Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 344: Flake Greet His Two Grandfathers And The Pitiful World Rule Will.

Chapter 344: Flake Greet His Two Grandfathers And The Pitiful World Rule Will.

During the time when Snow and Ange fighting crazily in the Realm of Heaven, Vincent and Simon can only arrive in the Realm of Mortal after being unable to stay in the Realm of Heaven any longer because of the chaotic and turbulent energies that continue to wreck the entire Realm.

"Hello, Grandfather Vincent and Grandfather Simon! My name is Flake and I will be the ones assisting you in destroying the second altar while Papa Noel is busy pummeling the daring traitor in the Realm of Heaven~"

Then an enormous Fallen in the appearance of a beautiful and deadly white tiger with black stripe has swiftly appeared before Vincent and Simon causing their bodies to tense up, only to become stunned from being called Grandfather, especially when the supposedly dangerous Fallen has started acting adorable and nicely to the two of them.

when did my son have a child? Wait! How come a beast type Fallen have intelligence? Honestly, what has been my son up to after disappearing in the Realm of Hell? This Old Man won't be able to handle it anymore if I keep getting surprises.

My three-view regarding a Fallen is always being refreshed and my dear Vincent child sure is unique there is a reason why our God favors the child despite becoming a Fallen oh Noel is also my son now huh 

"Grandfathers, it been a day after the first altar has been destroyed, so we can quickly deal with the second one. I'm sure Papa Noel would like to visit the Realm of Hell while he was at it."

With an enormous body, Flake has squat down to shoot a loving gaze at his two Grandfathers while his slender tail is wagging happily, after all, he has learned to greatly treasures and loves the existence that could become his family in every world he travels with Snow.

Especially after experiencing the third mission world, where he was able to interact more with the people of that world and even becoming the older brother.


"Flake right? Good grandson! Your two Grandfather will count on you."

Vincent was able to quickly get his wit back and even accepting the sudden grandson that has appeared despite it being a beast and a Fallen, although the gazes of the Angels that have also arrived with them hurt a bit but who cares, this is the child his son has taken and accepted, so there is no way he will just disregard it.

"Yup~ let's go destroy the altar now since Flake needs to continue getting in the way of the A-Rank Fallen who has started appearing in the Realm of Mortal. After all, I could not let them become stronger than my Papa!"

So with the combination of the sudden grandson Flake, grandfather Vincent and Simon, the second altar that is connected to the Realm of Hell is also destroyed, adding another chaos to the already disorder Realms.

And a day after the second altar was destroyed, the entire Realm of Heaven is finally unable to hold on any longer, the unimaginable destructive power of the two abnormal individuals have cause it to break apart and splitting into various pieces just like the appearance of the Fallen Dimension where the spaces are divided.

"Hurry and set up the protective array!"

"Group A! Go and help Group D protect the injured people!"

"Group C! Hurry up and assist Group B on dealing with the Fallens!"

In the Realm of Mortal where the GS Organization along with the Angels and Demons around have been busy protecting everyone from becoming the food of the Fallen that has started appearing in their Realm, a beautiful woman with a messy appearance was skillfully instructing the people around her.

"... Miss Franc! An A-Rank Fallen has suddenly appeared on our radar and is coming in our direction!"

"Samuel! Take the people away here while we go hinder the A-Rank Fallen from arriving fast. We can't let it turn into a disaster! If that happens, then the world is really going to end! You understand that right?"



The young man that has once check if Snow was contaminated with the vile aura has gritted his teeth while gazing upon the woman that has once looked like she will break apart while having sorrowful eyes has suddenly stood up and began to decisively lead the entire Franc Family in protecting the Realm of Mortals.

Although Samuel knows that the reason they are only doing it was so that their Leader can have a place to come back and call home, but he was still grateful for the woman's decision to help out, especially after knowing how her lover has died.

"Damn! Everyone hurry up and let's go!"

Even though their world has become chaotic because of certain people, Samuel still has mixed feelings regarding the entire situation, especially when Lisette has mentioned the supposedly S rank Fallen being completely different from what everyone has assumed it to be.

Although it wasn't going crazy and destroying everything in his path, but then it is also a fact that their Realm is now chaotic because of the actions of the S rank Fallen.

everything is really confusing...

While Samuel was feeling complicated emotion about the whole situation, an extremely fast object has suddenly drop down from the sky and fiercely landing far distances away from where they are standing and causing the earth underneath their feet to violently tremble while some people were even thrown off because of the burst of power that has followed after.



While everyone has become disorganized, Samuel who was caught off guard and was thrown down in the ground has slowly stood up with an extremely pale face along with wide panic eyes.

"... it's too late the A-Rank has arrived"

After Samuel has just finished speaking, a smiling Fallen which is a contaminated Angel was floating in the air with huge white bone wings on his back while glancing around them for a few seconds before turning his attention to where the object has landed.

"... weird"

After murmuring a word out, the Fallen Angel has turned sideways before fluttering his bone wing, completely showing the appearance of wanting to fly in that direction rather than dealing with their group of people.

Which has instantly cause Samuel and Lisette to inwardly sigh before swiftly planning to run away as soon as the Fallen Angel has left, after all, who in their right mind will wait for the A-Rank Fallen to come back?

Although, in just a split second, the Fallen Angel that was about to fly away was suddenly hit by another object that has speedily dropped down from the sky, causing the Fallen Angel to roughly fall hard in the ground and making it tremble violently.

"... Hmm? Oh, thanks for stopping my rough landing. Although I wouldn't get hurt by it but it's going to be embarrassing for someone like me to land with my face first in the ground right?"

Snow that was forcefully thrown out from the Realm of Heaven after it breaks apart has calmly floated in the air while gazing at the large and deep hole that the nice fallen figure has created.

"... Noel!"

"It's an A-Rank Fallen!"

Hm? A-Rank?

Hearing a familiar voice calling the client name, Snow has swept his gaze around him, before seeing the figure of Samuel and Lisette standing a few distances away while displaying various complicated emotions on their faces, although a great hope can easily perceive among it.


Snow didn't make the entire situation difficult and has used a vile aura made of chains to quickly deal with the A rank Fallen that has started to make its move, while calmly turning his head sideways when a three colored arrow has suddenly shot his way.

"Just hang on for a few days and everything will end."

Despite the fact that Ange has appeared in a huge crater a few distances away from them and has started another round of attack, Snow has swiftly finished off the A-Rank Fallen before leaving a piece of advice to a perplexed Samuel and Lisette that was unable to fully understand its meaning.

And without giving any more attention to the two Halflings and other people around them, Snow has swiftly fly toward the injured Ange before quickly manipulating him toward the huge ancient array that has started appearing in the sky by using countless chains.

Especially when Snow didn't plan to let Ange run away and staying in the Realm of Mortal.

"Come on, let's continue in the Realm of Hell, it's also a nice place like the Realm of Heaven."

Soon, Snow and Ange have once more disappeared in the Realm of Mortals, leaving a stunned group of people, and when a powerful battle has once more occurred in the Realms of Hell, Vincent that has been gathering the Demon races can only let out a deep sigh while Simon was gently patting his back.

"... ah, my Realm is also finished..."

While Vincent has easily predicted the end situation of his Realm, the World Rule Will was floating listlessly a safe distance away from the chaos and destruction that has once more occurred in the Realm of Hell before suddenly screaming in anger and at the same time crying pitifully when a crack has finally appeared.

ARGH!!!!! You only need to destroy the Altars! Destroying the Realms isn't added to the requirement! Waaaah! Fuck! I'm going to give you a Bad Review!!!

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