Suddenly, I Became a Slime

Chapter 30: But Who am I?

Chapter 30: But Who am I?

*Thump! Thump!*

It was good to stay calm in this crisis situation, but there was no clear solution in sight.

I thought I should have stayed next to Han Seori and listened to what she was saying.

But if I did that, she would be a bloody pancake right now instead of herself.

I didn’t want to imagine that sight, so I tried to erase it from my mind.

Based on the circumstances, I didn’t want to see the sight of Han Seori getting hurt while running away together, as she got hurt because of protecting me by putting me in a glass container.

There’s no solution, and it may be reckless, but since she fell into danger while trying to protect me, I should do this.

It’s quite gratifying.

What should I do now?

That thing is rushing towards me, *Crash! Crash!* shaking its dreadful face wildly as if I were its parents’ mortal enemy.

Perhaps because it was the path it had passed through, the floor was already dented.

Another notable thing is… the absence of people.

Well, if there were such a thing roaming around and people were crowding, that would be strange, too.

But besides that.

I wondered why the people who appeared in the sewer didn’t show up at all, even though sirens or something like that were ringing so loudly.

It seemed like they could quickly turn such a large wooden barrel into a rag with those terrifying firearms they were holding.

…Could it be that they came to catch me because I’m weak, and they can’t even approach that because it’s strong?

Somehow, I feel like their evaluation is falling in my heart.

The strong bullying the weak.

It’s the worst, isn’t it?

…But if I think about it carefully, there’s no way that’s the case.

The fact that this thing is here in the first place means that it was caught… so maybe there was some kind of accident.

I’m not sure what it is.

I thought that they might not be as thorough as I thought.


The people working here aren’t aliens or anything; they’re just people who eat the same meals as I do, so what’s the difference?

Over there, across the sea, the white and black guys carry guns in every house, so having a gun doesn’t make you special.

I’ve shot a gun before, too.

Although they’re not very good memories.


In the end, it’s something that people do.

There’s no way there can be no mistakes.

Now that I’ve assessed the situation and determined an accident occurred, it doesn’t change the fact that I’m running away─


Suddenly, the sound coming from behind changed from *Thump! Thump!* to *Crash!*. At the same time, I felt my body being cut off and falling.

When I looked back, I saw the thing that had been just bouncing along now collapsed forward.

On its collapsed face, blue lumps that had fallen off from my body were splattered all over.

It would have been nice if it had collapsed from exhaustion.

But it gets up again.

…Isn’t this cheating?

Jelly flowed down my spine at its sudden dirty play.

It was really playing this like some kind of game.

But in this life-or-death game of tag, getting touched doesn’t make you a chaser.

So I ran again with the newly grown jelly.

Now, I had to keep glancing back, not just looking ahead.

And that was quite troublesome.

If the speed is the same, wouldn’t running while looking back inevitably lead to getting caught?

I can’t even not look. Didn’t my jelly already get cut off while not looking?

I felt a sense of crisis that I hadn’t felt until a little while ago.

Ah, this is driving me crazy.

How nice would it be to have eyes on the back, too?



While I was turning my head, that thing did another dirty trick, so I narrowly avoided it. It wasn’t something I couldn’t dodge if I was watching.

While it was momentarily stuck in the floor, having an intimate moment with my jelly smeared on its face.

I felt like I had some kind of realization like lightning had struck my head.

Isn’t this the moment of realization that appears in martial arts novels?

The realization I gained was, why do I have to turn my head to secure my vision in the first place?

Let’s think about it carefully.

Unfortunately, I’m not human right now. This is a fact that doesn’t change no matter how much I deny it.

I am now a small, trembling slime. A slime with a dangling knowledge pouch on top of its head.

Moreover, I’m translucent.

I have the silhouette and features of a human, but that’s just the appearance.

In the first place, my body doesn’t perceive the world through the eyes on my face, right?

With that thought, my senses expanded.

There wasn’t even a bubbling change.

Just a single thought changed, but the world that seemed to be seen through human eyes looked different.

Should I say it feels like looking at a panoramic photo all at once by spinning around?

Honestly, I felt something like motion sickness, but it disappeared quickly.

I quickly started running again.

I didn’t have to look back, but a solution hadn’t emerged yet.



It was better than a little while ago.

Because I could clearly see its movements.

But then I could see things that I couldn’t see until a little while ago, starkly.

