Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 360: A Deal Between An Elf And Mermaid... (Siren)

Chapter 360: A Deal Between An Elf And Mermaid... (Siren)

"Well, it's my mouth fault no matter what is true it doesn't change the fact that the mermaid is our hope of getting out of this Island."

Eugene couldn't help but finally admit his mistake, especially when the green-eyed tall man's eyes are turning extremely dangerous that he couldn't help but slowly stepped away.

There is a feeling that he was about to be hit, after all, his boss is extremely dangerous when angry, especially when his boss has the attitude of hitting someone when provoked.

Honestly, Eugene couldn't understand why the Mother Tree has blessed elf blood to this man. The human who usually receives such blessing is mostly kind-hearted, gentle, and with a harmless characteristic.

And yet Eugene knows how extremely dangerous his boss is, how particularly gloomy the man is when in a bad mood, there is also the fact that he tends to beat up people when angry, well, mostly killing the other annoying race.

Basically, there is no elf temperament and disposition at all aside from having a green eye that completely tells that the man is one of the countless special humans.

Fortunately, there are still few people the man treats with care and wasn't completely cold and heartless.

Wait... remembering what happened a moment ago, there is another existence who suddenly receives his boss's thoughtful and gentle side!

Boss! You really got charmed by that mermaid??? Wait It's a male mermaid so the entire time, you don't love the softness of females but prepare the firm one of the male gender???

... um... I really want to see the expression of the beautiful and powerful female vampire after knowing that you easily got charmed by the male version of a mermaid.

"Eugene... stop the crazy thought you are thinking right now."

Blue veins basically bulge in Claus temple after receiving an extremely horrified and appalled look from the person standing next to his side, which is unfortunate his childhood friend.

Claus knows how uncontrollable his temper is the moment it went out of hand, and yet there are just people who basically know his dilemma but have fearlessly or stupidly tried to test his bottom line.

For example his worrying older brother then this childhood friend who has been blessed with the witch power, which has basically created a troublesome existence.



"Oh boss, your mermaid is bac- argh!"

Abruptly, Claus watched as an enormous three-moving object has shot out from the ocean, one of the three has accurately hit Eugene's face while the other two were easily caught by his two subordinates that have remained silent a few distances away.

"Urgh it hurt... and taste fishy what the fuck"

Completely ignoring the groaning man on the ground, Claus has swiftly stared at the stunning male mermaid with beautiful blue hair and fishtail calmly exposing half of his face out in the seawater before watching them with unfathomable golden eyes.

Despite the mysterious air around the mermaid race who usually stays deep in the ocean, remaining indifferent to the creates that live on the land, Claus couldn't help but slowly showed an amused expression on his handsome face after a few seconds of observation.

After all, he definitely perceives that the blue-haired mermaid was being playful and having pleasure hitting his childhood friend's face with a living fish.

Honestly, Claus has easily figured out that the stunning mermaid clearly felt offended after unjustly being accused and doubted by his troublesome childhood friend.

Fortunately, the mermaid has decided to come back and didn't plan to leave them alone.

Even going so far as to give them some food to eat, after all, aside from the usual wild edible plants in the forest, there wasn't even a single animal that exists on the entire Island.

Particularly the fact that they couldn't even fish in the ocean since aside from the sea monsters that don't dare to get close to the entire Island, there weren't any single sea creatures around.

"Is this for us to eat?"

From the three moving objects that were thrown, there are two enormous bluefin tuna and salmon, which are enough food to secure their hungry stomach, and could be eaten for the next few days.

How nice and lovely...

Claus smiled couldn't help but deepen with his deep green eyes softening when the blue-haired mermaid has blinked his golden eyes before docilely nodding his head, completely showing an adorable and harmless appearance, which is completely misleading.

After all, the mermaid race is still a dangerous creature because as long as the individual isn't a normal human, the other races are extremely deadly in their own way.

"What is the exchange?"

Although Claus wanted to think that the mermaid got charmed by his handsome appearance, which something that usually occurs and wasn't because he was being narcissistic but he completely believes that there is no free lunch in the world.

The mermaid definitely has something in mind.

... ahh, why is my love so amazing and lovely?

Snow couldn't help but sigh in his heart after the tall handsome man has easily understood his actions, as for why he left to capture a delicious and nutritious fished around.

Well, he has already read in their appraisal information that they have been poorly eating for a long time.

Snow learned how these four men have been stranded for almost two weeks on the Island and have been mostly eating edible plants because, in the client's memories, there aren't any living creatures around.

One way or another, these people wouldn't be able to survive on the Island if they stayed for a long time, only by leaving this place will give them the chance of surviving, of course, the sea monsters around is also a dangerous obstacle they needed to face in order to leave.

So, Snow has chosen to feed them, well, mostly he was thinking about his future lover situation, after all, this is his golden thigh!

Especially when he has to stay low and take care of the unborn child in his arms, at least, until it was safely born.

And what he planned was to leave the ocean and stay in the land, because even if he is strong, it's a bit troublesome to keep being ambush or hunt down by the other sea races in the ocean aside from the mermaid.

After all, when the seadragon has disappeared, it was the Siren Race who has been pressing the other sea races for many years, there is bound a grievance among them.

