Star Eater

Chapter 316 - 316

Chapter 316: Chapter 316

Rennal's Point of View

Helmsforth Temple

He seemed perplexed at that as he repeated my words back to me. "Earth and sky?"

Giving him a toothy grin, I explained. "Cassidy said it to me once, and I didn't think it made much sense either. That is until she explained." My eyes fell onto her sleeping form once more as I felt her breath against my skin. "She explained that since I was like the sky. Forever changing in beauty, but always remaining the same. Ageless in a way."

"That would make Cassidy the earth."

I nodded. "Strong and steady. Unpredictable in so many ways and yet always reliable."

"Not the metaphor I would've used."

"Neither would I, but it meant the world to me," I told him. "Such beautiful words from someone so unexpected." My smile softened. "All from following her around and running into her 'on accident.' She explained it better, mind you." I quickly added.

"I believe you." His word were sincere.

"At least someone does. My parents are less than enthusiastic about our relationship." A small came to my lips. "They even suggested I try to woo you instead. After all, you were the one who saved me from those slavers." My expression turned biter. "I was only easy money for them. Probably thought I'd be easy in a ransom attempt." I shrugged lightly. "It didn't matter once you appeared. There is so much I owe you, and yet, part of me is angry with you. This is a complicated set of emotions, I assure you."

We came to an uncomfortable silence between the two of us. Both of us still trying to gauge the other. Arthur was undoubtedly curious about where I was going with all this while I simply wanted him to stay a bit longer. It was the only way I could think to punish him. If he cared at all, then the sight of the tears on 'her' face would hurt him. Maybe her sporadic soft whimpers would...

Finally, to end the silence, the Knight spoke up. "What do you want from me, Rennal."

I looked him in the eyes. "I wanted you to be here for her. I'm not strong like you. My magic would be considered intermediate at best. She needed you here. Austin needed you to be here."

His response came quick. "Maybe so, but it looks like you did more for her than I ever could." Arthur's expression darkened. "Austin asked if I could bring Augustus back to life." My eyes widened at that. "That wasn't a path I wanted to entertain. What happened, happened. Both of them will have to live with it and not take from my example."

"Your example?" I pushed for more.

"I don't move on, Rennal. My healing process is a sickness that continues to fester more than anything. Neither of them needed to deal with me and my problems after having lost their grandfather." He explained.

While I didn't understand all that he was saying, it sounds like he was being honest. His expression was stiff. Almost like he was trying to keep his own emotions at bay. Most who were honest would give off a different feeling, but there was nothing except sincerity behind his words.

It didn't make me feel any less disappointed in him, though. "Have you ever been in love, Sir Arthur?" I inquired.

Such an innocent question with an innocent intention behind it. Yet, you'd think my words were like a knife. A fearful expression took hold of him before he completely glossed over. Almost as if a mask had erased that split second of fear he showed, his entire demeanor changed.

"Twice." Was his lifeless response.

Such a cold answer told me more than he probably wanted to. "Then you should understand why I would've wanted you here." My eyes locked into his as he seemed to cut off from the rest of the world. "I wanted you to put your selfishness aside and comfort her. It's true, I've done everything I can, but there is a strength behind your words and your presence that I cannot compete with."

Using my magic as he turned his head from me, I moved it back so I could keep his gaze. Thankfully, he didn't fight it. Arthur once again reluctantly looked at me. He could've easily ignored my magic. I knew that, so this was a nice surprise.

"Cass and Austin think the world of you. You're their hero. Almost everyone on this mountain thinks so at this point, but you don't have the same relationship with them as you do the Reeds." Both of us were silent for a moment. "I love Cassidy with all my heart. She will be my forever even after she has gone, and I still look as young as I do now. I'd give anything to take this pain away from her. Can you say the same?"

Arthur stood quietly and moved next to the bed. "I don't love Cassidy the same way you do, Rennal." He said simply. "Obviously, you know that, but you are right when you say I care for her." Reaching out his hand, he rested it on her head as a small glow appeared. "I'm doing the best I can, doing what I can. Even if it's not up to your standards, I won't blame you for hating me." Cassidy's soft sobs stopped as she finally looked peaceful. "After all, you took care of her when I could not." He looked resigned as he pulled away, and a portal appeared. "Thank you, Rennal. For everything you've done in my stead."

Part of me wanted to call out to him, but he was quick to leave. That, and I didn't want to risk waking Cassidy. She finally seemed to be sleeping so soundly. Moving or raising my voice might change that. Maybe Sir Arthur planned on that. The thought of it just irked me more. Although, another part of it made me smile as I slid down and hugged Cass in my arms.

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