Stronghold In The Apocalypse

Chapter 140: Oh Yeah!

Chapter 140: Oh Yeah!

"Mom, is brother gonna be fine? He looks distracted ever since he woke up" Aria asked Rachel, sounding really worried.

"I'm sure he's gonna be fine. Let's just leave him alone for now especially you two" Rachel said but she specifically told it to the two women, Amanda and Michelle as she knows these are seriously about the condition of her son and even though she only knew them for a couple of months. She was really satisfied of both of them even at first she was really opposed of Leo having two women at his side.

The two women was just about to get up at the same time and look for Leo but when they heard Rachel calling out to them, they immediately sat down after a few moments of hesitation.

Rachel smiled while looking at them as she thought, 'They are already adults but they are acting like teenage girlfriends, fufufu' and she chuckled a bit and Austin who is the only man in the room felt absolutely awkward as he didn't know where to put himself right now.

'Haist~ I hope we get this over soon. Now, I want to see my wife and my cute daughter' Austin sighed as he thought of his family right now and while at the same time, feeling helpless inside as he finally know what being "out of place" is.

A few minutes later.

"It's already late, everyone get back to your own rooms" Rachel said while packing the files in front of her along with his Austin who is also tidying his things.

Amanda, Michelle and Aira had already went back to their own rooms earlier and the only people here inside the conference room are those people who manages things inside like Melinda and Angie who are the two people currently managing the garden, the kitchen and the storehouse and there is also Laura who is now in charge of the training plans of the soldiers inside the Stronghold since Henry left. After all, she was also formerly a drill sergeant.

They slowly left the conference room one by one and the only that was left inside was Rachel who was the last to leave with the two mutant dogs following behind her, it was the mutated dogs that Leo captured back then at the bunker of the Royal Family which he gave to her mother as her own security.

While walking through the dimly lit walkway, Rachel stopped beside a window as she stared at the rarely seen starry night sky as she mumbled to herself

"I wonder what the future holds for us from now on" she said before she disappeared into her own room at the next corner.


On a nearby hill.

Leo was still lying down on the grassy ground when he heard footsteps coming towards him, he didn't even need to turn his head to know who it is and at the same time suddenly asked a question from out of nowhere, "Alex, what do you think of the night sky tonight?"

"Absolutely stunning" Alex stopped just one meter away from Leo and answered him while looking at the brightly decorated night sky.

"Yes and I want my future descendants to be able to also witness this beauty in the years to come" Leo said and then he sat up and looked behind him.

"Say, what do you think are our chances of resisting "their" future invasion of Planet Earth?"

"Absolutely Zero" Alex answered so bluntly that it made Leo's face twitch repeatedly for a few times.

Leo turned around and stared at him and said, "Did someone ever tell you, that you're one real a**hole?"

"I'm not an a**hole but an android"

Leo suddenly had the urge to whack this bastard in the head but in the end, it was just an urge and didn't do it mostly because he isn't stupid enough to not know that he can't receive a punch from him but it's not like Alex would even attack him though.

"Come on, let's go back. It's already quite late" Leo said as he looked at the mini-map indicating eleven thirty post meridiem or pm for short.

After saying that, Leo stood up and dusted himself off before he started walking back as Alex followed behind him but when they walked a considerable distance away, there were multiple shadows following around him.

A few minutes later.

Leo finally arrived near the Stronghold but he didn't enter from the gate but instead jumped over the wall along Alex and then multiple people dressed like an Assassins Creed followed after them before they disperse to different directions.

*Swoosh* *Swoosh* *Swoosh*

"Huh?" one of the men patrolling along the wall suddenly turned around confused because he thought someone just passed by them and then he he nudged his companion and asked with a trembling voice, "Hey, did you see that? I think there's someone here with us!"

"Shut up, there's only three of us here" the guy that was nudged said with laugh as he just shrugged off what his friend said.

"Maybe it's a ghost?" the man slowly move near towards his companions while warily looking around him.

"For pete's sake, I'd rather think that it was a zombie rather than a ghost, you scaredy cat. Even if its a ghost, why the heck are you even scared of them? All of us here has at least dozens of zombies before or maybe even more!" the other guy started to get irritated as he suddenly raised his voice.

"But they're ghost!"

""Shut up!""

"And even if there is a ghost with us! If it appears before me then I would beat the shit out of it then shove his freaking head in his ghostly a**, get it!?" the guy near the scared guy said angrily as his head would along with the words the comes out of his mouth at the same time, clearly annoyed this time as there is even bulging veins appearing on his face.

What Leo and the others didn't know is that because of them entering the Stronghold through unusual mean that it started to get one of his men to start getting paranoid about his surroundings because of his fear towards ghostly beings.