Like the broken doors, their frames splintered and hanging off the hinges.

…And the bloodstains inside them, dark red and ominous.

I haven’t seen their faces, but it doesn’t feel very good.


While avoiding the falling totem again.

A forked path appeared.

If it were a little while ago, I would have had to turn my head to see where to go, but enlightened, I only had to run.

One side was clean, and the other side had traces of that thing.

The glass shards scattered all around plainly showed signs of a big struggle. Judging from the red marks here and there, it seems people were also hurt.

But more than that.

Beyond the open door, I saw a large vehicle.

A large and sturdy vehicle that makes a man’s heart pound.

It looked so sturdy that it might be able to stop that thing from rampaging, don’t you think?

Without hesitation, I chose the direction with the vehicle at the fork in the road.

*Crunch, crunch.*

The glass shards trampled by my feet entered my body.

The taste of glass was more astringent and throat-burning than I thought. Is it because it’s originally sand? I’m not sure.

I tried hard to ignore the slightly familiar taste mixed in here and there.

After arriving in front of the vehicle like that, I looked around for a bit and then climbed into the back, which seemed to be a cargo compartment, not the driver’s seat or passenger seat.

Hoping that the collapsed totem didn’t see me, I climbed into the cargo compartment and, grunting and bubbling my jelly, closed the door.

Then darkness enveloped me, thick and heavy.

The tranquillity that came for a moment was in vain.

*Thump! Thump!*

I could feel it approaching close to me.

Every time it moved, the vehicle shook slightly, so I couldn’t not know.


The sound of it striking the ground came from very close.

Did it lose me?

I really hope so.

No, but when are these people coming anyway?


While grumbling about those who weren’t coming.

The sound of something heavy being crushed could be heard. Judging by how my body was shaking.


That crazy guardian totem seemed to know where I was.

It was a very malicious stalker among stalkers.


The presumed wood and sturdy metal collided, but why was there a sound of metal being crushed? Is it crazy?

I thought it wasn’t ordinary wood, but isn’t this going too far?


Actually, from the fact that similar things to the room I was in were shattered, I had thought this might happen.

…It’s just that there was something that stimulated a man’s dreams, so the choice was biased towards this place.


Damn it.

In the end, the car couldn’t withstand its attack and was crushed. Beyond the wall that was crumpled like a crumpled paper, the hideous face of the guardian totem began to appear.

As if there hadn’t been any impact at all, its face had become uglier than a little while ago, twisted and gnarled like an ancient tree.

Before it completely breaks…


I have to decide what to do.

Run away.


Try to fight.

I mulled over the behaviour patterns of the thing I had observed while running away.

Honestly, if I calmly observe… I think I can deal with it.

Especially now that I have no blind spots.

If there’s a problem.

Can I digest that, too?

The only attacks I can do are spewing mucus and digesting.

Ah, I also used hardening when I ate the horned wolf, so maybe that’s possible, too.

I have a few attacks that I can do.


There’s no way my cotton fists will work on this sturdy car.

Then, in the end, can I melt it?

That’s all I need to judge.

I tried to recall the things I had eaten.

Thinking of the… metal pieces that Han Seori gave me…

Couldn’t I do it?

I gained confidence.


Now that it has its head stuck in the crushed car.

I opened the door of the car and went out. Honestly, there was no need to open the door. It was already loose from the impact.


I climbed up its body, which had its head stuck in the car.

The sticky body was optimal for climbing trees, and it was easy because it wasn’t standing vertically but was tilted.


When I reached what would be its neck in human terms.

It pulled its face out of the car.

I climbed onto its topknot to devour its head and stuck it into my body.

*Bubble bubble….*

It didn’t melt quickly like usual, but I felt its body slowly being digested.

It tasted really bad, but seeing the possibility, I tightly clung to its head.


It must have felt it, too, as it wiggled its body like crazy to get me off.

*Whoosh! Whirr!*

It felt like riding a drop tower without a safety bar.

When the fierce wind sound was heard, some of the jelly was thrown off.

As I endured like that, in my field of vision.

I saw the figure of a person carefully approaching from where I had come out.

…Only now you show up?

They were too late.

At that moment.

That guardian totem drives its body into the sharp part of the heavily crumpled car, jagged metal piercing its wooden flesh.

The sharp piece of metal quickly approached in front of my eyes, glinting menacingly in the dim light.

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