Supreme BeastTamer: I Can Copy and Upgrade Skills 10x!

Chapter 9: Awakening The Class [4]

Nox was shivering as he stared at the deadly eyes.

Back on Earth, he used to yell at characters for shivering in fear during dangerous situations, but now, faced with the same situation...he could relate.

"Damn! Why can't I even move a muscle?" Nox thought, staring at the beast looming in front of him.

The creature was a strange hybrid of a wolf and something sinister. In the moonlight slithering through the trees, the wolf's mottled grey fur shone, the muscles beneath it rippling with each movement.

What made this creature even more terrifying was...

"Its eye!"

Unlike other beasts, this wolf had a single yellowish eye streaked with pulsing green veins.

Noting its effect on the intruding human, the demonic wolf revealed its razor-sharp fangs and began to approach the terrified boy and cat, licking its lips.

The sound of its lips smacking together snapped Nox from his daze.

"F-Fluffington, run!" Nox shouted at the top of his voice, tightening his hold on the cat's fur. He shut his eyes and gritted his teeth, expecting Fluffington to bolt forward with inhuman speed.

But that was not what happened!

"You gotta be kidding me," Nox's eyes widened when he saw the haughty cat wasn't terrified at all and was actually approaching the demonic beast with its fur standing on end!

"What are you doing?" Nox silently cursed the cat. Didn't this bastard value his life? Why was he challenging a behemoth while being a mere ant?

Fluffington had been sheltered all his life, pampered more than some kids back on Earth. On the other hand, the savage demonic wolf lived and survived in the wilds where the strongest creatures ruled.

If these two beasts with different backgrounds clashed, there could only be one outcome: the cat would be torn to shreds!

"Hey, don't go any closer! Let's just run away!" Nox protested with tears in his eyes.

[Hmph, this filthy creature dares block my path. If I don't teach it a lesson, it would be a dent in my pride.] Fluffington coldly replied as his walk turned into a charge. He bolted forward with such terrifying speed that a trail of dust followed behind.

[Hold tighter!] the cat warned with determined eyes.

"Shit, we're really doing this!"


At that moment, the demonic wolf also sprang into action, its rows of razor-sharp teeth grinding as it made a decisive slash towards Nox, who was mounted on Fluffington's back.

Those intimidating claws sliced the air, inching towards the boy. For a moment, he saw his life flash by. But just then, with a rush of wind, Fluffington disappeared, leaving the demonic wolf in his wake.


The wind rushed past Nox's face as Fluffington screeched to a stop just before he bumped into a tree. Nox was amazed!

But he didn't have time to appreciate the haughty cat because, in the next moment, it was upon the demonic wolf again. The wolf attacked with its claws and razor-like teeth, but it was all for naught as the cat's body blurred, leaving the wolf striking at empty air.

But... Fluffington didn't just dodge.

Taking advantage of the pitiful demonic beast, a wicked plan formed in the cat's mind as it landed a precise blow on the wolf's nose. At the same time, its claws extended, digging deep into the sensitive flesh.


The demonic beast yelped in pain as the upper half of its nose was peeled off and black blood gushed out. Now in a state of disorientation, the beast wanted to take revenge and maul the hateful cat, but its injured nose clouded its thoughts.

The demonic beast didn't know if it was its eyes playing tricks on it, but it saw the cat smirk as if he had an even more mischievous plan. A cold shiver went through the demonic wolf's spine. All its survival instincts were screaming for it to flee this place.

Unfortunately, it was too late.

A low squelch sound reverberated throughout the forest as Fluffington dug his claws into the large yellow eye of the demonic wolf.

Following the stab, the demonic wolf's painful yelps filled the forest.

"Fluffington, you're amazing!" Nox couldn't help but exclaim... who would have thought this clean freak could be such a savage?

[Tell me about it!] Fluffington merely snorted with smugness as it ran deeper into the forest.

"Why didn't you kill it though?" Nox looked back at the wolf that was bawling its eyes out and rolling on the ground.

[Annihilating that mongrel would be far too merciful,] Fluffington coldly stated. [With its blind eyes and nose, it will wish for death.]

[But death it shall never have.]

"Woah, that's chilling! Did you practice it?"

[Insolent brat!]


After what felt like an hour, the human and cat duo came to a stop before a rushing river. The current of this river was fierce, and it emitted a sound that was very similar to that of a beast's roar.

Following Nox's instructions, Fluffington traced the river's trail, heading deeper into the forest. This river was a branch of the legendary Luminary River... according to the map, the Temple was close by.

Soon the duo came to a sudden halt in front of a dark cavern... The cavern was so gloomy that the boy gulped a mouthful of saliva just at its appearance. It was clear that beasts lurked inside.

Step! Step!

Without displaying a semblance of fear, Fluffington advanced forward majestically into the darkness... immediately upon their entry, a series of torches lit up on the walls. Following the map, Nox and Fluffington made several turns and descended a flight of stairs before stopping in a wide opening adorned with pointy-shaped rocks protruding from the ceiling.

"Finally!" Nox exclaimed, his eyes widening in awe as he gazed upon the majestic stone statue.

The statue was the very embodiment of Terra, the revered goddess of beast taming; even though he had seen her before, her grandeur and beauty still left him breathless.

Snapping out of his daze, Nox rushed forward to start the prayer. However, he felt an overwhelming presence watching intently from the sides; the feeling was very similar to that of the demonic wolf.

However, the only difference was... whatever existence was staring at him was more formidable than the demonic wolf.

"It's been a while since someone visited this place." A moment later, a masculine voice echoed from the deeper part of the cavern, and Nox saw a figure emerging.



"Strange, why can't we get inside?" Nathan, who was standing outside the cavern, asked with confusion. Even the mysterious, indifferent Eve wore a similar expression.

While they were figuring out a way to get inside the cavern, a piercing scream filled with pain came out from the depths of the cavern.

"T-that... scream." Nathan shuddered.

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