*Pyak* *Pyak* *Pyak!*

The sound of slapping sound rang out throughout the room along with moans of pleasure and grunting.

Currently right now, Leo and his two women are having a wrestle in their bed as the two beautiful women as stack together as Leo's huge nail would pound their wet holes one at a time causing both women to wail in pleasure.

The three of them did "that" for a whole two hours and performed every position they could think of until they got tired and fell asleep after that.

The next day, the roosters at the camp a hundred meters away from the mansion started cackling the moment the sun appeared in the horizon.

But because those thirty roosters are mutated animals, their cackles became so loud that they now sounded like one hundred alarm clocks ringing at the same time which is really deafening to the ears!

The three people on the bed groggily woke up and they weren't even bothered how noisy the roosters are as they are already used to it.

But suddenly out of the blue, Michelle hastily sat up from the bed and ran towards the bathroom while covering her mouth with her hand.

Then puking sounds started sounding out from the bathroom. Leo and Amanda looked at each other looking bewildered as they weren't expecting something like that to happen early in the morning.

But suddenly from out of nowhere, Amanda also covered her mouth as her head started the motion of someone on the verge of puking so she immediately got up and dashed towards the bathroom and another sound of someone puking echoed from the bathroom.

"What the heck is happening today?" Leo murmured with a dumbfounded look towards the direction of the bathroom as he felt like his brain has just short circuited.

A few minutes later.

The two women finally walked out of the bathroom looking exhausted but there is also joy in their faces.

Leo immediate stood up from the side of the bed and walked towards buck naked and asked like an idiot, "So~ are you guys okay?"

""We're fine!"" Amanda and Michelle said at the same time and then they looked at each other and giggled happily.

"We're going out first!" Amanda said as she hastily dressed up followed by Michelle and then hastily left the room after that with a goal already in their minds.

Leo didn't even bother stopping them as he just turned around walked towards the bed and just flopped on the bed while muttering in disbelief, "Oh my god~ Could it be that they are pregnant?"

Leo wasn't stupid because he knows that morning sickness, which can strike at any time of the day or night, is one of the classic symptoms of pregnancy.

Leo just laid there on the bed for almost half an hour as he didn't know what his reaction would be if his assumptions turned out true.

"But we even use birth control pills" Leo said while touching his face.

After that, Leo just shook and slapped his head and said to himself, "If they are pregnant then great! Being a father maybe ain't that bad but the problem is *sigh*"

Leo sighed as the timing is really not that great especially knowing that a bigger enemy is heading their way!

"At least, there's at least three more years before that" Leo said then his eyes suddenly burned fighting spirit as he clenched his and declared confidently, "If those bastards comes here then I will make sure they can never go back!"

*Caw!* *Caw!* *Caw!*

As an imaginary crow passed by him.


"But before doing all that I still need a lot of things to do" Leo said as he immediately cleaned himself and then he dressed up and hastily left their room looking like he's in a great mood as he started even humming and slammed the door behind him.


But just as Leo was just about to step out of the door, he suddenly remembered something!

Leo suddenly walked backwards and headed to the stele inside the Mansion where Gideon is located.

"Gideon, are Amanda and Michelle possibly pregnant?" Leo nervously asked.

[Yes, they are already two weeks pregnant, commander] Gideon's voice echoed throughout the room.

Leo suddenly felt the world spinning as he really didn't expect that they would truly be pregnant but at the same time, he was also feeling immense joy!

"Thank you, Gideon" Leo said after he recovered from his dazed.

[I'm always at your service, commander]

Leo then excited the mansion and just as he stepped out of the door, he suddenly yelled on top of his lungs!

"Oh yeah!!!"

But his excitement was suddenly doused in cold water when he noticed that the people are staring at him in shock as they probably didn't expect that coming.

'So embarrassing' Leo thought as he hastily left the Stronghold with a smile plastered on his face.


While Leo went to do his own work.

The two women, Amanda and Michelle went to get a pregnancy test from the small hospital of the Stronghold.

A while later, they both exited the restroom inside the hospital and then looked at each other.

"How did it go?" Amanda asked beaming.

"Positive and you?" Michelle replied beaming in delight!

Amanda just smiled widely showed Michelle the results.

There were two lines showing on her pregnancy test.

She is also positive!

"I wonder what Leo's reaction when he finds out that we're pregnant" Michelle said smiling from ear to ear.

"I can't wait" Amanda said as both of them excitedly left the hospital as they went to look for Leo but sadly for them, they found out that he already left the Stronghold so they just decided to surprise him later when he comes back.

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