Surprise! The Supposed Talent Show Was Actually–?!

Chapter Ch93.1 - Flying Off

Chapter Ch93.1 - Flying Off

translator: xiin

editors: apricot & juurensha

Lin Ke had fallen into a trance the second Wu Jin launched himself forward. “Holy shit, who’s that on the other side? They really know how to pose... and they’re a little handsome...”

Ming Yao slapped the Kannemeyeria beneath him. At this moment, he seemed to recall the fear of being dominated during the Lovers card instance, “Contestant Wei Shi... What are you thinking! It’s just one person while there’s four of us! Handsome? Can you make a living from being handsome?! Is it that you haven’t met our team captain yet? Captain is the real definition of being so handsome you can’t keep your legs closed! ––Hey, Little Witch!”

Ming Yao suddenly gave a full throated bellow, “Little Witch! Slow down, slow down! Let’s go and take him down together!”

The land beasts were galloping, and thin wings flapped and flew.

In the livestream room, the scrolling comments showed an explosive surge after Wu Jin rushed forth.

“Aaaahhhhh! I was so damned stunned––this is earth shatteringly amazing yingying wuwuwu! I’m even tearing up!”

“Charge, Little Witch––”

“Scarf reunion!”, “Love song across the ages!”, “The prelude to driving!”

The camera was constantly alternating between the two.

Light and shadow constantly flickered eerily over the Triassic period landscape, and the camera that chased after Wu Jin faithfully caught the upward curve of his lips, the glittering light of his eyes behind the sniper goggles, and depicted him like a blade that was ready for action. He was poised on top of the dinosaur’s ridged back, charging into the opponent like a sharp blade that had just left its sheath.

The youth’s waist and abdomen were tense, and he was stable and steady on the bumpy mount. Nearly four months of training on the Crosson Show had brought about a complete transformation in this boy group lead dancer. Every inch of muscle was precisely controlled, and even all the blood in his body was boiling and clamoring with the desire to rush forth.

The mountain wind lifted his hair, and a pair of butterfly-like shoulder bones tensed and quivered on his back.

Wei Shi looked intently in his direction.

Both people drew their guns at the same time!

In the broadcast studio, Ying Xiangxiang was currently explaining the battle situation to the audience at full speed, “Valley E006, which is also known as an unclaimed vally, has experienced no player interference, and it’s ecological environment is very simple, belonging to the early Triassic period. This valley can only provide a limited number of Evolution Points, but this ecological niche will grow exponentially after it’s taken over.”

“Ancient philosophers once said that productivity is an objective material force based on the human desire to conquer and transform nature. Social relationships and productivity are closely linked––this is reflected in our elimination match rules, where the teams’ competitive relationship is based on the accumulation of supplies, which is determined by their ability to produce Evolution Points. So, the simplest way to sum up the conflict between the two teams is a conflict that rose up over possession of the supply box.”

Blood Pigeon nodded, “The supply box is in the swamp. It can be seen that both teams are deploying themselves according to the location of the supply box––very good, Ming Yao has changed his strategy and gone to the lowest part of the valley to look for supplies first. Wu Jin remains on the front lines to block Contestant Wei.”

On the screen, the youth abruptly blocked Wei Shi, who was about to land.

The man had precise control over the glider, and was able to remain hovering six meters above the ground. He held the frame for the glider in one hand, and his right arm lifted up to shoot the tranquilizer gun––

Wu Jin rolled off the dinosaur’s back, performing a handsome flip as he landed, transferring the kinetic energy to his shoulder and side. The arm muscles revealed by the rolled up sleeves were tense, perfectly resolving the impact from the drop. His lips were pursed tight as he fought back without hesitation!

The sunlight reflected off the sniper goggles, the polarized light from the lens was cold as they confronted each other, like white light that glinted off a sharp blade. Fierce, overbearing, and surging with bloodlust.

Ying Xiangxiang’s breath caught almost instantly.

If the Scarf CP cooperated tacitly as teammates, then their tacit understanding of their opponent’s positioning almost made people’s scalps explode from numbness. Their moves were similar but not identical, but regardless of whether it was Wei Shi’s fierce, intuitive attacks, or Wu Jin’s careful counterattacks, they were all aimed at each other’s vital points.

The movements were like floating clouds and flowing water, fierce and aggressive.

Wordless tacit cooperation.

It was like the absolute peak of the violent aesthetic.

At this time, a strange cry sounded out in the sky, followed by their two Pterosaurs circling down!

The membrane wings stirred up a hurricane. Wei Shi’s Pterosaur had a wingspan of two meters, and it was over three times bigger than Wu Jin’s little Peteinosaurus. The little Pterosaur was under pressure from the other side, but was still squawking and defiant, unwilling to show any weakness.

Wu Jin tugged hard on the little Pterosaur that was intent on fighting, his gaze shifting out of his control to collide with Wei Shi’s––

The man made a gesture.

A flapping wing took out the camera that was capturing the situation to one side. The camera flipped several times in the air before falling to the ground with a crash. The camera swept over the two people who were fighting tit for tat before showing a view of the endless sea of Pterosaurs.

Wei Shi took advantage of the action of pulling out his gun to lock his gaze on the youth’s goggles.

His breath was scorching hot.

Beneath the dark brown lens, Wu Jin’s eyes were wide and round, and there was a light flush that spread from his neck to his cheeks. His lips that had originally been curved up were now slightly parted, as though unconsciously waiting for a kiss.

The man’s eyes darkened.

Another camera flew over, and the large cloak flared out. Wu Jin abruptly came back to his senses, his elbow hitting nothing but air, yet simultaneously allowing him to escape from his disadvantage. They entered a close combat fight, Wu Jin lifting up the tranquilizer gun and attacking with the butt of the gun, positioning himself so the camera was behind him, pulling away from it––

The man’s handsome facial features, the eyes that were so deep that they seemed bottomless; every inch seemed to crazily provoke the youth’s yearning.

