Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 9: Vice-President!

Chapter 9: Vice-President!

Seth Albeck.

A character in the novel 'The Rise of Thunder Emperor' was destined to fall into ruins because of the conspiracies and plots he played against the boy named Arata.

But there was a reason why a third-year student council president ever thought about targeting Arata in the first place.

And the reason was Seth's first love and his fiancee, Laila Alfred.

Laila was one of the heroines who fell for Arata early on in the story. Or to be precise, she was the first person Arata encountered in the school, and slowly yet surely Laila fell for Arata's gentle and considerate behavior.

Seth always seemed to be cold toward her which made Laila even more attached to Arata.

But Laila never realized how much Seth loved her to the point where he regarded Arata as his nemesis and started to do everything to destroy his enemy.

From torturing to rape. Manipulation to abuse. Seth did everything to destroy those whom Arata considered precious.

Laila slowly started to hate Seth and in the end, he was slaughtered by the protagonist without receiving an ounce of recognition from the girl whom Seth ever came to love.


[MC's POV:]

'Quite heavy eh… '

I thought about the woman who unintentionally made Seth a mid-rank villain and also brought him to his demise.

Well, surely it wasn't Laila's fault to ignore Seth since the latter was a hardcore tsundere who never was able to straight on confess his love.

At this point in the story, Laila must have started to grow feelings toward the hero. During the orientation of the first-year students they met and after that Laila kept on coming across the protagonist, 'coincidentally'.

Back to the present.

The letter I found on my table was a regular tea invitation. It wasn't that Laila wanted to meet me, rather it was just for public display.

Royalties and their customs*Sigh*.

The time mentioned was around lunch so I just packed the letter back in the envelope and went to research work on hand.

I practiced Seth's signature yesterday and realized quite later that somehow I could understand this world's language even though it wasn't Japanese.

Unfolding the Budget report, I checked the content but most of the things seemed to be a bump over my head. So I chose the best option in hand.

"Vice President Minora."


With a resolute voice, the Vice-President stood up like she was reporting in a military assembly. But well, this behavior suited her stern appearance.

"You went through the Budget?"

"Yes, President. I have checked everything thoroughly and nothing seemed to be excessively summed up. Compared to last year, this budget seems quite stable in my opinion."

I didn't reply, just glanced once again at the sheet. One thing which made me slightly confused was the column of 'Personalized Training Dolls' which didn't have much value added but still was partially allotted to only one club.

"Is this a mistake or are we favoring the Martial Arts club with these automated dolls, Minora?"

There are various clubs that require dummies for practice like the Spell Weaving club. But they have a regular supply of training dummies unlike the ones written under the Martial Arts label.

I glanced at the red-headed Vice President for an answer when I saw her sweating at her place quite profoundly and anxiety was written over her face.

Then it clicked.

A sudden memory flashed in my mind and I remembered somehow that the Vice President has a love affair with a second-year guy who 'coincidentally' belongs to the Martial Arts Club.

Anger boiled inside me as I felt like venting over the girl and tearing this budget in two but I held it in.

People mostly hated Seth because of his crisp and rude words and Minora was also one of them. I might have some memories and traits of Seth lying dormant but it's not like I would let those features overwhelm me.

"Be a little careful next time."

I am sure she must have been surprised hearing not something harsh but just a faint warning but I have many things to sort out first.

I signed the budget and went to check the other files lying on the table and grasped as much knowledge as I could.

Time flew and people moved in and out without disturbing me. I was so immense in my studies that I never realized when the clock hit one.

Thanks to the diligent secretary I have who doesn't let me forget anything.

"President, about the meeting with Lady Laila."

Halting my eyes, I closed the file as a sigh subconsciously left my lips.

All the weariness suddenly started to weigh down my shoulders, but I knew making excuses wouldn't help here.

'Well, I have to end this before it goes any further… '


A/N: - If you guys liking the story so far then let me know~

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