Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

Chapter Ch135.2 - Final Battle

Chapter Ch135.2 - Final Battle

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

Nobody had thought that it would be Jingyi’s Ming Yao who shot at Ning Fengbei.

However, Wu Jin had moved faster than he had. The bayonet travelled through a small segment of the parliament room, disrupting Ming Yao’s shooting judgement and giving the Red and White Roses enough time to react.

There was one second of silence, two seconds, three––

Within a sea of startled gazes, Chu Chu sucked in a breath, “Little-Little Ming attacked the King, does he want to rebel?!”

The parliament room was full of the smell of gunpowder and smoke, but they could hear someone speak in a stunned voice, “This, is this the Jingyi Double C going up against the Scarf CP? A battle between the peak CPs? Why did Brother Ming shoot...”

“What Scarf? Not even Contestant Wei’s shadow can be seen! It’s interest related, hey. As soon as the Red Rose signs, Captain Zuo’s heating equipment will be cut off. Sniper ambushes that last for a long time require a constant temperature, so heating equipment is more important for them than for any other team! Ming Yao can’t let this motion pass, get it?”

At this time, Ming Yao turned the muzzle of his gun and pointed it at Wu Jin. His words came out in an endless stream of shouting, “I don’t want things to be like this! Little Witch how could you collude with the commoners! You’re a priest, too...”

Wu Jin adjusted his breathing slightly.

The entire Council Hall was noisy. Similar to the era of Louis XIV and Louis XV, this Council Hall had witnessed the glory of the Sun King and the overturning of Madame de Pompadour. The Crosson Show seemed to have kept the plot within the scope of ‘real history’ from beginning to end, including the rise, decline, and turbulence of France.

Including this time.

The program group had moved the timeline to 1789.

The revolution weakened Catholic power, and interests were transferred to the other two classes. The three class assembly intensified the public’s resentment towards Catholicism, and the church and clergymen who once allied with the Royals and whose interests had been shaken at this time, such as Ming Yao and Zuo Botang, began to severely oppose the electoral voting system that represented ‘freedom and revolution’.

As well as the royal family who’d opposed signing the bill.

There were only ever eternal interests, no eternal allies.

Wu Jin set down the gun and went straight to Ming Yao. Ming Yao watched Wu Jin alertly, but unexpectedly, Wu Jin brushed past him, a few words floating into his ears as he walked past the Jingyi Double C to join the Red and White Roses.

Beneath the stage, Lan watched the proceedings with interest.

Zuo Botang asked in a low voice, “What did he say?” The Jingyi Captain’s line of sight swept subconsciously over Ming Yao, his eyes turning complex for a moment. His feelings were also mixed with gratitude that Ming Yao was the first to jump out and defend him.

Ming Yao was puzzled as he repeated, “He said... Protect-protect the King...”

Wu Jin finally came to a stop in front of the Red and White Roses.

Ning Fengbei spoke with him in low tones, then nodded and stood in front of the high platform once again, “Well, due to Duke Ming Yao’s strong opposition, we will unfortunately have to veto this proposal... Heating equipment will be distributed according to the original allocation. Nine hours for nobles, eight hours for the clergy, and four hours for the commoners. No changes will be made.

The motion had been rejected.

There was an uproar beneath the platform. The commoners’ expressions suddenly changed, Little Ran and Lan snorting coolly at the same time while Ming Yao looked happy. They hadn’t expected that Ning Fengbei would openly defy the Jacobins; it seemed that the deterrence they’d given at the Petit Trianon Palace hadn’t been enough.

Little Ran waved her hand, and several spears came up to point at the King and Queen at the same time. She was obviously not concerned about the strength gap since the Jacobins had nearly 20 players while Wu Jin’s side only had three.

Chu Chu asked Wu Jin nervously, “Are we-we-we, going to have a fight? Wait a minute, the royalists haven’t–”

Wu Jin: “The Royalists have already come forward.”

Chu Chu looked around, “Where?! Who!”

Wu Jin placed the bayonet back by his waist and rubbed his fingertips over the gun, “Jingyi.” As well as all the priests.

