Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 39: Bewildering Results

Chapter 39: Bewildering Results

I am pleased to present this bonus chapter, which has been made possible thanks to the wonderful review written by Azriiff.

Please enjoy this bonus chapter as a small token of my appreciation for Azriiff’s contribution to my translation work.

The moment of becoming a slime donut riddled with holes was upon me.

A familiar face approached as I trembled like jelly. Hearing his voice triggered a hazy memory.

Ah, right.

It was the guy who had made a fuss and fallen over when I spat out some mucus…

But that made me all the happier to see him.

Amidst the situation with dark muzzles pointed at me… it was a somewhat friendly voice.

I didn’t like how he spoke as if placating a child…

But gazing at the ominous metal rods aimed my way naturally instilled humility.

If I spit mucus again here… I’d become a honeycomb slime…

Still, his words about taking me to Han Seori sounded very positive. I guess being next to the powerful really is sweet.

No wonder I went to sleep, ate meals, and did everything with her.

So I decided to entrust myself to him… but seeing his awkward smiling face approach was a bit… creepy.

If a grown man smiles sheepishly as he approaches, and it doesn’t feel unpleasant, that would be even stranger.

I had no hobby of embracing dark-skinned men, so I felt the urge to resist, but the image of me as a honeycomb slime came to mind, and I decided to give up.

But then.

Suddenly, something like tentacles shot out from my body and wrapped around him.

He admirably didn’t seem startled, but I was very surprised and felt my jelly heart pounding.

I worried they might consider this an attack and blast both of us away.

But he admirably realized I had no intention of attacking and spoke up for me.

This was moving, even if he was a man.

Feeling touched, I looked at the suddenly protruding tentacles.

If you could call them tentacles.

Honestly, I think they’re more like an extension of my jelly.

I wondered why they suddenly emerged…

I realized my body was slightly separated from the man.

So… maybe the result of not wanting to embrace him created this, I thought.

As for why these tentacles suddenly appeared… well, I’m not really sure, I assume it’s a result of absorbing the statue that seems similar to me.

…It really is like a game.

Gaining abilities from eating things.

Honestly, calling it an ability seems a bit iffy. It’s closer to my jelly, just stretching out. I feel like something similar would happen if someone pulled on my body.

Then maybe… did I gain other abilities?

But the game system didn’t kindly inform me of my abilities like systems usually do, so honestly, I was a bit doubtful.

It’s only natural since I don’t know the statue’s abilities in the first place.


Han Seori, equipped with various things, appeared in my sight.

Noticing me, she smiled with a hint of bitterness.

I wondered why, but feeling I’d finally reached safety, my jelly felt at peace.

Is this the sweetness of power?

The tentacles stuck to the man’s body, then returned to me, and I carefully approached Han Seori and nestled into her arms.

This time, no tentacles spurted out.

I sensed an absurd gaze from behind, but I didn’t really care.

If you’re jealous… you be Han Seori then.

You’d have to get through her right-hand man first, but that’s impossible.

While nestled in the arms of the powerful, Han Seori seemed to be talking to someone in a slightly stiff voice, as if something was wrong.

This outing seemed a bit tiring for me, too, and I felt oddly sleepy.

I couldn’t properly make out what she was saying.

Just as I thought, I was falling asleep.

…I remembered Alice, left behind somewhere.

Brightening my sight, which was trying to darken, I squirmed while nestled in Han Seori’s arms.

“Hmm… hm?”

Han Seori, lost in thought, turned her gaze to me.

It was an odd look as if wondering why the child was acting that way but having succeeded in catching her attention, I felt a bit embarrassed and…

…showed gestures to express Alice.

Like pulling Daesik on my head into my arms, or moving my hands as if playing with a doll… things like that.

Honestly, I thought she could just buy a new doll…

B-but Daesik liked it so much that I had no choice. If Daesik hadn’t always been inside it, I wouldn’t have gone this far.


Understanding my desperate explanation, Han Seori’s stiff face softened into a satisfied smile as she nodded.

…She understood what I meant, right?

