Stuck as a Villain!

Chapter 6: Discovery!

Chapter 6: Discovery!

A/N: - It might be confusing since I haven't introduced MC's original name until now so whenever in the chapter there's written 'He', it would be for MC.


'So it wasn't a dream huh… '

As Seth felt the wet towel roaming over his bare upper body he again concluded that it wasn't a dream after all.

Last night he went to sleep nearly at five in the morning and woke up just at the usual time as Seth has been for the past eighteen years.

Since he doesn't want to look suspicious to act differently from how original Seth used to behave, the morning wash from the maids wasn't affecting his facial expressions at all.

Well, it was quite troubling for him to see such beautiful women wiping him like this while he sat there like a prince, but there wasn't anything he could do.

And who would reject seeing such beautiful sight early in the morning?

His mind wandered to the content he read last night in the library which helped him to gain knowledge about various interesting things.

From the manga he read in his last life, he only got a vague knowledge related to the history. The world-building was top-notch but just some facts weren't aligning with the manga events.

But since there weren't many from the audience who actually read the same work three times, those theories weren't pointed out for the author to explain.

The Soul Energy which is the key source of every supernatural phenomenon on this planet originates from Runic Temples.

Temples emerged all of a sudden from the very core of Earth and bestowed lives on the planet with a very beautiful gift.

By enhancing their soul.

However, this gift was turned lethal for those who weren't able to handle it.

People belonging to the old generation or children below a certain age. Sick people to drug addicts and some other cases. The Soul Energy obliterated them from existence without mercy.

As a result, only 30% of the total population was left to reside on the planet.

Unfortunate it may sound but there wasn't anything that humans could have done nor they could now. The Soul Energy still eats out those who couldn't keep themselves in check and lose the capability to contain this mysterious fuel.

The first generation of people who received this gift had some number of Elite Humans who awakened a unique skill in them. Something which makes them different from the norm.

And with great powers, not every time comes great responsibility.

Human greed made them so blinded that in order to reign supreme they started a war.

Just some years ago they lost someone valuable due to this energy yet these Unique Humans threw all their grief so they could become Emperor of this whole globe.

But not every Unique one was corrupted. Some of them had their principles and those ideals didn't allow them to let this planet fall into chaos.

After a lot of bloodshed and war, finally, a truce was signed under the Will of the Almighty heroes.

Of those who remained alive after the whole ordeal was a total of six and thus six partitions of land were delegated to each one of them to handle.

There were some rebellions and some who disagreed to limit themselves to just a piece of land. But the fact that this Soul Energy was bound to bring more change to Humanity, forced the Almighty Heroes to live on terms.

The piece of land in which Pristine Academy was situated is named Ranghaur. The land which worships the first Emperor and the strongest hero, Sahna Ranghaur.

Being on the tabletop, there are various things where Ranghaur is bound to interfere and offer assistance.

And to produce worthy personnel so they can maintain their position, the council of the main capital, primarily focuses on the youth or to be precise…the remarkable students of the Academy.

"We are done, young master."

Seth got out of his reverie as he heard the two maids who were in charge of his cleaning and clothing.

Without him even noticing, his whole attire was changed into the uniform he wears almost every single day.

Nodding he got up and picked his glasses from the table before he walked out of the room.

'Let's see how much I am actually fucked up… '


A/N: - I will properly explain everything but won't just throw info in every chap.

First day of school after rebirth. There's bound to happen some drama.

Drop a comment if you are hyped~

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