Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

Chapter Ch168.2 - Fulfilling An Oath

Chapter Ch168.2 - Fulfilling An Oath

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

Floating Civil Affairs Bureau.

The small civil servant who dealt with civil affairs squeaked and was almost shocked into falling off his chair.

Wu Jin was still reading the license rules carefully, his small round face serious beneath the mask.

Wei Shi had read it through countless times long ago and led Wu Jin directly to the window.

A probe swept over the two people’s terminals.

The small civil servant trembled, “Hi, hello, what kind of oath are you filing for...”

There were more than 4000 options in <Floating City’s Marriage Certificate Handling Manual> that included details for single spouse marriages, group marriages, open marriages, pairing marriages, and even walking marriages.

Wu Jin had only read up to option 144.

Wei Shi: “2798.”

The small civil servant quickly flipped through and found it, “Okay! It’s a single spouse marriage. Will both parties please sign.”

Wei Shi’s signature was like dragons and phoenixes dancing, while Wu Jin quickly added his round and chubby signature behind it. The start of the word ‘Wu’ and the end of the word ‘Shi’ were hooked together softly.

The small civil servant continued reading, “The oath is sworn with material evidence that represents the contract... Two sirs, did you bring the required bullet? Who will make the oath?”

Wu Jin blankly pulled out a pocket full of bullets.

Wei Shi instructed, “Pick one.”

Wu Jin stretched out his hand and chose the first bullet in the big boss’s life, the one with the prefabricated shrapnel.

Wei Shi nodded and handed it to the civil servant, “I’m the one taking the oath.”

The small civil servant’s eyes were stunned, then filled with reverence. He handed a red form to Wei Shi, “Please sign the oath. When you’re done, it will be deemed complete, and the contract will be legally protected by the law.”

Wei Shi nodded.

The civil servant had already quickly filled in the bullet number, caliber size, and production information before returning it to Wu Jin on a velvety satin cushion.

The signing was complete.

The civil servant congratulated them warmly, “Congratulations, from today on, your identity chips will always be linked together. As long as the information network that represents human civilization still exists, your marriage oath will never be erased.”

“Well then, happy new marriage.”

The printer automatically spat out the ‘2798 oath filing form’, two copies.

Wei Shi handed it to Wu Jin.

As they left, Wu Jin was staring at the form in astonishment, “It says-says-says-says-says- says that I can...”

Wei Shi nodded.

The suspension car once again brought the two people away. Wu Jin read through the entire contract.

Material Evidence Contract Marriage Oath, Regulation No. 2798.

The marriage contracting party (parties): Wei Shi, Wu Jin.

Material evidence contracting party (single party): Wei Shi.

Registered bullet: C7223 shotgun bullet with prefabricated shotgun, production time 3018, production source Ninth Federal Military Office (model 3008).

In the event of a marital fault by contracting party [Wei Shi] (bigamy, cohabitation with another person, domestic violence, abandonment of a family member), the partner [Wu Jin] has the right to use the recorded bullet against the contracting party and bypass civil (or criminal) procedural law ...

Wu Jin: “&#k2026;&#k2026;”

Wu Jin: “!!!”

The suspension car drove on automatically.

In the co-driver seat, Wu Jin pounced onto Wei Shi’s body and expressed his resistance, “I also want to sign a contract with a bullet! I still have three bullets&#k2026;”

The entire driver seat was filled with the youth’s soft scent, like the smell of a fluffy rabbit after being exposed to the sun. Wei Shi inhaled quietly, “Want a bullet?”

Wei Shi spoke in a hoarse voice, “Well, wait until tonight.”

Wu Jin’s eyes were shocked, “Wh-what!”

However, as soon as the two of them returned to Floating Base, Researcher Song rushed out on long strides, Arjun following behind him, “They went to get their license? Brother Wei took Little Witch and went to get a license? No way, I have to hurry and find Brother Wei––”

Researcher Song quickly blocked Wei Shi’s path.

Then he pulled him into a small corner.

And turned his back to Wu Jin.

A box of white electromagnetic test paper was quietly handed over, “Brother Wei, you’ve gotten the license, but don’t make a move yet.”

“Little Witch, um, he’s just been discharged, and he can’t be emotionally excited. About that... his hormones can’t exceed standard levels. You have to wait until the test paper turns purple when stuck to Little Witch’s body before you can...”

Wei Shi glanced at the test paper for a long time and accepted it expressionlessly.

Researcher Song strove to resist the pressure he felt and continued, “It’ll probably take a month.”

Wei Shi changed directions and turned around.

A piece of test paper landed with a ‘pata’ sound on the back of Wu Jin’s hand.

Wu Jin: “??” Whoa, someone is sticking something to me!

The color of the test paper strip didn’t change.

Wei Shi took it back.

The two of them walked past the black cat that was acting like a salted fish on the lawn and the flamingo that was running around everywhere.

Wei Shi reached out again, and a piece of test paper landed with a ‘pata’ sound on the back of Wu Jin’s hand.

From behind him, Researcher Song turned to look at Arjun woodenly, “I said one month, right? There’s a difference between one month and ten minutes, right?”

The two of them arrived at the entrance to the villa.

Wei Shi went ‘pata’ with another stick of the test paper again.

Survival show trainee Wu Jin’s reactions were quick. He peeled off the test paper and smacked it down on the big boss’s hand.

