Star Eater

Chapter 364 - 364

Chapter 364: Chapter 364

Thana's Point of View

Unknown Location

My Ghoul on the inside of Dwardew still wasn't responding. Waiting made no difference, and I could no longer hope he would awaken. That meant he was likely unconscious with some tampering to keep me from using my ward. Thus, I had to resort to using one of the Ghouls outside Dwardew.

As I took over, the first sight I was to witness was the entirety of Dwardew's barrier being blown into the sky and decimated. My eyes narrowed as I saw my Wraith flying off as it gave chase to a form that disappeared into the mist. A smirk came to my lips as I realized that the fool hadn't realized that this mist copied The Veil in the west.

Unfortunately, a giant hole was blasted through it through sheer force, and my smile diminished as my Demon Experiment continued to give chase. I did everything right this time, and it all still fell apart. Arthur was separated and surrounded where he would be unable to escape. His magic would slowly dissipate where he would be easy enough to capture.

"Sir?" One of the Breeders came up to me in his cloaked regalia.

He backed away as my face scrunched up in anger as my eyes focused on Dwardew. "Tell all our forces to advance." I ordered. "The Dwarven and Druid barrier is down, and they are in disarray." Then I turned to the entire army and raised my voice with magic. "Slaughter them!"

Bowing, he responded. "At once, my Queen!"

Leaving the Ghoul to his own devices, I returned to my decrepit throne room in a sour mood. My eyes darted between my Generals. Should I send someone else? Many thoughts and ideas shuffled through my mind as I tried to think of how to proceed. Our enemies are extremely dangerous, and both are capable enough to face me. Mordred seems to have gotten stronger, but so have I.

Still, it's been two thousand years since I've faced either of them, and I wasn't willing to risk Arthur pulling the same stunt he did all those years ago. Having a repeat performance would be unacceptable. I lost all the work I had accomplished thanks to him and the wounds he left on me. Even to the point where I had to operate on myself to grow more powerful...

"Let's see what you do..." I mumbled as I watched on.

Elincia's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

"What're we gonna do?" General Kheri inquired. "We're exposed now."

Arthur sighed. "I can take care of the army, but if those two return, we're quite literally fucked." Then he looked at us. "Well, you all will be. I'll be fucked by trying to protect all of you."

Typhon quickly spoke. "Isn't there something we can do?"

"You're injured, and so is Elincia." Arthur replied, and he quickly turned to Kheri. "You should take them inside the palace and hole up with Allen and his crew. You'll likely be the last defense."

"I can fight!" Kheri shouted.

I nodded. "That is exactly why Arthur wants you with us. Typhon's arms might be broken, and I am having difficulty moving." Arthur glanced at me, and I sighed. "I cannot believe I have become so useless."

"Look, if you want to feel sorry for yourself, do it once you're inside the palace. Who knows when the Demons will start their attack, but the barriers are down, and our defenses are compromised." He then gestured to the walkway to the Dwarven Palace. "I have other problems to worry about aside from your uselessness."

Arthur's Point of View

Capital of Vithari - Dwardew

Elincia glared at me for that before an explosion rang through the city. It didn't echo since it was no longer a large cavern. The force of the blast could still be felt from where we were.

"What was that?" The Priestess questioned, alarmed.

"My guess is an explosion." Was my rather mundane response.

"Arthur!" Elincia chastised.

"What?" I asked back with a shrug.

Kheri then pointed above the remains of the new wall that barely protected the city. "Look!" Low and behold, enemy fliers were inbound. "Zugal are coming over the wall!"

I looked at her and wanted to say something about her pointing out the obvious, but I felt that would be hypocritical. "Think you can get Elincia to the palace?"

She nodded. "What will you be doing?" This time, I did give her a blank look. "Right..." Kheri turned to Typhon. "Can you help me support her so we can get her to Allen? He has a healer, I believe."

"Of course." My student replied.

They moseyed off, and I looked towards the front of the city where the sounds of battle could be heard. The Demonic air forces were having a difficult time attacking thanks to the Dwarven defenses, but it did sound as if the Dwarves were holding at the gate. I wondered where Ventari was, and I figured the Prince was likely headed toward the gate himself.

With a sigh, I opened a portal. "Today is not my day."

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