Star Eater

Chapter 397 - 397

Chapter 397: Chapter 397

Arthur's Point of View

Dwardew Ruins

Ignoring Elincia, I turned to the Dwarves. "Make sure no one talks to them before I get another chance. I'd like to-"

"You're a king?" Ventari cut me off as she looked at me expectantly.

"Oh, my god... No, I'm not." I told her in a frustrated tone.

"That's not what those Demons said!" Elincia shouted.

"They're not Demons!" My tone was firm as I turned to her abruptly. "They... Just stop. Okay?" Holding up my hands to get her to stop didn't work.

Elincia gestured to the building. "Arthur, how is it they know about the situation with our memories, but we don't?" Her voice had an edge to it. "Why would those in the Demon ranks know about you? They even talked about you killing your own..."

Kheri, Vitar, and Dwar were eyeing me warily at this point. "What do you want me to say, Elincia?" I questioned. "Mmh? Do you want me to say I was a king? Do you want me to say that I am the reason thousands of people suffered?" Stepping closer to her, I got in her face. "What do I have to say to get you to shut the fuck up!?" This would be so much easier if their memories weren't fucked with, but that seems to be a key point she keeps forgetting.

Many were put off by the sudden change in my demeanor. "You cannot ignore this, Arthur." Elincia continued as I turned from her with a scoff and started to leave.

"You're certainly making it difficult, but I'm confident I'll manage."

"Everything makes sense now! Arceana suspected you were some manner of royalty."

That got me to stop. "What?" I whispered. "When did she say that?"

"The way you carry yourself along with your attitude and behavior at times gives off an air of nobility." The High Elf answered. "Your knowledge and how you handle situations when you know you're absolutely right infuriates at the best of times." She then gestured to me lazily. "Not only that, but you single-handedly boosted our economy to the highest it's ever been." Elincia's voice got softer. "You know things about my family that no one else knows..."

"I told you I was older than you and your sister combined, Elincia."

A few of the Dwarves seemed surprised at that, as did Kheri. "You have." Elincia nodded in agreement. "But there is a difference between decades, centuries, and millennia, Arthur. So, how much older than us are you?"

Turning to face her fully, I questioned her back. "I don't know?"

Her face contorted into one of amusement. "You phrased that as if it was a question."

"Because it is."

"You mean to tell me you don't even know how old you are?" She asked back with a scoff. "Both my sister and I know our age's exact number." Then she raised a hand toward me. "Unless you claim to be so old that you cannot even remember your age."

"..." I didn't answer.

It wasn't a lie. The time in the void was unending. It felt like thousands of lifetimes had passed just to meet the Star Creature. Then it happened once more before I even arrived here. Without the ability to stabilize my own mind, I'd probably be insane.

"Tens of thousands?" Elincia offered quietly.

My nose crinkled at that, but I didn't answer.

"Hundreds of thousands?" Kheri added.

Gritting my teeth, I spoke harshly. "Does it matter?"

"Millions?" Elincia continued.

"..." Still no answer.

"If you lived anywhere near that long, of course you'd be a king at one point." Ventari said nervously as many of the Dwarves were unsure what to do with this information.

"Yes!" I started. "Yes, okay! Once upon a time, people named me their king! Do you feel better now?"

Elincia teleported in front of me and placed her hands on my cheek. "Why would you hide this? Why do you shut yourself out like this?"

Removing her hands, I lowered them gently. "If you knew how I failed you, you wouldn't ask me that." She gave me a confused look at that.

Elincia's Point of View

Dwardew Ruins

What did he mean by that? I didn't get the chance to ask as his eyes suddenly widened, and I felt my body being moved. As I fell, I saw everyone else was in a similar position. We all were pushed to the ground by an invisible force. That meant it was Arthur who did it. Was he that angry with us?

"Arth..." I quickly sat up, ready to chastise him for acting so immaturely, but my eyes widened as my voice left me. "ur..."

He was lifted in the air with his feet dangling and twitching. In fact, his entire body convulsed as a black tendril kept him hoisted. My body shook in fear as I saw blood running down his face and neck. Arthur had been skewered in-between his eyes. My blood ran cold as I felt horrible magic settle across the area as Arthur's eyes darted back and forth.

"Well met, your majesty." A dark voice called before shadows began to gather behind Arthur. "I must say," The shadows combined to form a Demon far fouler than most I'd met. "I'm surprised you didn't sense me sooner. A little slow, given your abilities. Maybe the poison is working after all..."

It laughed wickedly before dozens of tendrils tore into Arthur's body and began to rip him limb from limb. Blood splattered across my face as many of us watched in horror. I raised my hand to activate my magic, but my body froze when the Demon's gaze turned to me. A sharklike grin split its features as several tendrils pierced Arthur's chest from his back. It started to swing him around like a ragdoll before he released him, and he was flung across parts of the ruined Dwarven city.

"This was a nice surprise." The Demon spoke as it crawled over to us on all fours. "Perhaps I can take care of many loose ends here and now. It's so good to see you again, Princess."

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