Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 368: Claus and Snow Thoughts. Xaver Regrets "Uncle Claus, Save Me!"

Chapter 368: Claus and Snow Thoughts. Xaver Regrets "Uncle Claus, Save Me!"

"Wow so Boss little fishy has swim away while we are away!"


Completely ignoring the amuse Eugene standing before an unconscious Jan tightly tied up in his own room, Claus has read the piece of paper that has been plastered on the knocked-out man chests, which was definitely from the missing mermaid base on the way it was written.

Dear Kind Claus, 

I'm going out for a bit and I might be back early in the morning, if not, I'll definitely send a message to let you know if I want to continue staying outside.

As for Little Xaver, I didn't want to take him along but he keeps insisting and being stubborn about protecting me, which I'm still confused about since I can definitely protect myself.

But what does it mean about some foolish people will try to dig your corner? Is it one of your enemies with digging power? Xaver refuses to explain what it was all about.

It seemed that my knowledge of the human world isn't enough, but at least, what I have learned the past few days is sufficient enough to move around in the Imperial City without being troubled on how to proceed in everything.

The internet sure is convenient, there is countless knowledge I learn from it, of course, you are the main reason why I can confidently live in the human world.

I'll come back soon. Please take care of my Little Hope while I'm gone.

You are really a good human elf. So, if you need me to do something, require my help and power, or any request, just tell me later on and I'll definitely fulfill it since you are the one asking it.


After rereading the letter one more time, the turbulent emotion in Claus's green eyes has lessened while his tense shoulder has slowly relaxed while at the same time, he turned his head in a certain direction with his eyes glowing in vibrant green light.

Shortly, in Claus's vision, the picture of the room they are staying in has quickly changed and has quickly moved toward the small forest behind the villa which was covered with countless witch spells and protective barriers.

And in a few seconds, Claus's vision has stopped when it reached the slightly frozen lake with a beating light in the center of it all, appearing like a beating heartbeat with the way the light appears and disappears in the water surface.

Anyone with a sharp mind can definitely tell that there is extremely special underneath the entire lake.

"... its really still there..."

The forest behind the villa was the most secured and tightly guarded place among the whole area, and the entire reason was the fact that it was the location where the mermaid has chosen to place the unborn child in order to heal it.

Of course, there is also the fact that the unborn child couldn't remain outside any body of water for a long time.

After Claus has examined the entire place while making sure that the unborn child wasn't taken along by the mermaid and was honestly left in his care, the anxious and flustered emotion in his heart has finally calmed down.

Although he genuinely believed the words written in the letter left by the mermaid but it doesn't stop the overwhelming fear he has in his heart, because there is always the lingering thought that the man would suddenly leave and disappear in his life.

After all, Claus still didn't manage to completely woe the man yet, so how could he feel comfortable with the thought that there is a high chance that the man will leave him someday.

Especially after learning that the mermaid wasn't a proper adult in terms of their human age, so he has been desperately suppressing the urge to do a more unspeakable and ambiguous move toward him.

...but, I can do this and that as long as I don't cross the bottom line right???

Besides a different race other than a normal human, the rules in the human words basically weren't strictly followed all the time.

So, base on years of how long the mermaid lives, he was definitely alright!

Honestly, I'm still fortunate though... since there is only almost a month before the mermaid will fully become an adult... so I should patiently wait... and won't cross the line... right?

Damn, I never know how hard it will be to fall for someone...

With constant deprive and perverted thoughts always haunting Claus's mind while slowly breaking his will from going deeper, he can only let out a deep sigh before deciding to hunt and chase the run-away little mermaid.

"Eugene stay in the villa and absolutely make sure to protect it."

"Alright, please wait a bit and I'll try to locate where the Future Lady has run away with the baby dragon."

... somehow, the situation felt like one of the plots in the novel I have read, what was it again... oh right... a bit like running with the ball?

While Eugene felt amuse in his own mind, Claus has finally taken a glance at the male witch that was definitely thinking something crazy after seeing the twisted smile on his face before finally walking away.

"No need, you won't be able to track him down with the witch power."

"Oh yeah, I have forgotten that the Future Lady power is strong enough to block any witch spell."

Soon, Claus and a few subordinates have once again left the suburb villa while trying to follow any lead they can find with the help of technology rather than any special power to swiftly  track down the mermaid who silently went out while only leaving a piece of letter.

"...I can get more closer to you as a punishment right?"

In the end, Claus couldn't control his thoughts of wanting to become more intimate with the man, which causes his green eyes to darkened after countless wonderful images emerge in his mind.

... maybe stealing a kiss on the cheeks?

8:00 pm, an hour before Claus has come home earlier than he was supposed to, which was planning to surprise a certain person but instead he was the one getting surprised.

In the Center of the Imperial City.