Another camera.

The two of them once again entered a fierce battle, retreating to the edge of the jungle. It was unclear if it was due to the warlike intent simmering in his blood, or a masculine desire to conquer, or the charm of violence itself, but it all made Wu Jin’s rationality burn up until it had all but disappeared.

They fought all the way to the caves.

It was dark. Water drops dripped, plink, plink, as they flowed down the stalactites.

The camera buzzed through the cave and finally turned away in the distance, leaving nothing but silence. Both of them were calculating the time when the camera would fly past again.

Twelve seconds.

Wu Jin clutched at his tranquilizer gun, walking out alertly from behind the stalagmites. He wasn’t surprised at all to find himself fazing the muzzle of a gun––

His field of vision was dim. Wei Shi looked down at him in the faint lighting. The light reflecting off the floating dust motes slowly outlined the man in a halo of cold light, and the water dripping down the stalagmites seemed to pause for a long time before falling again.

There was the splash of falling water.


The magic spell that froze time was broken. The stagnant stillness was unlocked, and light and shadow seemed to have been dazzled by the disturbance.

Wei Shi’s tranquilizer gun was tossed casually to the side, a hot and dry hand thrusting into the youth’s soft curls, removing the goggles and forcing him to look up. The other hand pulled relentlessly at Wu Jin’s combat jacket, stroking wantonly between the smooth shoulder, slender muscled arms, and shoulder blades.

Wu Jin gasped, almost whimpering, but the moment he opened his mouth––the man suddenly pressed him against the damp stone wall and branded him fiercely on his dry lips.

It was a passionate, violent kiss.

The left arm that had taught Wu Jin how to use a gun for the first time rubbed against the youth’s most vulnerable cervical vertebrae, the finger that had pressed against the trigger to shoot was curved, the rough gun calluses trying to leave red marks––just like the fiercest Tyrannosaurs of the Cretaceous period, unwilling to leave even the bone marrow behind when devouring its prey.

Wu Jin’s mind exploded with a series of fireworks.

Reason was drowned out by joy and instinct. His movements were erratic as he tried to kiss back, but he only grew more clumsy. Amidst the floating and drowning sensations, only the hand that the big boss kept on his back was like the keel of a floating boat. When the palm stroked across his waist, Wu Jin trembled slightly and let out a small whine.

Almost at the same time, however, the roving camera was once again sent into the cave by a drone.

Wei Shi paused, pulling back from the youth’s tender lips and tongue, the pressure from his right knee holding steady as he pressed him against the stone wall. He placed his index finger in front of the youth’s lips, gesturing for him to remain silent.

The unmanned camera muddled around, but the cave was quiet and silent. The drone carried the camera away.

Behind two tall stalagmites, Wu Jin looked dazedly at Wei Shi. The man’s clothing was flat and tidy, his sniper gloves left half his fingers exposed, and a machete hung from his waist. It was clear that his entire body exuded a dangerous abstinence, but his thin lips were splashed with red, like a sharp knife stained with blood, and the pheromone bombardment was overwhelming.

Wu Jin seemed possessed by a little devil as he licked at the man’s finger, “Big brother...”

Wei Shi’s eyes were dark, as though covered by black clouds.

“Call my name,” he ordered.

Wu Jin: “... Wei, Wei Shi...”

In the dead angle that had been ignored by the camera, a stormy, pressuring kiss began once again.

Wu Jin was forced to raise up his neck and was seen as a willing sacrifice by the hunter. The man was fierce as he pried open the youth’s lips and teeth, plundering wantonly from that sweet place, indulging himself in the invasion of his breath, marking him again and again.

Wei Shi’s fingertips rubbed against Wu Jin’s sensitive waist over and over again, and the youth trembled even more. His face was red, the corners of his eyes were red like he’d been bullied miserably, and his eyes also carried a faint sheen of moisture.

It was clear that one second ago, he’d still been a little leopard who fought with everything he had, but in the next second, he had been bullied into this state.

One kiss.

The man bowed his head, devoutly licking away the physiological tears from the corner of the youth’s eyes with the tip of his tongue, then his cheek, the side of his neck––finally coming to a stop over the healed bite mark he’d once made.

Knowing that he still needed to compete in the game, Wei Shi ultimately didn’t leave his mark. Instead of breaking his wings, he wanted the rabbit spirit to continue bouncing and hopping forward.

Although Wu Jin currently looked like he’d already turned into a silly fool.

Outside the cave, the camera flew around in dizzy circles. The man tidied up Wu Jin’s combat suit, then pressed down on the small curls that were flying up as well as his messy collar.

Wei Shi: “Wake up.”

Invalid command.

Wei Shi: “Restart.”

Wu Jin slowly restarted. Restart failed. After the power was cut off, the restart continued again.

Wei Shi chuckled, then stuffed the tranquilizer gun back into his arms, watching as Wu Jin held it obediently like a carrot, then led the youth back outside. At the edge of the cave, the dazzling light from the forest streamed in. The camera was still wandering around.

Wu Jin abruptly woke up.

The forest was bright with mottled sunlight and lush with vegetation.

The man gestured to him, then stroked a final hand over his curls before putting on his sniper goggles, his lips curving up––Wu Jin seemed to see a bit of a warm light in his eyes for the first time.

Wu Jin shut down again.

His will, brain, neurons, and neurotransmitters only knew to send one command to his body––

He giggled foolishly back at the big boss.

Juurensha: *fans self* if those two had gotten caught on camera, the entire show would have crashed from the traffic and screams. Also the little Pterosaur is adorable.


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