei Yan at any time, and yet, he let Wu Jin go up to fight by himself––

So what had he come here for? Was he just here to maintain the fairness of Contestant Little Witch’s 1v1 fight??

Outside the life-saving capsule, Wei Shi indifferently set aside his blade and kicked away the spherical life-saving capsule that was blocking his view.

Under the broken dome, Wei Yan was on the verge of falling; the damage his mechanical refitting had suffered was significantly greater than Wu Jin’s. Wu Jin’s entire body was also in a sorry state. Part of Karen’s metal armor had peeled off, revealing row after row of small, single person combat weapons.

There was a ripping sound as Wei Yan tore down the top of the dress. His dark combat vest outlined his tight muscle lines, and above it was a cold, expressionless face. Below, was a pink fairy chiffon skirt.

The skirt flew up in the air!

The thrusters suddenly started up. Wei Yan’s right arm tensed with power, and the rose thorn bayonet was thrown out from above. Taking advantage of Wu Jin having to dodge aside, the Nightingale charged down, carefully opening up the cannon at the right side of his waist. A miniature blue laser gun aimed directly at Wu Jin’s eyebrows!

Wu Jin lifted his arm in a flash. The metal shield that had originally wrapped around his arm opened up like wings, connecting instantly with the laser center. The mechanical gears over his entire body shifted together, and a chain saw power dagger ejected from a gap at his waist, cutting apart Wei Yan’s weapon––

The dagger and the laser were scrapped at the same time. The momentum from the dagger took it directly towards the laser energy core, and countless bright blue sparks burst out like rain!

The two of them covered their heads almost simultaneously.

Due to the lack of thrusters, the hydrocarbon combustible fuel couldn’t explode and cause massive damage. Instead, it floated in the air looking like blue ghosts. The energy cluster that should have been released after coming into contact with the target had been ignited ahead of time, and a large amount of dust came out from the burning substance, bringing with it the scent of sulfur.

Their fields of vision were filled with a misty white.

The blue dots swirled and dissipated, flying and spinning.

Oxygen was consumed in large quantities.

In the vast white fog, Wu Jin’s cheeks beneath the mask were flushed from holding his breath. Beneath the damaged soft gel armor, his skin was marked with all kinds of wounds.

The exit to the corridor was over ten meters away. As long he rushed over, he could break away from the fight and breathe in fresh oxygen.

But now was his best chance.

Most of Karen’s mechanical armor had been damaged and clanked with his movements. As for the Nightingale––due to the suppression from the rules, the Nightingale had started off half as powerful as Karen.

Wei Yan no longer had any defensive armor.

Wu Jin pulled out a long knife from behind him.

Half a minute later.

The wrist watches of all the remaining contestants beeped twice. Wei Yan had been eliminated, and the current survival number was 9.

Wu Jin rushed out of the white fog, breathing hard to catch his breath.

Then he reached out and beckoned to the big boss, “Quick, quick, quick, quick!”

The cameras that had been shooting the fight just now had been blown away, and the rest were still moving around in a daze in the dust. The one that had nearly caught up to Wu Jin was kicked back by a foot.

Without the cameras paying attention––

Wu Jin reached out a hand to Wei Shi, his eyes sparkling.

The glowing blue hydrocarbon combustor was held in the palm of Wu Jin’s barely intact, heat-insulation coated palm, the flame inside weak and dying.

Like captured blue fireflies.

The corner of Wei Shi’s lips rose up, and he stroked a hand over the wig that covered Wu Jin’s small and quivering curls.

Wu Jin released the little fireflies, and the light clusters burned out.

“There’s 25 minutes until the end of the hour.” Wu Jin looked at his watch, then threw away his blunted blade, replacing it with Wei Yan’s rose thorn bayonet. His voice was full of pride, “Watch me wrap things up early.”

Wei Shi made a sound of acknowledgement, his voice carrying a trace of indecipherable meaning, “OK.”

Juurensha: Wow Little Witch clearing the field!

xiin: our little baby rabbit has grown up so much~

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