The paper turned from white to light purple, light purple to dark purple, then dark purple to black.

“!!!” Wu Jin was startled and hurriedly tugged on the big boss, wanting to head back, “Did you get sick?! The paper is purple! Should we get Researcher Song to come take a look...”

Wei Shi directly pulled Wu Jin into the room, “No need. Eat your medicine.”

Wu Jin had no choice but to gulp down the pills for that night while the big boss supervised him.

The small medicine box was closed up. Wu Jin’s eyes were sharp, “Why are there four strips of pacifiers? I only need to eat one week’s worth.”

Wu Jin’s logical reasoning kicked in very quickly, and his expression turned serious, “That’s not right, you also entered the treatment cabin. Will there be any aftereffects...”

Wei Shi spoke flatly, “No.”

Wu Jin thought about it. It wasn’t impossible that the medicine in the small medicine box was just there as backup. He immediately stopped being tangled up about it.

On Wei Shi’s terminal.

Zhou Nan had sent over another message, “Brother Wei, there’s a 50% chance that your aftereffects won’t have been cured before the start of the game. I still suggest that you tell Little Witch about it. It’s not shameful, really! Little Witch also watched you grow up... ah, that’s not right...”

Wei Shi coldly deleted the message.

On the other side, Wu Jin finished eating his pills.

He drank water while looking at the electronic marriage license on his terminal.

He looked at the marriage license, then went to look at Wei Shi.

Wu Jin let out a happy, joyful sound, “Heeheeheehee-hic.”

Wei Shi sat down beside him.

The two of them were very close together.

Wei Shi opened up the remote control terminal and tossed Wu Jin a pillow for him to hug, “What station do you want to watch.”

The lights dimmed down to an orange glow.

Wu Jin settled down delightedly next to the big boss, “Any!”

Wei Shi turned on the terminal projector.

The virtual home theater that had never been used before was still in ‘uninitialized’ mode. Using the 17 surround sound speakers had all seemed wasteful when it hadn’t really been a ‘home’.

The two of them groped around for a while before finally figuring out how to turn on the cinema mode.

Wei Shi adjusted the sofa so that they could lie flat on their backs.

The projection screen unfolded above the two of them.

<Azure Starry Sky Rabbit Raising Journal>

Dozens of dyed pink rabbit balls jumped up and down. A large farmer showed reporters how to take care of the fur of Angolan long-haired rabbits.

Wu Jin: “... Switch channels?”

Wei Shi glanced over.

Wu Jin was serious, “Rock paper scissors.”

Wu Jin won.

Ownership of the remote control changed quickly, and it was soon in Wu Jin’s hands.

The screen switched to <Floating Romance Channel 179>, a soap opera adaptation based off of a certain novel: <Life Being Married To The Floating King>.

In the series, the Floating King had gone from the Federation to the Empire. Because he had been away for a long time, he’d simply pulled together a chat group with his imperial concubines and princesses, all talented men and women, adding up to hundreds of people. Every morning and evening, many people would come to greet the Floating King and send him red envelopes, and the concubines would roll for the red envelopes together.

Talent Lin: “Prince Chen’s luck is really good, he rolled 200,000 credits today, hey.”

Male protagonist: “Yesterday, the King said that I was as cute as ice and snow and actually sent me 1 million credits!”

Talent Lin’s face turned pale, “You!”

Wei Shi: “... Switch channels.”

Wu Jin: “Ahahahahahaha, ahahahahah!!”

Wei Shi: “Rock paper scissors.”

Wei Shi won.

The screen was finally switched over to a news channel.

Wei Shi changed his personal data in the Floating King’s ‘clean and honest publicity page’ to ‘married’ while helping Wu Jin familiarize himself with the ‘future’ that the youth was still unfamiliar with.

Wu Jin listened seriously, his head held up straight.

Wei Shi pulled the blanket over, “Sleep if you’re tired.”

Wu Jin closed his eyes and confirmed again, “We’ve gotten the license, right!”

Wei Shi’s lips curved.

Wu Jin tossed the pillow around happily, holding onto the big boss like a koala hugging a tree, his small round face rubbing around messily.

The lights dimmed.

A while later, a single flickering light lit up.

Wei Shi caught the Wu Jin who was still sneaking around furtively, “Not sleeping?”

Wu Jin was still foolishly happy, “Sleeping! Just let me finish sending this message––”

Wei Shi casually stuck another test strip onto Wu Jin.

Tsk, no change in color.

Wu Jin closed the terminal and drilled into the warm and toasty blankets, nesting inside obediently.


Thousands of cosmic units away.

The White Moonlight team members’ terminals all vibrated slightly.

Zoe had just come back from an evening run. He poured a bottle of water over himself and opened up his terminal.

Then, the water he’d half finished in his mouth sprayed out directly, and he even choked because he was overstimulated.

xiin: Wei Shi’s “Want a bullet? Well, wait until tonight.” was probably the LAMEST PICKUP LINE EVER. Big boss, you’ve really let me down...

Juurensha: Awwwww, can’t consummate the marriage yet, but it was still really sweet!

Also probably Zoe: Time to assassinate the Floating City King

Wen Lin: Let’s calm down a bit, I mean it’s good that he put a ring on it?

Zoe: Without asking for permission from his parents???? The disrespect

Wen Lin: Wait are we his parents now, wow my son is already 19, amazing.

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