Especially when there is the Mermaid race who will lead the other races, since completely different from the Siren race who tend to be dangerous and terrifying, they would definitely choose to ally to the Mermaid.

Besides, Snow has also received a little information relating to the world situation after the client has died, and it relates the races in the land.

So, while staying out of the ocean, he needed a person to give him a safe place to stay, identity, and information about the various race that exist.

After all, the client only has more deep knowledge of the ocean part since it has been the territory he was protecting and watching over before the mermaid has chosen to rebel.


Oh, I have forgotten my lover is waiting for my answer.

Snow instantly blinks toward the slightly worried Claus before executing a series of actions in order to let him know what he has in mind, fortunately, his lover is extremely talented in understanding what he wanted.

Definitely my forever golden thigh!

"No disturbing, no attacking and getting in your way, in exchange you will give us some food to eat? And when you are done with the problem, you will help us leave the Island?"

Snow happily nodded with his golden eyes brightening up before making another body language in order to continue what he wanted to say.

"You also want to live in the land for a while and you will be needing our help... no it's my help?"

Snow nodded again with his lip spreading wide, completely showing a breathtaking smile, which has instantly cause Claus's heart to skip a beat.

"Damn boss... he sure knows which thigh to hold..."

Eugene that was holding the lively salmon fish in his hands couldn't help but softly murmur while watching the elf and mermaid communicate with each other, which is always spot on with his boss.

Even he couldn't understand half of what the mermaid was trying to say, is his boss really going to be planted by the mermaid?

However, Eugene's expression has instantly changed when the mermaid has slowly gotten closer to the Island causing the heavy black mist in the sky to swirl before slowly going down.

It appeared that the moment the mermaid has taken a step after crossing the safe line, the curse would fully take effect.

Game Map Alarm!

There is an unknown power getting closer!

The moment Snow receives the alarm in the Game Map because of the added features for danger after upgrading it, a transparent panel has appeared before him, showing the black mist swirling on top of the Island.

It was the forbidden Island curse, the moment Snow has gotten closer, it will soon cast upon him, nonetheless, there was nothing stopping Snow from doing what he needed to do.

So during the time that he was slowly getting closer, the blue fishtails hidden underneath the seawater has slowly started to change into a pair of human legs. 

Especially when there is a problem Snow has to deal with, which is the fact that despite the client living for a hundred years already, but it doesn't change the fact that the client is still underage.

The client wasn't an adult yet, and it should be seventeen years old in human age.

And different from the Mermaid Race that needed to struggle in order to regain a pair of human legs, the Siren race has the ability to turn their fishtail after adulthood without any problem.

However, Snow was forcefully splitting his fishtail in order to enter the Island because the moment he tried to enter in a Siren form,  a force of power would attack him.

In every Forbidden place, a set of rules has to follow or they would face severe and terrifying consequences aside from being given a dreadful curse.

So, there is nothing Snow could do but force the Siren's ability to gain a pair of legs, and even though every second felt torturous since it felt like there is a large blunt knife forcefully cutting his flesh but he couldn't just stop.

Fortunately, the moment Snow has regained a pair of the human legs after a minute that felt like a long time, a blue silk long gown has quickly appeared on his naked body.

Splash... Splash... Splash...

Although Snow face has turned extremely pale after experiencing a torturous pain, the moment his feet have landed in the Island's white sand, the invisible energy has swiftly entered his body.

"... ah... so brave and foolish... the curse... will follow him for a lifetime..."

Eugene couldn't help but twitch his eyelid when the curse has been placed in the stunning male mermaid while Claus could only wrinkle his eyebrows knowing that he doesn't have the right to make the mermaid stop from what he needed to do.

"... what is the curse?"

Its extremely unusual and abnormal, but Claus couldn't ignore the uncomfortable feeling in his heart, especially when watching the way those golden eyes has dim while the red lip turned pale.

"Ah, even I'm not sure boss, but it should be a severe curse depending on what kind of race has set foot in the Island. Fortunately, this Island only targets the sea race and can only place a limitation and restrain in our power."

Snow simply ignores the four men watching in the distance and has calmly checked the appraisal skill in order to see what kind of curse he has gotten. 

Appraisal Skill

Curse: Those who took a step into the Island would receive a severe curse that would remain in their entire life, which also depends on what kind of sea race it was.

For Siren Race: When walking with a pair of human legs, the individual would feel a countless sharp knife constantly cutting on its feet and leg.

After reading the curse, it quickly reminds Snow of the variation of a mermaid story when they have chosen to give up their fishtail in order to become human and live with the person they love. 

Unfortunately, Snow wasn't sacrificing it for the person he loves but for the unborn child of the Siren Race.

So, after taking a deep calming breath, Snow has fearlessly taken another step and walking in the direction where the forest has been destroyed rather than the lush forest where the group of men has been using to stay.

Of course, he didn't forget to set the Game Map to notify him of unusual undetectable danger, while checking one more time the four dots in the transparent panel which has been labeled as neutral and non-enemy.

The neutral being the male witch who still doesn't trust him enough.

Soon, without giving another glance at the four men, Snow has completely disappeared in the distance while gently hugging the dimming large seashell in his arms.

My love... mission first before I try to fall for you again~ 

"Ah.... how heartless... he has completely thrown away our Boss the moment he has gotten what he wanted."


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