Summoned and Unwanted

Chapter 310

310 The plan to start a small farm in the back garden

Vincent offered Iris a way to start befriending the kids. ‘No one keeps quiet when it involves their favorite hobby.’ He thought.

“But... but it will cost a lot of money... I don’t think you should spend money to help me...” Iris complained about the unneeded expanse.

“Aren’t you my woman? Who doesn’t treat his woman well?” Vincent smirked and whispered in her ear.

Vincent raised his hand and placed it on her shoulder. “And if you still want to complain, then think of the seeds as an investment. This place can have fresh vegetables grow, and the garden can one day return as it was before I used too much force.” He said in a reassuring voice.

Iris held her hands together. *Gulp* She mustered her courage and turned around.

Iris lowered her gaze and suddenly hugged Vincent. She hid her face against his chest as she felt too embarrassed to face him.

“I-I thought you wouldn’t like me very much... I-I thought I couldn’t be good enough to receive more than being called your woman... b-but I can see you still care about me e-even if the others... no, my sisters are far better than me and look pretty. ” Iris expressed.

Iris decided to open her heart to Vincent about how she really felt deep down. She was afraid of Vincent’s next choice of words, yet she had a feeling it might not be as she was imagining. This is why she decided to say what she was keeping in herself after mustering her courage.

Vincent warmly smiled and raised his hand, “It makes me sad to hear you say this. I thought I showed you enough about how much I don’t care about a meager problem such as being shy or an introvert. You are kind to those in need and selfless when it involves danger. Don’t you think you are good enough being such a good woman? ”


“You know, no one is perfect, and I don’t think a perfect person is fun to be with since they will not need a significant other.” Vincent lowered his hand and gently caressed her head.

Iris tightened her hug and uttered, “I-I feel safe and happy around you. M-my troubles go away, yet I feel n-nervous I will mess up and lose everything.”


Iris didn’t hear Vincent speak after she said this. He even stopped caressing her head. It appeared as if he was dissatisfied and didn’t want to be hugged any more.

Iris slowly raised her head and saw Vincent looking at her from above. She suddenly felt two warm hands holding her head and then saw his head approach closer and closer.

Her arms let go of Vincent after she received a peck on her forehead. Then Vincent lowered his head even further and delivered a passionate kiss.

Iris could believe what was happening. Not once, not twice, but dozens of times. Iris became weak and didn’t move a limb. She remained in a place like a statue with a hazy gaze looking at Vincent’s face up close.

“I am sorry I did this... please don’t hate me. I will not do it again.” Vincent apologized as he felt his abrupt romantic approach was a failure.

However, unlike how Iris looked from a spectator’s point of view, as if Iris didn’t like what Vincent was doing, Iris actually felt sad when Vincent stopped.

Iris shook her head. “I-I d-don’t d-dislike i-it.” She nervously stuttered.

[Looks like you can continue, hehe. Would you mind giving us a show Vincent? We are all watching delightfully, hehe.]

Vincent smirked. He lowered on one knee as he was much taller than Iris and said with his arms open, “Come here. I am all yours. I hope you don’t be shy with me at least.”

*Gulp* Iris loudly gulped. Her body nervously trembled, and her heart raced more than before. She stared at Vincent, yet he remained waiting for her to prepare herself and take a leap forward at her own pace.

Iris soon took the first step. She approached Vincent at a snail’s pace, yet the distance was shortening with every step. *Gulp* Iris loudly gulped again, then she slowly approached her face next to his and returned a quick peck on his lips.

Iris took many steps back and rushed over to the crates. She touched a couple of vegetables and turned them into seeds. “I-I l-love y-you.” She stuttered before rushing inside.

[Looks like casanova strikes again, or should I call you therapist Vincent now? Either way, I must say you have become good with words lately.]

[It feels nice to see you build a family of your own. You suffered enough, and this must be the reward.]

Vincent moved to a more spacious location and summoned all the trees he stored on the ground. Now he needed the space for food while the trees could be moved or used at a later date.

