Star Eater

Chapter 327 - 327

Chapter 327: Chapter 327

Arthur's Point of View

Over the Middle Ocean

The blonde frowned at that. "You do realize that makes little to no sense."

"Fuckin tell me about it." Then I glanced over my shoulder where the Queen was conversing with Allen. "I'm also hoping for some aid in the future. If these Dwarves are half of what I expect, I can work with them. Assuming they'll work with me, of course."

"Or you could just work with us for whatever it is you need." Elincia told me, slightly annoyed.

"I am. Even put out a few feelers to see how your people would adapt and push forward. What I have planned isn't something that can be done with just one single kingdom backing it."

Elincia scoffed. "Be mindful of such words. You sound like you want to conquer the world."

A chuckle escaped my lips. "Part of me considered it." Her neck twisted so fast to me with wide eyes it made me laugh a little harder. "Probably not in the way you're thinking, but uniting the world is a noble goal, is it not?"

"Were such a thing possible, perhaps." Was her careful response.

"With enough force, anything is possible. It was more to create an alliance against the Demons, but I knew that if it did work, and we did defeat the Demon Horde, that the alliance would eventually crumble."

"And that is something you wish to avoid?"

A smirk came to my lips. "As I said, uniting the world is a noble goal." Was my more cryptic response.

Elincia seemed to entertain the idea. "You would need to contend with thousands of years of hate. Many races are separated for a reason. Most do not get along well with others."

Another chuckle escaped my lips. "Yes. I'm aware. It's not the first time I've seen it." Her brows furrowed at that. "Enough about that, though. My plans for the future can wait. Since you're here, I'd like to ask you something."

"Oh? What does the great Arthur Pendragon need from lowly me?"

"Lowly?" I repeated. "You don't act lowly. Your high and mighty attitude could definitely do with some lowing, though." Elincia smacked my arm as she glared at me playfully. "In all seriousness-"

"Yes, because you are a beacon of seriousness."

I paused at the verbal sparring. "Touché." Nudging her back got a small smile out of her. "I need your help with Typhon."

She quirked a brow at that. "Really?" Elincia was very surprised at my request. "I thought for sure you would refuse any help from my sister or I."

Placing my hands on the railing, I sighed. "I don't know much about magic. I don't know how it works or how to make it grow in a positive direction. Dragons have magic. Typhon has magic that I can direct, but not much else."

"This is because of your 'lack of magic' as you refer to it." Elincia asked softly, and I nodded. "Mmh." She hummed. "Magic is many things, Arthur. However, the best term I would use to describe it is wild." Glancing at her revealed a small orb of light appearing between her hands. "It is different for everyone and varies widely. Even from Elf to Elf, it can change."

"I imagine those differences become larger depending on race."

She nodded. "Indeed, they do." The orb floated around. "Magic can take so many different forms. That is why it is referred to as magic. Something that is so easy to define is so difficult to identify at times. Ever shifting, everlasting, and always there in different ways." A smile came to her lips. "That's what makes it magical."

"And that explanation is exactly why I need your help. My understanding is practically nonexistent."

Elincia smirked as the orb disappeared. "I could teach you as well if you wish."

I matched her smirk. "That'd be like me trying to teach a tree how to use my powers. Magic is beyond me, but it isn't beyond Ty."

Quirking a brow, the Priestess eyed me. "Are you calling me a bad teacher?"

"I said nothing of the sort. Want to get something off your chest? Are you feeling inadequate in any way?" That earned me another smack. "I'm not going to deny Ty proper training and education on what he can do out of spite. It's not fair to him."

"It seems I continue to misjudge you, Sir Arthur."

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