I don’t know.

I felt I’d done all I could at this point, so for the first time since becoming a slime, I gave in to the sleepiness that came over me.

“Oh my!”

“Whoa, isn’t this girl too fond of women?”

“Hmm… well, she has the appearance of a girl… so maybe she’s drawn to similar appearances?”


I heard the man’s grumbling, but it wasn’t enough to disturb my sleep.

Feeling the warmth from Han Seori’s body.

I fell asleep.

Han Seori muttered while looking at the slime girl who really fell asleep in her arms.

“She really fell asleep.”

“Did she not sleep before?”

Han Seori looked at Kim Cheonsu with an expression asking if he really didn’t know and said,

“At least since entering the lab… she never showed signs of falling asleep like this. Maybe… it means she’s come to fully trust us.”

“…I see.”

Like an older sister caring for her younger sibling, Han Seori patted the slime girl’s back and continued,

“If you’ve gathered everything inside… there should be a doll, so please retrieve that as well.”

“Oh? Uh, understood.”

Hearing the reluctant voice, Han Seori sat down with a much stiffer face than when looking at the slime girl.

‘…The director wasn’t inside, they said.’

Either he wasn’t there originally.

Or did he run away as soon as the incident occurred?

She thought it was one of the two, but Han Seori didn’t seem very worried.

The former director had left behind very clear evidence of corruption.

From the brief reports, it seemed he might not only be expelled but also disposed of.

That was very encouraging… but this also felt a bit… fishy.

The traces were left behind by the presumed victims sacrificed to the anomaly.

The evidence of corruption gathered together so cleanly for some reason.

…It didn’t take deep thought to see that a third party had intervened.

And if it wasn’t the former director going insane…

‘Twilight’s Call.’

It was clearly their doing.

But thinking that way, something was odd.

The situation had flowed too favorably for us for it to be their doing.

Maybe… they aimed for everyone entering to die, but since there were no threatening situations after entering, that didn’t seem to be it.

In the first place, if you consider them to not act logically… it could just be a whim.

But Han Seori couldn’t shake this uneasy feeling.

“The doll you mentioned and what the agent retrieved earlier, presumed to be traces of the anomaly, have been recovered. We seem to have found everything, so we’ll return.”

“Oh, yes. Good work.”

Traces of 7496-KR.

What could that be?

Han Seori felt the soft and fluffy sensation from her body and smiled.

Right, think positively.

The original goal of expelling the director succeeded, and 7496-KR returned safely, so isn’t that good?

…As for Twilight’s Call.


They weren’t ones she could do anything about right now, so worrying would only be a headache.

Wouldn’t it be more productive to consider how to gain ‘cooperation’ from 7496-KR who could now be considered completely friendly?

…Seeing her nestled in her arms, sleeping like a child, made Han Seori’s heart a bit weak.

But thinking it couldn’t be helped, she returned to the lab with the group.

The returning Han Seori was greeted by the deputy director, Yoo Kangjik, and he took the evidence of the former director’s corruption, saying he would prepare the procedures, then disappeared with a determined look.

Han Seori watched his back as he left, then turned around.

She wanted to sleep together with 7496-KR, the slime girl, but… she thought it was impossible for now, so Han Seori carefully put the slime girl down in a new isolation room.

As she gently placed the doll the agents had retrieved next to her, the blob of jelly hanging from the slime girl’s head wriggled and entered the doll.

The slightly dirty doll slowly moved closer to the slime girl’s side, then lay down pretending to sleep next to the curled-up slime girl.

It was unclear if it was really asleep, but Han Seori smiled contentedly at the heartwarming scene and left the isolation room.

…Han Seori, deciding she wouldn’t make her do dangerous things without a word anymore, returned to her room to handle the remaining work.

Han Seori, who somehow welcomed the morning again, began her day listening to Yoo Kangjik’s excited voice.

And to check on the slime girl, she headed to the isolation room.

‘What should I give her to make her happy….’

Rubbing her bleary eyes, Han Seori entered the isolation room and…

An unexpected sight met her eyes.

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