Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 342: Snow Doesn't Care Anyone Opinion

Chapter 342: Snow Doesn't Care Anyone Opinion

While gently putting the new clothes on, which is, fortunately, a simple dress rather than the fluffy one-piece outfit, Snow was secretly watching in his Game Map the way that the blonde man was going crazy against the bunch of Angels that have suddenly attack the new barrier that has been placed around the entire Mountain.

As for the Demon Vincent and Angel Simon, after slightly peeking at the array they set up, the two were busy performing what his future lover has tried to do a while ago.

Fortunately, Snow wasn't able to feel jealousy about being unable to do it, or else there is a high chance where he will definitely stop his father's happy moment with his lover, after all, he still remembers the interstellar world where he was always being slap a dog food by his friends and family.

So after Snow has calmly tied his long silver hair, a rather serene vile aura without its usual destructive and evil nature has wrapped around his entire body before silently disappearing in the temple room.

Soon, in a fair distance away from the ongoing fight of a light halfling going against numerous Angels, a beautiful woman was secretly watching the entire battle with a serious expression on her face while having strong figures standing around her.

"... are you sure that the Demon who killed my younger brother is in this place?"

"Yes, Saintess Dian, it was the last place where the Demon aura has disappeared, we have also learned that it was the Demon that the Holy Saint Simon couldn't let go and has love all these years."

The Saintess Dian couldn't help but curl her lip into a wide sneer after hearing the Holy Saint Simon being mentioned before a cold glint swiftly flash on her eyes while gazing past the battlefield and landing over the huge temple on top of the Mountain.

"Even if the Demon isn't here, it's the best time to eradicate the person who has been getting in my way of having the entire Realm of Heaven in my control and today's chaotic time is the perfect time to do it."

Those bunch of Angels treating Simon as the Angel closest to their God doesn't have time to give their full power on protecting him since they have to quickly deal with the Fallens appearing all over the entire Realm.

"Well now, I can't let you do that. I have just gotten another Father."

Suddenly, a black chain has swiftly appeared underneath their feet causing the Saintess Dian eyes to constrict before dodging in instinct before her mind can catch up, nonetheless, one of her wings has still been wrapped by it before it was pulled off from her back.


"Saintess Dian!"

"... huh aren't you a lucky Angel."

Snow was planning to completely wrap the entire body of the beautiful woman, but since he failed about it, he could only pull the woman wing as a change of plan before slowly revealing himself from the alerted Angels that have been hiding away from his future lover detection that was busy counting how many chickens he has been killing.

"Well, today's situation is also perfect. I don't have to look for you."

Snow gently waves to his future lover that has been able to swiftly and easily detect his presence before beckoning him to take care of the rest of the chicken while he deals with Angels in front of him.

"... Fallen what do you want from me?"

"Ah, you see your son owes me a lot. Let just say, we are enemies and it won't stop unless one of us is dead. So, I'm just making sure to remove any trouble and danger that will occur. Just like what you planned to the Holy Saint, eradicating all the risk."

Snow calmly smiled at Ange's mother that is one of the leading figures in the Realm of Heaven but also the second strongest Angel with her own organization around.

As for the number one rank Angel group, well it belongs to the organization that Simon has chosen to stay with, which was completely busy helping the Angels in the Realm completely different from the Ange Mother that was slyly planning to take over the Realm of Heaven during the moment of chaos.

Well, such ambitious Angel, it was completely different from what Ange has once told the original Noel when mentioning about his Mother.

"So, I'll have to kill you."

Without waiting for the beautiful Angel to respond, Snow has swiftly begun his attack which was ruthless and swift, always targeting the vital part causing the beautiful Angel to have a hard time evading, especially when one of her wings is gone.

"Hm... there is definitely a reason why Ange can betray the people close to him."

Snow just calmly watched as the beautiful angel ruthlessly use the people around her to block his attack before slyly using the situation to attack back, wanting to take advantage to swiftly kill him the moment he let his guard down.

It's too bad since Snow was able to quickly dodge it since he was faster in speed while the Saintess Dian only ended up gritting her teeth in frustration.

Honestly, Snow understood any living creatures having their own selfishness since he wouldn't be hypocritical enough to deny the fact that he can also do anything for his own selfishness.

It's just too bad that they are in the way of Snow mission and the people that are on his own side.

"Youdo you know the consequences of going against me???"

"Ah, I seemed to have forgotten to introduce myself. Hello, my name is Noel, the son of the Demon you mentioned before. And as you can see, I am also a Fallen, of course, I became like this with the help of your beloved son. I'm also the strongest Fallen that exist, so do you think I'll be fearing a mere Angel?"