The allocation of resources inherently symbolized &#k2018;order’. No matter whether this &#k2018;order’ was good or bad, one party would be &#k2018;oppressed’ by this order and would only obtain four hours of heating, while two other parties &#k2018;benefitted’.

When the commoners had the least resources, the Jacobins, represented by Little Ran and Lan, would hate &#k2018;order’ and attempt to carry out reform. When the resources of the clergy were the most limited, it was the Jingyi Double C who would launch violent reform at all costs.

In the game, ‘order’ was dependent on one person ––the one and only King who could sign the parliament bills.

The proposal to ‘reallocate heating resources’ intensified the conflict of interests between the clergy and Jacobins, and, similar to history, royalists only appeared when there was a conflict of interest.

What the royalists wanted was not to protect the royal family, but rather the ‘inherent order’ that the royal family represented.

There had been no royalists before the National Assembly.

After the conflict intensified, the royalists were born and ‘created’.

Once Ning Fengbei once again supported the clergy, Jingyi would definitely step in to protect Ning Fengbei.

There was the flash of a shadow beneath the stage as Lan suddenly rushed at Ning Fengbei!

The Red Rose sneered and pulled out her bayonet. Wu Jin supported himself with one hand and shot Qin Jinbao, who was allied with Lan. Little Ran was left with an open position over a dozen meters away and lifted up her gun––

There were two swishes.

Two bullets flew out at nearly identical trajectories, attacking Little Ran fiercely, followed by a third and fourth shot.

––Four arrows through the target, Jingyi.

Little Ran suddenly shifted to the side. If it hadn’t been for Caesar, who’d been standing beside Wen Lin, suddenly pushing her away, Little Ran would likely have immediately become a life-saving capsule.

“Hide. Don’t face them head on.” Caesar spoke up. This White Moonlight assault position was also in the commoner class. He frowned at Zuo Botang, locking on him like a beast that was far away from its enemy, “Jingyi is a little troublesome.”

Little Ran looked at the 300 pound Caesar in front of her and actually showed a rare look of admiration and worship in her eyes...

Caesar: “Well, my brain stopped moving as soon as we entered the Council Hall. It’s still fighting that makes me think!”

Little Ran: “......”

Chaos and war were imminent.

Chu Chu was overjoyed at having Jingyi’s support. Almost all the commoners beneath the platform angrily took up arms and charged at the King. Although the nobles could choose not to fight, they had to pick one of the two camps due to this temporary alliance––

The numbers on their watches jumped.

The number of survivors dropped.

Pressure from the line of fire surged forth, and Jingyi retreated even as they attacked, soon joining up with Wu Jin, Thin Fire, and the Red and White Roses.

Zuo Botang braved a barrage of bullets and slaughtered out a bloody path as Ming Yao yelled at Wu Jin, “What about your Wei Shi?! How come your Scarf CP is short a person?!”

Wu Jin blinked, “What! I can’t hear you!”

Ming Yao: “Holy shit, you didn’t get tossed away, right? We can’t win with one person missing––”

Across from them, Caesar and Zoe attacked at the same time.

Only then did Wu Jin notice that Wen Lin was also in the commoner camp. Zoe and Wen Lin were allied together, and coupled with various reasons, their anger tank was full, and it was very refreshing for them to point the muzzle of the gun towards the King. Ming Yao was suppressed by Zoe until he had to howl, “Captain, it’s getting tough!”

Zuo Botang: “Back up.”

The two of them suddenly switched positions. Wu Jin swept his eyes over despite his currently packed schedule.

Ming Yao retreated half a step behind Zuo Botang. Zuo Botang stood in the lead position, while Ming Yao supported him. The two of them seemed to be connected as they attacked at the same time––

Zoe was forced to separate from Caesar.

“Pay attention to Little Ran and Qin Jinbao!” Ming Yao was quick to remind them. Jingyi had sent Zoe into retreat, but the pressure hadn’t reduced. The Red and White Roses were fighting fiercely behind them, and at this time, Lan and Qin Jinbao rushed forth at the same time. The lucky Caesar was even more strange, dodging the bullets to make a beeline towards Thin Fire.

Thin Fire: “Which fool hit me!”

Caesar: “Holy shit, what a coincidence, why do you get beat up by your grandfather in every elimination match...”

