Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 314: Snow Couldn't Help But Always Roll His Eyes.

Chapter 314: Snow Couldn't Help But Always Roll His Eyes.

"Come on, say Ah~"

Snow warily eye the spoonful of soup that has suddenly appeared in his face and was being pushed closer to his tightly close mouth that refuses to open up.

"Aren't you hungry? Now that I think about it, you are still young. Basically, a Baby, So, Brother Claude has decided to properly take care of you So Come on Baby Noel, I'll gently feed you~"

Snow doesn't know if his word has struck some nerve or if the blonde mind has finally snapped up but Claude has been so nice, kind, and thoughtful after the sudden decoration of finding a wife in the future, honestly, he was slightly weird out by the blonde man action.

"Don't call me Baby"

Snow couldn't help but have goosebumps after being called out with that certain word...

"Oh? Why? Somehow, it felt nice to hear when I called you that. So Baby, don't be bad and open your mouth now~"

Rather than feeling offended at being called Baby but Snow was only being reminded of the shameless memories he has witnessed in the album book before, so for the 'him' now, he still feels completely unbelievable about seeing his actions in the previous worlds with his lover.

Honestly, Snow might have seen the memories, but it feels so utterly different when he doesn't have the experience of it, especially when there seemed to be some sort of wall stopping him from being able to entirely understand and perceive that he was the person in the memories.

Basically, Snow is still pure and untainted rather than that unholy and shameless person in his memories.

"... forget being a partner, I'll run away if you don't stop calling me Baby."


Snow couldn't help but give a pointed look to the shocked blonde man before picking up his own utensil and has begun to eat the food while completely ignoring t when the blonde man has suddenly stood up with a dark expression on his face.

Um? so delicious~

Snow murky brown eyes narrowed in utter delight while his lip couldn't help but bent into a happy smile, especially when he quickly felt the special warm effect of light power spreading all over his body.

Although, Snow suddenly felt his bald head has suddenly begun to become itchy before a slightly wavy chocolate brown hair started to grow out and quickly reaching past his shoulder in just a few seconds.


"Oh? A lucky effect, Baby Bald Noel finally has grown a hair! My partner has become more adorable~ However, having such long hair makes me think that you are a girl rather than a boy though, hehehe~"

Snow rolled his eyes at the blonde man snickering voice while curiously letting go of the spoon on his hand and taking a strand of his brown hair that has been gently swaying in the corner of his eyes.

However, before Snow can marvel and study the effect of eating a halfling food by using their power, he suddenly found himself being gently lifted up and place down into a lap while an arm has quickly wrapped around his body in order to keep him in place.

Basically, struggling away is useless and Snow can only get out the blonde man's arms unless he truly becomes serious, especially if he wanted to get down from the man's lap.

"...What are you doing?"

Snow couldn't help but dangerously squint his eyes at the warm large hand gently grasping his waist in a tight but gentle grip, especially when he felt the blonde man chin casually being placed on top of his head.

Although the blonde man's head wasn't heavy since it seemed that he has completely made sure that Snow wouldn't be hurt or feel uncomfortable on his action.

"I'm just making sure that my Baby Noel doesn't run away from me."

"... you are so shameless"

"Well, thank you! It's one of my charms ~ Now then, Baby Noel let's eat."

Snow could only roll his eyes once more at the blonde man's shamelessness before completely giving up and letting himself be carefully fed while leaning upon the blonde man firm and warm chest while openly looking to the group of people that have been secretly watching in their direction.

Especially Snow has focused his gaze on the pale but doubtful expression in Ange's face that was being comforted and soothe by Brian. Base on the observation Snow has done so far while remembering the memories of the client, Brian is the person that he will need to watch out for.

Although Snow would never underestimate Ange despite how weak and vulnerable he might look, even ants can fight back, so there is no reason to overlook a person no matter how helpless they appear to be.

Especially when it was Ange that has caused him to make the drastic move of letting go of his heart in that desperate manner.

"Brother Claude, I want some fruit~"

"Brother Claude, I want that crispy pork belly~"

"Brother Claude, I want to drink the rabbit soup~"

Understanding that Snow couldn't change the blonde man because of how utterly a shameless person he was, has just allowed himself to be pampered and gently taken care of without any more refusal while there wasn't a single embarrassment on his face.

While Arnold and Lisette that has been watching a few distances away with their own setup table could only let out a deep sigh because despite the fact that they are the only couple in their group, however, it felt like they are the ones losing on being lovey-dovey while showing a warm and intimate scene.

Aren't you guys going to be brothers? Why is it that the two of you look more of a lover the longer we watch you guys?

"Oh, Baby, there is grain in your lip."

Snow has just blink his eyes when a beautiful finger has gently picked up a piece of rice on his lip before unconsciously following the man finger and witnessing the way it directly hot near upon a rather sexy thin lip before the tip of a pink tongue has lick away the piece of rice on a beautifully shape finger.

"I really cooked well~ As always, my food tastes super delicious~"

I won't be seduced by the somewhat sensual and appealing actions

Snow calmly turned his gaze away at the dazzling bright smile on the blonde man's beautiful face, although the sky blue eyes shining in such a brilliant way was truly unforgettable to ignore along with the action a moment ago that Snow couldn't help but remember the images repeatedly even during the time that he has continued eating.

"... wow do you have a bottomless pit in your stomach? I prepared a lot and has considered to just place the remaining dishes in the storage space after but in the end, you ate it all!"

"Keep your hands off"

Snow couldn't help but slap the brazen hand that has begun to pinch and cares his slightly plump stomach before continuing to drink the glass of apple juice in his hand.

And after a while, Snow has let out an adorable burp before blinking his eyes in a sleepy manner since every single part of his body feel so utterly warmth, especially when he felt the softness of his long hair caressing upon his cheek and turning sideways to lean the side of his head on the blonde man chest along with hearing the beating sound of his heart.

"... Such a sloth"

Snow feeling utterly comforts and soothe by eating the blonde man foods that he has remained silent and docile, although he still notices the surprisingly pampering emotion hidden on the blonde man rude words.

"... sleepy"

The food aura along with the blonde man light power given in the dish has finally ease Snow urge of continuing to swallows numerous special core of the fallen or even other creatures with power within them.

So with a loud sleepy yawn escaping Snow small lip, he has unconsciously rubbed his cheeks upon the blonde man's chest while gripping his shirts before finally closing his sleepy eyes that desire to sleep in a peaceful manner.

"...mmm, sleep in peace, Brother Claude is here, so nothing bad and dangerous will happen to you, I promise."

Snow could feel the gentle cares on his newly grown long wavy chocolate brown hair before fully losing his consciousness, in which he surprisingly allowed himself to fall into a deep sleep despite having his enemies within a distance.

. Well I'll just use this situation to test your capacity as my potential lover...

And so, Snow has finally fallen asleep while in the arms of his future lover.

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