Spirit Soul

Chapter 82 Fate

The group of adventurers stealthily approached the large Nasga tribe through the bustling forest.

It was filled with flourishing bushes and large trees.

This served as a cover for the trespassers that passed through the thicket unnoticed.

With their eyes and ears on high alert, the adventurer group finally arrived at the wooden fences.

These fences served as a boundary separating the forest from the tribe's settlement, giving the bare minimum of protection from beast attacks.

Moments later, Felix gave a nod to the Aldras as a signal.

They nodded their heads in response and immediately utilized their fire affinity seed, devouring their mana greedily.

Within no time, they used a large amount of mana to create one large fireball in front of each of them.

The fireballs had a fiery red color and were crackling with short sparks, visibly in an unstable state.

From the looks of it, they looked as if they would explode any moment.

The Adventurers could barely hold them together, giving the archers that had an eyesight enhancing technique, and Felix whose eyes were naturally the highest enhanced the necessary time to tell them the three most bustling areas.

Seconds later the three highly explosive fireballs were completely formed and thrown into the crowded areas, where they were supposed to create the most lethal damage.

Flying in a beautiful arch, the gravitational force pulled them down at a rapid pace.

The three fireballs landed almost perfectly in the center of the areas they had aimed at.

This astonished Kyle a lot as he watched the fireballs descend on their prey.

What followed later were three ear-piercing explosions that nearly rocked the entire settlement.

If the sound of the explosions had been deafening, that of the cries was only unnerving.

It felt like an echo of painful screeches and squeals intermixed with that of a loud blast.

The explosion hit more than a hundred Nasgas as fire engulfed them.

A cloud of dark smoke and dust rose in the sky for as far as Kyle could see.

It was followed by a distinct smell of the burnt bodies that permeated the air.

Kyle's lips twitched to witness the massacre, but he merely gritted his teeth.

Instead of focusing on the surrounding noises or the smell, he kept his eyes trained on his group.

A bunch of 29 adventurers rushed into the tribe's settlement, no hesitation visibly in their eyes as they held high their morale.

Unsheathing their weapons, they started with their killing spree and killed those who had escaped the fireballs.

The hapless Nasgas collapsed to the ground as if their bodies were made of wax.

Soon, the ground was overflowing with blood and dead bodies that were piling up.

Astonishingly enough, the adventurers were far from done.

Barely half a minute had passed, as a thunderous roar reverberated through the surrounding.

Kyle spotted thick thunderbolts flying above him in the sky.

They pierced through Nasgas' flesh, devouring them without distinguishing between their stage.

Giving the Nasgas no time to recover, the slew of attacks kept killing the weaker ones.

Even the Krysal stage Blood Nasga didn't escape unscathed.

He noticed Felix's arrival just a second late.

But, that had been enough for the thunder snake to devour half of its body.

The velocity at which the thunder snake had shot through the entire row of Nasgas had been unexpected wreaking havoc as they were torn apart after being burned thoroughly.

Despite having been largely overwhelmed and surprise attacked, the Nasgas had a numerical advantage.

Though hundreds of Nasgas were dead, they just seemed to crawl out of their holes and fill the streets.

So far, only one of the Krysal stage beings was gravely injured.

He was slowly succumbing to the lethal injuries.

The other one was still alive and completely unscathed.

He had successfully avoided Felix though filled with unbending rage.

Thus, the Nasga slinked through the shadows and attacked one of the oblivious adventurers.

Digging his claws into the flesh, he sunk his teeth into the neck of the adventurer before biting his head off.

Kyle, and the other four of his group lay low.

While the other groups went rampant, they waited for the perfect moment to act.

Once the coast was clear, they immediately used one of the less populated alleys to rush through them.

It was one of the streets that were near the holes in the walls.

This was probably the reason for it to be less used than the others.

But it was still far enough for the five to rush through.

Knowing that he was too weak, Kyle didn't even think of giving orders to the group.

He knew that at most others considered him as a pushover who tagged along with Selene.

In the end, it was not even his mission, but Selene's.

Kyle had just accompanied her because he was worried that something might happen.

This was also the reason for him to be fully prepared.

As such, he used almost all the soul particles inside his body to empower the Nurture ability.

By doing this, he could see the hues of every being around him.

These hues could be nurtured or vitalised with his ability.

The more energy he used to empower his ability, the stronger it would be.

In turn, this would increase the number of hues he could perceive around people.

What Kyle had also noticed was that the distance up to which he could see the hues increased slightly as he possessed more Soul force and a higher cultivation rank.

This was extremely helpful and even allowed him to see hues through the wall.

However, he could not see through solid materials clearly. They blocked his vision which was restricted drastically. But, that was perfectly fine with him as he saw something others may not notice.

In the end, this allowed him to act as a means of support and a guide.

It made him useful to some extent instead of being considered as a piece of baggage.

Selene had already curled her fingers around her daggers which she had received from Gard.

They shone in a dark blue color in stark contrast to her pale fingers.

Meanwhile, Kyle had unsheathed the similarly blue shining machete.

Both their weapons were made out of an ore called tiola ore.

The blades were weapons at the peak of the ranked grade.