Although the sky was already dark with the stars shining brightly in the wide sky, the entire place remained bustling with various kinds of people doing their own thing.

And among the numerous people still out and having fun, a slender figure dress in casual clothes standing before an open door of a blue car park on the roadside has easily caught the attention of every single person passing by.

Particularly when their eyes laid upon the man's remarkable stunning face with calm golden eyes and long eyelashes, causing a certain fascination to flash in their eyes.

Although the man was only standing there with his head slightly lowered down to stare at the phone on his slender hand has bought forth a certain charm and attraction.

Especially when a small smile has suddenly appeared on the man's face causing both genders to be struck by the arrow of love in their hearts.

Although some brave people wanted to get closer and asked the man out, particularly when the thought of having a one-night stand couldn't help but also emerge in their mind if they got refused of being a long-term lover.

Able to attract, charm, and captivate people has always been one of the innate skills of the mermaid and siren race.

So, despite the fact that Snow wasn't doing anything and was just standing there to monitor the movement of his lover, he was unable to completely suppress the natural skill of fascinating and luring other creatures.

After Snow has once again sensed the movement of the people around him wanting to get closer, he can only inwardly sigh at how easy it was to attract bees and flies around before emitting a dangerous atmosphere around his body, causing the people around him to stop getting closer.

My love, even though I planned to act like a naughty teenager, but I didn't plan to hook people once in a while alright?

Imagining the spilled vinegar tank, Snow can only sigh while feeling that it's really problematic to be beautiful and prefer to have a normal appearance.

... hm... my love seemed to have quickly finished the problem in order to get home faster... I should quickly complete what I have planned to do tonight.

When it comes to the use of the internet and technologies, Snow doesn't need Flake's help to monitor the situation of his lover while skillfully blocking the notification and evidence he left behind whenever he uses the infinite black card in his hand.

My Love is really the best~

Suddenly, he really wanna play about being taken care of by a gold master in the next missions later on, of course, it has to be his lover.

Well, there will definitely be a time where a client with an entertainment career will appear among the countless mission he will be performing as a Granter in the future.

Maybe an Idol? Actor?

Being a Movie Director is quite good too because he could just imagine his lover being sent on his bed by a scheming and profiter agent, and maybe he can finally try topping for once in their relationship if that happened.

Or maybe becoming a wronged and betrayed Agent who turned around to grab the golden thigh of the opposite entertainment industry, which is the enemy of the one that betrayed the client.

Damn, there is countless play to experience with his lover~

While Snow was imagining a thrilling various play to experience in the entertainment industry with his future lover in the mission worlds, he couldn't help but finally turned his attention to the child he has just finished fastening the belt on a children car seat.

"Uncle Snow why do I have to dress like a girl?"

Xaver gingerly picks the fake long blue hair on his head while the pair of wide purple eyes couldn't help but dumbly gaze at the adorable and fluffy purple dress he has been forced to wear.

"For safety, what to do if Claus enemies recognize you?"

so I can also save the picture for future blackmail, who told you to keep eyeing my little hope? He wasn't even born yet but you are already trying to arch my cabbage!

Snow smile innocently while continued to type in the phone in his hands since it has the technology to let him speak whatever words he types on it with a robotic voice.

"Come on, I will finally take you somewhere fun and eat delicious foods. I was given a black card from your Uncle Claus."

"Oh, Uncle Claus is really kind to you. By the way, Uncle Snow, do you know how to drive?"

"Claus is really good, and no it's my first time but I learned on the internet, so don't worry."


Uncle Claus save me!!! I regret it, I should have stayed home!

Completely ignoring the anxious and flustered baby dragon dress in lovely girl clothes sitting behind the car, Snow has skillfully driven the blue car he has bought by a passing person by using a transfer in money.

As for the problem of being caught by the police, well, Snow won't face any trouble as long as he properly follows the driving rules, besides, his lover has taken care of his identity, so everything he needed to live in the human world is carefully handled.

... wait, I think having a driving license didn't count on it.

It was quite unfortunate since he honestly told everyone about how he was only seventeen years old in human age and would be turning eighteen in a month, but the look they showed was quite amusing.

Although it might be the main reason why Snow has only receive a careful and planned hug from his lover once in a while, there wasn't even an 'accident' kiss and shameful action since he completely acknowledges how shameless and thick face his lover can get.

It was quite a refreshing move though, just like what happened in the ancient mission world with the innocent Emperor.

So while Snow was driving the car and having countless thoughts on how to properly let his lover take advantage of his 'innocent, oblivious, and clueless self' they finally arrive in the most distinguished and luxurious entertainment building after twenty minutes.

"Come baby girl, let's go."

While Snow has gently carried a pouting Xaver who turned around to hide his face because of shame, the invisible screen of Game Map has quietly opened before him, which showed a bright red dot.

The target is located.

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