Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

Chapter Ch175.1 - Druid

Chapter Ch175.1 - Druid

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

Wu Jin suddenly raised up the scepter and pointed it in front of him––

The chariot’s vibration went from faint to severe, and the horse was pulled by the mechanical gears as the current vibrated violently between the upper and lower electrodes. The entire two meter high ancient Roman chariot rolled forward, bypassing the opponent who was rushing straight at them from the side!

Two cameras flew over swiftly!

The two chariots avoided a collision by only a fraction of a centimeter.

The two warriors raised up their spears at the same time. The trainee who was at the forefront was brimming over with fighting intent.

Wei Shi’s presence didn’t diminish at all. He narrowed his eyes, his ten fingers wrapping around the weapon. The cold light in his eyes covered up the unfamiliarity and confusion hidden deep down.

Wei Shi cut down with great force!

In the Crosson Show live broadcast room, the audience that had already been waiting for a long time cried out in the scrolling comments, “God Wei ahhhhh, so handsome! So handsome! God Wei!”

Inside the bumper car arena.

Wu Jin knew that Wei Shi was fighting through sheer instinct.

The 16 year old Wei Shi had received very little professional training, but he didn’t have the habit of hiding or showing fear. His instincts mixed in smoothly with the long spear in his hand, and he forced his opponent to lean back slightly to avoid the attack.

Behind him. Wu Jin’s thoughts moved like electricity. He lowered the scepter, and his brow was furrowed, giving him a solemn air. “Kill.”

The chariot turned, following the scepter, and charged at the attackers as though seeking revenge.

Back stage, in the Crosson broadcast room, the small director accurately captured Wu Jin’s actions and urged the camera to turn. At the same time, Wu Jin and Wei Shi were both caught in the same frame. When Wei Shi turned back to look at Wu Jin, the two of them exchanged a brief glance––

The druid holding a green scepter was like a god of life and death.

The warrior was stoic, willing to be the druid’s sharp blade.

The audience: “Ahhhhhh it’s real––”

Wu Jin showed no expression at all.

Their opponents attacked again, and a brief scuffle broke out. The youth suddenly controlled the chariot to retreat, and the vehicle carried the two of them to avoid the collision at a tricky angle.

In the live broadcast room, even Blood Pigeon, who was explaining the situation, was stunned. “Little Witch is trying to play stably, but he’s being too cautious. Based on Contestant Wei’s fighting ability, it’s not a problem to just let the cars collide directly...”

In the camera.

Wei Shi’s rhythm wasn’t disturbed by Wu Jin’s sudden turn. The Celtic warrior quickly turned to defend, unconditionally obeying any order the druid gave.

From behind him, Wu Jin’s frequent changes between offense and defense continued to puzzle the instructors.

However, a short time later, the camera shifted to focus on Wu Jin instead of on both people at the same time.

There was no other reason for it. One close-up of Wu Jin was enough to have the fans screaming and cheering.

The youth in the chariot didn’t have the usual &#k2018;bloody aura’ of those in a survival show arena. His expression was cold but attractive, and every time he waved the scepter in his right hand, it would alter the battle situation. He was almost completely in line with the &#k2018;druid’ from the Celtic civilization.

In the live broadcast room, Blood Pigeon was currently focusing on the inscriptions and giving the audience a general introduction, “Druids were the people who spoke with the gods in Celtic culture. During their era, they were almost like gods themselves, and they had absolute authority. In Western Europe, 2000 years ago, druids took on the role of the priests, doctors, teachers, judges, and prophets for their people...”

“In this bumper car arena, players team up in pairs and are divided up into warriors and druids. Taking Little Witch’s group as an example, even if Contestant Wu manipulates the chariot to hit the wall and self destruct, Contestant Wei can’t do anything about it.”

The scrolling comments exploded again.

“Offering up even my bones for you”, “May God’s grace be mighty, and cover me in unlimited shackles”, “I fight for the dawn, and dawn is you”, and so other such chaotic CP messages all flew by.

Ying Xiangxiang was watching Wu Jin carefully.

The camera that was used to shoot the Scarf CP was basically locked onto Wu Jin and only occasionally switched to show Wei Shi. What alerted Ying Xiangxiang intuitively was that everyone, including the audience, didn’t seem to realize that there was a serious imbalance in the ratio of lens time.

“He’s snatching away the focus of the camera.” Ying Xiangxiang murmured to Blood Pigeon during a moment when the microphone was off, “Little Witch is purposely redirecting the camera, taking the focus away from Contestant Wei. But, why?”

Crosson Show, sixth elimination match arena.

Wu Jin was still holding the scepter steadily, but his palms were sweaty and sticky. He continued to interact with the camera, and he kept his expressions at a minimum, out of fear that the camera would turn to the big boss––

There was no other reason for it.

The big boss had only been badass for that one moment at the start!

Then, the weakness of his uncoordinated limbs became a serious problem.

The 27 year old’s weight, bone density, and muscle mass were all different from that of a 16 year old’s. Wei Shi’s control of the spear might be good one moment, then bad the next. If Wei Shi was a precise and elegant photon beam gun, then at this moment, the killing ability was still there, but all the parameters were wrong.

Wu Jin had to give him enough time to calibrate the ‘gun’.

In the entire bumper car arena, there were players fighting in pairs in every corner. Fortunately, Qin Jinbao, who was the strongest in close combat, and Jingyi, who cooperated with tacit understanding, weren’t in their own combat circle.

Their opponents were two B-level and C-level trainees.