Snow stepped to the side when a rather violent attack came it him before wholeheartedly using an enormous vile aura to completely suppress the second strongest Angel in the entire Realm.

Soon, he completely shows the reason why an S rank Fallen is a terrifying existence and has been never allowed to exist because a few moments later the Saintess Dian has roughly fallen in the ground with his feet ruthlessly stepping on her back.

"... honestly... why did you have to make my Brother Claude feel unhappy? Besides, I'm the only person allowed to bully him" 

Snow calmly smiled before violently pulling the remaining huge wing of the woman with his own bare hand, completely unbothered by the painful scream of the Angel he was stepping on while making sure that the blood splattering all around doesn't leave a single stain on his body.

And shortly, he didn't even pause after destroying the pulled wings on his hand before swiftly piercing the Angel back and easily taking tight hold on the special core before violently pulling it out, which being an S Rank Fallen makes it far easier to take a special core out even when it was a strong existence.

"...hmm my lovely Flake would grow stronger after taking this core"

Snow didn't waste time on putting the special core in his inventory bag since Flake would be able to open his permanent skill anywhere and anytime despite staying in a different Realm, although, countless arrows with three different colors have abruptly appeared before swiftly shooting in his way.

However, Snow has never lowered his guard down even after taking down the second strongest Angel with his Game Map completely open and was able to swiftly dodge the oncoming attack, although, his eyes couldn't help but flickered at the destroyed body of the beautiful woman that has just been breathing a moment ago.

"... How cruel even if you can't feel any emotion, she is still your mother, right? Well, it also seemed that you don't trust or believe her in treating you partially and kindly after learning that you are contaminated with the vile aura."

As soon as Snow landed on the ground, a slender figure wrapped in three different colors of auras has appeared, which was the Half Fallen Ange, although, there is obviously something different about the young man just the way he has acted, especially after silently watching as his own mother was being completely destroyed.

Even though Snow has become an S rank Fallen, he didn't remove his eyes away from the silent Ange that remain standing a few distances away from him.

Honestly, there has been an important reason why the World Will has chosen Ange and Brian among the living being in the entire Realms to favor, one could say that the two men are simply protagonists in their own way if the world is a story.

And Snow has focused his gazes at the light, dark and vile power surrounding Ange's entire body which has completely mixed and miraculously in complete balance, and from what he can detect, Ange has a special power that can fearlessly go against him.

I definitely know that nothing will go easy. My luck has always been 50% fortunate and 50% unfortunate even though I have a 60/100 luck point in profile status.

While countless thoughts and ideas flash in Snow mind, he couldn't help but stop at one idea that strongly remains in his mind.

Since the World Rule Will has obviously given up Ange and Brian, then there is only one special power that can help them from going against him, it was the restriction and limitation that has been placed before the World Rule Will was born.

... probably, a defense mechanism that has been set up against what has caused everything to go out of its control?

Especially when Snow has already known that even a World Rule Will isn't completely powerful even in their own domain, since there will always a time that a World Rule Will needed another existence help, probably it's part of their own limitation too.

After all, the secret hidden mission appearing while in the mission world is already a piece of evidence, besides, Snow has already been given a mission asking for help.

Well, it's better than having a pig teammate though.

"... Ah Brian's love for you is definitely genuine or else, how could he have given up his special core and my half-broken piece of heart to maintain you in a better condition and becoming a mindless Fallen?"

Even though any living being can stop from becoming a complete Fallen when taking out their special core during the process of turning one, Ange should have still lost his entire reason and becoming completely crazy, after all, Snow was only able to remain sane because of his special ability to have a calm mind.

One could say that Brian and Ange's love is true and genuine since they can remain together with unselfish thoughts against each other, after all, other couples would have long betrayed each other or have thrown away or given up their lover.

"... my heart give it back to me"

"... well, you have to give my heart back first then"

Snow swiftly replied with a calm smile while his crimson eyes remain emotionless, especially when the special core that he has taken from Ange has been stored in his inventory skill rather than letting it fly somewhere and has misled them that he has only taken half of the broken piece in his hand.

Even though there is a low possibility of completely making the broken special core of Ange whole again but there was no way that Snow would leave a danger or risk to his own life and the people around him.

Isn't he so shameless?

Honestly, Snow doesn't care as long as everything will turn out good, besides, he has already become shameless after meeting his lover so it's nothing new.

"Come... it's time to give my heart back. My Brother Claude definitely wants another reason to receive a reward from me."

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