“Kazumi, I know people might find it difficult to understand, but I consider you a part of my family as well. You are my woman, even if you don’t have a body. ” Vincent said.

Vincent looked at the sky and, *Sigh* “I wonder when you will show me that sexy body you keep saying you had.” He teased with a smirk.

[Hey, don’t joke about my previous sexy body. I bet you would beg to be with me if we can find a way for souls to gain a body temporarily.]

“Are you asking me to become a necromancer?” He joked while heading for the crates.

[... It might be challenging to create a revival spell. Creating a new spell with your mysterious power requires our knowledge and understanding. In the end, it is a problem that will stop us.]

[What if... no. I don’t want to think about it.]

[I... I don’t want to become a zombie.]

“Haha. I didn’t know you hated zombies.” Vincent laughed.


Vincent laughed when he speculated Kazumi didn’t like zombies or heard a conversation about becoming one. He looked at the crates and extended his hands. He shortly stored all the crates in the Soul Dimensional Storage, and fortunately, a warning message of a full storage didn’t appear.

Vincent turned his head to look around, and when he saw that there was nothing else to store, he went inside to eat.

Vincent entered the dining hall and found an empty chair between Lupa on his right side and Iris on the other.

Vincent sat down and looked his the plate. The appearance was one to make anyone drool, and the smell made it difficult to resist wolfing it down. The meat and the vegetables were evenly set and placed on a plate similar to a luxury restaurant. It reminded Vincent of Earth.

Furthermore, there were a couple of small plates with different vegetable sides to add. Strangely, a few of these plates were empty, but on them were the remains of the sauce used for the meats. Someone very close to Vincent might have targeted and devoured all the extra meat plates nearby.

“Eat meat, my mate.” *Click, nom, click* “It is very good.” Lupa said while chewing a bone as she was already finished eating her share. She looked happy and engrossed in biting the bone. Vincent’s appearance could only sway her attention for a moment.

Vincent looked at Yula and said, “The food smells great, and everyone looks like they are enjoying themselves. Furthermore, I will restock the kitchen every morning to keep the ingredients fresh.”

“Thank you for your compliment. I am delighted to hear compliments from everyone. Even Nix and Tusk looked happy before they ate a little and went to sleep, so I consider it as a compliment as well.” Yula said. “But you do not have to worry about my sons and the two beautiful women guarding the gate. I will invite them to eat after we finish.”

“Yes, it is appropriate to take care of them. ” Vincent replied.

Vincent turned his gaze on the five cheerful little kids and Yula. The six of them were still eating and sitting beside each other.

“Leah, Clara, Beth, Olive, Lian, and Tula. Would you six like to plant vegetables, trees, and flowers? It would help Iris a lot. You six will be able to experience the joy of watching what you plant grow up.” He requested.

Iris stopped eating and froze like a statue. Her heart raced, and her thoughts became rampant. ‘Will they help me? But I am no fun. Do they like watching plants grow? But I don’t think they are patient enough.’ Similar questions and negative answers were on her mind.

“Yey! I love helping big sister Iris.” Olive was the first one to speak.

“So I can grow an awesome plant? Awesome, haha!” Lian loved the suggestion as well.

Leah, Clara, and Beth looked at each other. They looked indecisive at first, but after hearing Tula say, ” I want to join too,” the three little girls agreed to help plant seeds.

Vincent gently patted Iris’s back and said in a reassuring voice, “I told you the good kids will help you raise fresh vegetables and regrow the garden.”

“T-thank you e-everyone...” Iris stuttered before she resumed eating and tried to ignore anyone looking at her.

About half an hour passed, and everyone was done eating until their bellies were full.

Iris, Olive, Lian, Leah, Clara, Beth, Tula, and Plow left to find a place and start planting. Plow ended up going with them after hearing how her help would be invaluable since they don’t know where the shovels are, if there are any in the first place.

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