Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 163: Only The Strong Survives

Chapter 163: Only The Strong Survives

"Will she be fine?" Michelle asked Leo as she gestured towards Amanda who is sitting with her head lowered in dejection and gloom.

Leo stared at Amanda as he sighed helpless and replied to Michelle, "She'll get used to it"

"If you say so" Michelle said and then turned towards Leo and said, "I'll go over and comfort her while you do your thing"

Leo smiled and nodded before giving her a peck on her lips before walking away.

Michelle stared at his back and sighed as she also understood the reason behind why Leo wanted them to do that.

Then she slowly walked over to Amanda and sat beside her and started comforting her.


After Leo separated from Michelle, David immediately walked over to his side and asked, "Should we take care of them, Sir?"

The "them" he was referring to was the group where those intruders came from.

Leo didn't stop walking and said, "Send some men towards them and ask them for their surrender"

"And if they don't?" David inquired further.

"Kill who resist" Leo said as he entered the building while David stopped in his tracks and didn't follow through and instead headed back to where the PELICAN is located at.

Three hours later.

Northwich, a medium size Town in England.

Inside the industrial building are men working on the production line, these are the people that were sent here to work on this place.

This group is a gathering of people from mechanical engineers, mechanics and a few of them had work for similar companies that builds military grade weaponry before the Apocalypse.

"Now, I can finally go back and continue on cracking on how to open that spaceship" Alastair mumbled beside Leo.

"Good job, now I don't need to worry about people who would ask where are heavy weapons comes from" Leo smiled as he tapped his shoulder with satisfaction on his face.


A short convoy of ten military vehicles could be seen from a distance as it headed towards the direction of where Leo and the others are.

And there's even a flag, colored between white and black with a triangular cut at one end and with a head of a ferocious bear with its jaws wide open sewed in the middle of it while mounted at the upper top corner of the bumper of the leading HUMVEE as the flag fluttered along the wind.

And every single one of the vehicles are covered in bullet marks, clearly showing that they had just come from a recent intense battle.

A few minutes later, they arrived just at the entrance of the place as soldiers after soldiers stepped off the vehicles one by one as an aura of ghastliness surged out from their bodies.

While two soldiers pulled out a bloodied man and in ropes from the back of a vehicle.

Then a red haired woman, who wears a red arm band around one of her arms with a silver bar insignia sewed in the middle of it as clearly showed her rank as a First Lieutenant in the army.

"Sir! We have completed the mission and captured their leader" the woman saluted to David and her men brought the captive and made him kneel in front of them.

"This is their leader?" Zabu walked over and started circling the captured man while the latter glared hatefully towards him.

"He doesn't look that special" Zabu commented as he kicked the guy and said, "Tsk! You're still acting arrogant even now, aren't you?"

David ignored him and just looked at the woman in front of her and asked softly along with a gentle look in his eyes, "Any casualties on your side?"

"None, Sir. They may have outnumbered us earlier but were more heavily armed and more experienced than them" she said while smiling.

This red haired woman is actually David's wife called Adison, he actually met her on the road when he was out of the base and searching for supplies along with his squad and he had saved her in the nick of time when she was just about to be devoured by multiple zombies inside a building.

From then on, their relationship started to develop without both of them noticing that they are actually attracted to each other because they were always together as David would always bring her when he and his squad would go on another expedition.

Their relationship bloomed through battle and survival.

Unlike him, Zabu in the past few months that they have been summoned, already has a harem of his own with three women of different qualities patiently waiting for him back at their home.

This is also one of the reasons why these brave men always bicker with each other as Zabu would always criticize him for only having one woman and in turn, the latter would then mock him as a person who only have shit for brains and only knows how to f*ck and fight.

"You guys are already done?" a voice suddenly sounded and they saw Leo walking out of the industrial building with Alex, Michelle, Amanda and Alastair following behind him.



All the men called out loudly as they saluted at the same time.

Leo walked over towards them and he finally noticed that a man is kneeling on the hard concrete ground.

"So you're the leader? I heard that you're pretty heartless to your people" Leo stood in front of him and looked down on him from his position while the others just continued watching the scene in front of them as the soldiers moved from a distance.

"Heartless? My people? Ha! In this world, only the strong survive! The weak doesn't have any space to live in this god forsaken world!" the man laughed hysterically like a mad person.

Leo just smiled and headed towards the PELICAN and when he passed by Adison, he gestured to her with his eyes towards the captured man.

Adison immediately got the meaning it as she gave a firm nod.


At the recent that Leo's men captured.

"That as*hole Logan is truly an idiot." Leo's brows wrinkled and thought after he walked into Hartford Village and saw the sight that greeted him.

Leo saw malnourished survivors after walking into the village. The survivors all smelled, and their eyes didn't have a trace of spirit. Feces and urine could be seen all over the streets. Everyone could smell the sick fumes as they walked down the street.

Obviously, Logan didn't give the slightest thought about governing Hartford Village. He wouldn't have even been worth dogshit if he wasn't that lucky that he got two powerful weapons among the weapons that was spread throughout the world by Gaia so that some lucky humans would find them and increased their chances of survival.

Leo's men spread out and searched out the survivors from each corner of the village. Each survivor was given two pieces of bread and then were taken out of the village. There are complete complete set of facilities built around the industrial buildings they occupied and It could easily house hundreds to thousands of people, but they are currently short on population so Leo had the population move there instead and when they got a bit better then they would start assisting the people that Leo assigned for the production line and other tasks that would need to be done in the future.

Leo's men watched the survivors in the unbearably difficult situation as devoured the pieces of bread with gusto, and their eyes let loose a wave of compassion and superiority. They could currently eat their fill of rice each day, and they often ate fish, mutated beasts meat and vegetables like potatoes.

They wouldn't even know how many times they were better off than these survivors if they didn't see this scene today.

They have travelled through dangerous roads, met a lot of survivors along the road but they had never seen a sight like this before where these survivors had to live like this under a person who doesn't care about them.

And their gratefulness and respect for Leo had instead grown deeper again as he at least treated his people under him like an equal human being.

After an over an hour.

The survivors had finally boarded the trucks that Leo's men had carjacked on the road as they slowly headed back towards Northwich with the escort of multiple HUMVEES.


Inside the PELICAN who is following the convoy from the air.

"What do we do about the other factions around here then, Sir? I'm sure that the news of Hartford Village falling into our hands would have spread throughout the other groups by now" David asked Leo.

"Have them all surrender and if they resist like Hartford Village did then you know what to do" Leo said.

"We really have to thank this factions that would occasionally clear the zombies around them. Now, it would be easier to take the entirety the place around here because there aren't a lot of zombies anymore but the only ones left would surely be those mutated beasts and zombies that are still lurking around" Leo said to them.

A couple of hours later after Leo and his men left the village.

The leaders of other factions around Northwich finally got the news of Hartford Village getting attacked and ransacked and that their leader, Logan was even badly beaten and captured and his fate is currently unknown.

All of the leaders of the different factions started getting worried that they would also be attack next by these group of newcomers that suddenly appeared out of nowhere.

So they immediately sent envoys as a show of cordiality and at the same time to probe them of what would be their next course of action after attacking and occupying Hartford Village.

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