Wu Jin once again controlled the chariot and charged towards the opposite side.

Wei Shi struck out powerfully and hit his opponent’s axe, almost causing sparks to burst out into the air. This time, his arm was much more stable than it had been before.

Not enough.

Wu Jin quickly controlled the chariot to flee. Seated on the back of the horse, Wei Shi’s back was as rigid as a sword, his head bowed as he fine tuned his fighting posture.

Another collision.

Wei Shi’s spear shot out and nearly knocked over the other trainee on horseback, but the force of his attack was a little short. Wu Jin narrowed his eyes slightly and calculated that the gun calibration was at 85%.

Another charge.

Wei Shi exerted power with both arms and hurled the spear at the opposite side.

Gun calibration 100%.

The C-level trainee suddenly fell off his horse’s back, and the winner of their combat circle was determined!

Nearby, Jingyi and Dolma had already finished cutting down their enemy and were frequently shooting looks in Wu Jin’s direction. It seemed as though they were pondering why the Scarf group, which was ranked first in strength, was taking so long.

Wu Jin continued to stare closely at Wei Shi.

The man on the back of the horse turned back proudly and raised his chin to Wu Jin. He was like a honed sword blade that shone brilliantly in the field.

Wu Jin grinned and reached out a hand to give him a high five.

Wei Shi used his eyes to express his displeasure. Only a high five?

Wu Jin’s brain waves connected with the big boss’s instantly. He could only take advantage of the way the cameras weren’t paying attention to quickly express that they could settle this later, and the reward would be given after they left! They couldn’t just kiss in front of the cameras...

Wei Shi turned back, his ears slightly red, but he soon recovered his composure.

He’d just wanted to have the little shortie lean over for a hug. The little shortie’s mind was really full of such decadent things!

The Colosseum bell rang out again.

When they entered the arena, the players had been divided into three groups with two teams each that had fought against each other. At this time, a duel platform rose up abruptly from the center of the arena!

Jingyi, Dolma, and Scarf’s chariots were all moved into the duel circle.

The big boss’s spear had already been thrown out. Wu Jin quickly picked up a sword and tossed it at Wei Shi. Even before Wu Jin could finish inspecting the duel circle, the small words on the scepter changed again:

“Druids are priests, healers, and judges.”

Wu Jin was bewildered, “What––”

Inside the final duel circle, the second round of bumper car collisions had already begun. Wu Jin only caught a glimpse of their previous opponent waiting outside the finals circle before Ming Yao started charging in their direction.

Ming Yao really must have wanted to charge at them for a long time now!

Whether or not the 16 year old big boss could beat Ming Yao was unknown. Wu Jin turned the scepter and used the side of the chariot to catch the impact from Jingyi’s attack. After that, Qin Jinbao charged in, and they were hit three consecutive times––

The bumper car shook violently from the impact! Wu Jin could only grasp the edge of the chariot, and when he looked down again, his eyes widened in consternation.

One side corner of the chariot had fallen off and was clearly unable to withstand another hit. When he looked up again, Jingyi and Dolma’s chariots had also been damaged to varying degrees.

At this time, a white beam of light suddenly landed over the Colosseum and came to a stop on the stone floor. The red cross in the projection beam could be seen faintly.

Wu Jin paused, “Druids are healers...”

Zuo Botang and Wu Jin reacted at almost the same time, but Zuo Botang’s hand speed was higher than Wu Jin’s. Jingyi’s chariot rushed quickly towards the white beam and coincided with the red cross––Jingyi’s damaged chariot was quickly repaired by the memory metal and became as intact as it had been previously.

Wu Jin, Qin Jinbao: “!!!”

The beam turned out to be a buff!

The two teams of players who hadn’t been able to grab the buff immediately shared the same aggro meters. The two chariots rushed towards Jingyi simultaneously, Wei Shi’s long sword pointing at Ming Yao, when a second beam landed. Inside the beam were two overlapping black chains.

Wu Jin murmured, “Chains... torture, law enforcement, druids are judges!”

Wu Jin: “Sit tight!”

Wei Shi tacitly held up the sword, and the three chariots raced over at high speeds. When they passed by Qin Jinbao, Wei Shi suddenly leaned forward and stabbed at Dolma’s druid.

Qin Jinbao’s teammate: “!!!”

Wu Jin glanced over quickly. The big boss really was tall, and his legs were long, giving him an absolute physical advantage when it came to chopping down from horseback. After the attack, he manipulated the chariot with precision and overlapped it with the beam with the chains.

The green scepter turned black. It was now the same color as the chains.

Wu Jin pointed the scepter at Jingyi in a flash.

There were two clattering sounds, and then Jingyi’s chariot was inexplicably imprisoned by chains that appeared from within the stone! However, before Wu Jin could breathe a sigh of relief, a third beam of line shone down!

A white light with a scepter pattern was projected within.

Priest sacrifice.

Qin Jinbao managed to get one step ahead of Wu Jin, heading towards the altar that was rising up slowly in the middle of the arena. Before Dolma could reach the altar, Wu Jin stuffed the scepter near his waist, looked down and picked up a spear, and led the big boss with him to charge at Qin Jinbao––

Qin Jinbao’s teammate: “Holy shit!”

The two of them had thought that Wei Shi would attack and hadn’t expected that Wu Jin would let go of the scepter and be so fierce. However, Wu Jin was eager to protect his cub and was afraid that Qin Jinbao’s sharp eyes would discover that something wasn’t right with the big boss!

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