Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 349: The Aftermath After Snow Death (1)

Chapter 349: The Aftermath After Snow Death (1)

Crack. Crack Crack

Shortly after Snow has died, the huge egg shape has started to split apart before a pair of beautiful hands has swiftly broken out from the inside, then the entire mysterious stone has slowly disappeared, completely showing the slender figure of a flawlessly beautiful young man sitting in the ground.

In the never-ending darkness, the slender figure dress in a simple dark and white long gown has slowly stood up before squinting his crimson eyes and gently twirling a strand of his long silky golden hair.

"So my name is Loki?"

The newly named World Rule Will couldn't help but raise his eyebrows in great interest before a helpless smile appears on his beautiful face, which is a combination of Snow and Claude's appearance.

"Honestly, you really wanted me to give you a bad review, right? I was hoping for Noah to be my nameI even hinted it you are really a bad Granter..."

Loki can only let out a deep sigh when thinking of the Granter that has set him free before calmly walking over the two lifeless bodies a few distances away from where he was standing before showing a solemn expression on his face after arriving in front of them.

"You know in some sense, the two of you can also be my Parent right? After all, my entire body is also created from your special core"

Although Loki has been the World Rule Will but his memories from the moment he was born and conscious in the world weren't complete, he is now in a state of being reborn with various new information on his mind.

Completely and genuinely turning as the real and true God of this world.

"Granter Snow thanks."

Unlike the other World Rule Will, Loki has complete authority over the world he was born to control and watch over without lingering problems hidden in the dark.

Which is something that wouldn't work out as excellent as it is if he has chosen the different conditions to be set free from the limitation and restrain place upon him after being born in consciousness.

After all, it's completely different when Loki is only using the body that is born with a perfect and genuine combination of the existence that has dark and light power upon them.

So if Loki has chosen those two people who perish in the hands of the Granter before setting himself free, there would be a huge danger in the future if some bugs have suddenly appeared in his world and can only wait for a Granter to clean it up.

"For working hard and never turning your back from the mission despite how difficult it was, I, Loki, promise to give all that I can offer and help in your continue journey as a Granter."

After a solemn and serious promise was made, Loki has raised his hands to destroy the two people's dead bodies before him rather than letting them rot in the dark abyss before his crimson eyes have glowed with ancient runes flashing upon them.

"Well now breaking the Realms before will make my work easier"

Loki suddenly found that everything that the Granter has done, be it in an unconscious manner, has somehow become helpful toward his situation causing the corner of his lip to raise up in great amusement.

"Time to fix my world"

After a seemingly casual word, the entire world has begun to change, and all of it started near the deep abyss hole, where the rampaging Fallen has suddenly stop moving before their bodies have quickly broken apart and causing the vile aura that was left out to float toward the deep abyss hole.

Soon, every single Fallen in existence started to die one by one causing the Angels, Demons, and halflings that have been fighting and protecting from the start of chaos has shown various expressions on their faces, among them is overwhelming hope and great relief.

And then the entire world was soon basked in brilliant light causing every single existence alive to close its eyes.



Granter Snow Has Upgraded A World!

Granter Mission 5th World: Rank A, Three Realms and Fallen Dimension

Upgraded To Rank S: Completely Fusing All The Realms, Creating A New World Domain

Now This World Is Being Added To The List Of Special Worlds With Unique And Powerful World Rule Will Residing On It.

Ding! A Special Announcement!

Novice Granter Snow has Broken a New Record Among The Newcomers And In The Upgrading Of World Record!

Beep Beep... Beep

Granter Snow will be added to the System Data for its amazing and excellent work.

In a certain Dimension which is filled with various types of existence, an obscure number with a blank name was suddenly added into one of the special lists among one of the glowing large screens in a huge space before a simple notification sound has resounded out in the entire dimension.

Although it wasn't loud and didn't take long but every single being that has been doing their own thing has suddenly stop what they are doing before opening an invincible screen in front of them to check what has just occurred.

"... Oh? This is rare! A Granter has set up a new record! It's been a while since a promising beginner has appeared!"

"Hey, Lily! Stop sulking and check this out! A newcomer has set up a new record of upgrading a world that is also flawless in its control! Damn, I'm so jealous! That Granter shouldn't even know that such a condition exists since a blank name meant that the Granter didn't even finish the required 10 completed mission in order to come in this Dimension, such luck!"

"Ahh! These beginners are so damn! I'm been in bad luck ever since I failed that mission! I should have been able to finally raise my ranks after a long time but now my points are getting less and less!"

In a huge dream-like castle, inside a room, there is an angry young woman was facing a gorgeous woman while completely surrounded by beautiful dresses carelessly thrown in the ground.

Although the angry young woman is pretty but the twisted expression on her face has made her pretty appearance turned ugly.

"Ah, I always told you to stop doing the mission like it's a raider task alright? Look at your soul karma points! Even I couldn't help you anymore if it reaches the limit. Don't keep wasting your points anymore to buy those cheats in order to hook up those handsome men alright?"

"Alright after all, I don't want to stop being a Granter.. but Big Sister, please help me teach that person a lesson! Let it lose all the points it has! I'm sure Big Sister can do it since your rank will let you allow to deal with that person!"

"Ah, let's wait for that Granter to appear here first, even I can't find its identity after a long time so I can't really challenge it yet. Don't worry, since you are the younger sister I accepted, I'll help you deal with it as soon as I figured out its name alright?"

Lily that has finally gotten the promise from the gorgeous woman standing before her has finally shown a bright smile while vicious thoughts flash on her mind after imagining the Granter who has cause her mission to fail was facing a difficult situation.

After all, even though the Karma Core wasn't strict and severe regarding their Granter status, especially after choosing to implement a basic System Like Cheat Management regarding their situation of reaching a Karma Requirement but there is always a loophole to its rules and regulation.

"By the way, how long will you stay in here Lily?"

"Ah, I can only stay for a month Big Sister. If I have just managed to rank up, I would have been able to stay for a longer time. I really envy of Big Sister!"

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