Lan headed straight to Wu Jin, speaking darkly, “Little Witch, you’re wrecking my plans!”

“......” Wu Jin tried to split his attention to calculating and replying at the same time, “I, what...”

Lan’s eyes were a little green, like a naive cat’s pupils, “If you’d allowed Beibei to sign the proposal, we’d have formed an alliance. Unfortunately...”

She hadn’t finished the sentence after ‘unfortunately’ when a knife swept straight towards Wu Jin’s waist.

Wu Jin hurriedly tried to dodge, “A-alliance?”

Lan: “Yeah, but it’s too late to regret it now.”

Wu Jin used an elbow to push away the muzzle of Qin Jinbao’s gun and laughed bitterly, “I’m afraid that if that proposal was passed, you’d be the first to attack the King.”

Lan put on a surprised act, “Ah? How could that be.” The blade moved as though they were in training, unhurried and steady.

Wu Jin gasped for breath, his muscles tense from the fierce fighting, but his eyes shining brightly, “The first motion is to exclude the priests, but the second one will target the nobles. If I’m right, for the sake of preserving your strength, you took a more moderate route than directly aiming to snatch nine hours of heating. For example, we can change the assembly system so that it’s one person one vote, rather than one class one vote. Another example is the abolition of the King’s right to have the final signing rights...”

Lan tilted her head, “How could we be qualified to influence the King?”

Wu Jin’s bayonet suddenly shifted, and he abruptly retreated towards the door, “The common people don’t have the ability, but there’s something that can. Let me guess, the next step in subverting the National Assembly is to force the King to amend the constitution. Did your commander say that the King’s right to sign can be limited through the use of legislative proposals...”

Lan’s eyes changed, and the corners of her lips hooked up slightly. Her tone held a bit of praise, “Little Witch, how come you don’t believe us!”

Wu Jin retreated under the strange style of Lan’s attacks and finally bumped into the door that led out of the Council Hall.

On the other side of the door, it seemed that the sound of footsteps could be heard.

52 survivors.

The entire Council Hall was filled with smoke and light that stabbed at the eyes.

Wu Jin took a deep breath.

Rejecting the church, amending the constitution, making the King an empty title, seizing power, subverting the monarchy, kidnapping the royal family, and sending Louis XVI to the guillotine... he didn’t even have to guess what this commander, this ‘party leader’ was thinking.

It was all a repeat of history.

During the French Revolution in the 18th century, the common people had first asked for a piece of bread, but in the end, they’d grown ambitious and wanted to control the whole of France.

Throughout the long stream of history, change was always taking place, and the rise of people came from ruins.

However, just looking at France under Louis XVI’s rule––the more enlightened the monarchy was, the less it was able to control its citizens. Louis XVI had spent his entire life fighting for equal rights, even if he was an indecisive monarch. This King refused to use the army all the way until he was sent to the guillotine.

Louis XVI would never point a gun at his own people.

Even if the existence of Louis XVI itself was the root of the contradiction, the system where the monarch was the head was totally different from the republican demands of the people.

Louis himself was a symbol that must be destroyed.

Qin Jinbao gestured for Lan to quickly finish the fight, “Little Witch, I’m sorry, hey!”

The Dolma Entertainment captain raised his gun.

Lan sighed, “Little Witch is still unwilling to form an alliance. We’d originally wanted to support His Majesty Louis...”

Wu Jin quietly grasped hold of one side of the set of doors.

“It’s impossible for the third estate to form an alliance with Louis XVI. To you...” Wu Jin took a deep breath.

“Louis must die, because the republic must live.”

Lan’s pupils shank.

Qin Jinbao, who was just about to shoot Wu Jin, suddenly burst out with a shout, “Careful!”

The doors to the Council Hall suddenly opened up from the outside.

One man brazenly came in and filled the tactical gap around Wu Jin.

Chu Chu, who’d been beaten until she was scurrying around in a hurry, suddenly brightened, “G-g-g-god Wei!!!”

Wei Shi didn’t bother with any nonsense and opened fire against Qin Jinbao as soon as his gun swept up.

A life-saving capsule popped up instantly.

Juurensha: Double C sniper CP fluff!

xiin: G-g-g-god Wei!!! save me from this arc!!!

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