Similarly, their teachers had gifted them with new leather armors as well as the bows at the same grade.

Mell and Gard had equipped them with the best possible weapon and equipment to protect themselves.

Their spatial rings had been of great help too.

As such, Kyle couldn't help but feel sad that the spatial rings would have to be returned once their mission was over.

However, just at that moment, a thunderous roar shook the ground.

It caused Kyle to hastily look around, making him trip over his own feet.

Shaking his head, he slapped his cheek with his free hand.

His act made the others throw puzzled looks at him.

Yet, this attention was only drawn to him for a moment as the thunderous roar was still resounding in the surrounding area.

'Fuck, there was really something!' Kyle thought.

His gut feeling had signaled him that something was wrong quite early.

"It sounds like a heavy armored earthworm!! Pay attention, it might have reached the Krysal stage!" Gaby suddenly shouted a warning.

The information made the already startled group of adventurers nervous.

However, Gaby just kept marching forward without a backward glance.

The commotion caused by the adventurers had woken something from its deep slumber.

The unstable energy fluctuations coupled with the loud noises and the stench of blood made the creature rise to the surface.

It looked like an earthworm that seemed to have been inhabiting the holes had decided to join the fray.

This was a bad sign, and even more so because Gaby was well aware of the beast.

However, even more, annoying was the fact that it could have reached the Krysal stage, which was quite worrisome too!

With multiple holes in the settlement's walls, there might as well be multiple heavy armored earthworms lurking inside.

If that were to be the case, it would not only endanger the success of their mission but also their survival.

Selene and Kyle's eyes met and they didn't have to think twice about what to do next.

Using their highest speed by circulating their respective cultivation energy through their body, they tried to catch up with the speed Gaby and the other two adventurers of their small group.

Unfortunately, that was easier said than done.

Both of them were struggling to do so despite giving their best. Gaby, who noticed this, wanted to slow down.

But Kyle exclaimed before she could do so,

"Run ahead, release the Lohars and tell them that a noble is about to arrive! There is no need to slow down for us, every single second counts!!"

Gaby was torn between staying back to protect Kyle and Selene and rushing ahead.

His advice was logical but her promise to their teachers made her hesitate.

As she was debating with herself, Johana added,

"You're an archer! If you don't want us to suffer by wasting too much time, shoot open the locks the moment you see them and do what he said. I'll protect them in the meantime!"

No sooner had she said this, a more than two meters long spear manifested in Johana's hands.

Even if Gaby didn't know Johana, she knew that the situation was serious.

As such, without wasting any time, Gaby circulated mana through her body. She simultaneously exerted her movement technique which increased her speed tremendously.

Only a few seconds later, she had disappeared from their sight, leaving the four of them behind.

The brown furred Lohar, whose name Kyle had forgotten once again, was still near them.

He stayed close to Selene and did not move away from her further than five meters.

Johana had already noticed this, but she didn't say anything. She just had her eyes trained on him, thinking that something was odd about the Lohar.

It was not exactly difficult to get your hands on the Lohar's golden emblem of chivalry.

But that was only the case for nobles, and the brown furred Lohar was far from being a noble.

As such, it was odd for him to possess a golden seal of chivalry.

It allowed even a commoner to receive a ginormous amount of cultivation resources, just by asking for it.

The golden seal of chivalry was simply priceless for those living in the Sadorla forest.

No commoner could possess it yet the brown furred Lohar had such an object!

However, the brown furred Lohar seemed to miss a huge fortune by handing over the seal to Selene.

He was under the wrong impression that Selene was a born noble which made her a rightful owner.

In the end, Johana was unable to understand the brown furred Lohar's reasoning to do so.

Though she doubted that it was to save the other Lohars who had been abducted.

One small piece was missing from the big picture.

When that would be found, everything would make sense.

If she or the others were to know that all of this was simply a coincidence, nobody would believe it.

It could only be destiny that a golden furred Lohar was born in a small village hundreds of years ago.

He had been able to overcome his disease miraculously, without the help of someone like Kyle.

The golden furred Lohar had climbed the ranks and become a noble.

To express his gratitude to his village he had handed over his golden seal of chivalry.

The village had not abandoned him when he was born in a stark contrast to what the tradition would normally require.

Even if the golden seal of chivalry didn't protect the village from being destroyed or the citizens being abducted, it was still valuable.

The brown furred Lohar, who had been the village head's son, took the seal with him when his father had been killed.

Only a moment after he had stored the seal away, he was knocked out by a Lohar.

He was not sure how much time had passed when he found himself in a caravan leading him to the large Nasga tribe.

It was a fluke that helped him escape the grasps of the Nasgas.

But he knew they could find him easily so he was on the run for several days.

The Lohar was constantly being pursued by those who had noticed his attempt to flee.

His legs finally gave in on seeing Selene, a noble who could finally turn into his savior.

It was then that he had given in to his exhaustion and collapsed in front of her.

Fate or the grace of the Queen had finally heard his plea and granted him his wish.

This fateful encounter had been the beginning of something grand.

It set a chain of events in motion that nobody could have ever expected to happen.

And this included the Old Souls, Ancient Gods, and Primordials equally!

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