Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 312: Claude Rolled His Eyes In Great Annoyance.

Chapter 312: Claude Rolled His Eyes In Great Annoyance.

"... No, I apologize for mistaking your partner as our dear friend. Please understand that although we spoke about Noel turning as a Fallen, it doesn't change the fact that we also have a deep friendship, in which we miserable failed to save causing us infinite distress. Especially when our dear friend is still out there in great pain"

. Are you trying to test me with your words?

Snow has been secretly preparing to open a crack of space that belongs to his Fallen dimension after connecting to Flake in their mental link if everything turns out bad, however, he just calmly adjusted his decision as soon as Brian has chosen to answer in a smart manner while secretly testing the fact if he was truly Noel.

After all, a Fallen would never be capable to hide, control, or even restrained their darkest emotion, much less a reasonable person after hearing such words that would absolutely trigger a person to become mad in utter anger.

Although Snow has sensed the way that a murderous intent has risen as soon as Brian has finished speaking those words outs, nonetheless, the Bless title from Yao along with his calm mind ability has been able to instantly suppress the abrupt surge of killing intent that has emerged within his murky brown eyes.

Nevertheless, if there is a high chance that Snow reason will blurry because of the client's strong soul, he already decisively decided to just slaughter everyone if Brian and Ange remain determined to deal with him, well besides his future lover and his two friends

After all, if Snow couldn't hide his presence in the Realm of Mortal even during the pure race mission then he was completely ready to pull the two people down with him while at the same time wanting to experiment if he would be able to handle the two betrayers despite having the World Rule Will Favor.

And it doesn't matter one bit even if Snow has failed to slaughter Brian and Ange today since he completely believes that it's better to deal with them while they are still alive, dying so quickly is such an easy way out.

Besides being the Granter of a client while for the sake of the mission, Snow needed to let these two people feel the same pain the client has gone through.

So its a win and win situation no matter what happened, it just too bad that Brian sly motives wouldn't work out since the person he was facing now is Snow and no longer the Noel in their memories.

"I'm not so nice to accept your apologies! Just make sure to never bother my partner much less even trying to hurt him. Or else I don't mind making my Franc Family turning enemies with yours."

Suddenly, Snow attention from his deep thought has been easily taken away when his future lover has spoken such absurd declaration, his family fighting against Brian and Ange? Snow wanted to state that it was only a lie, yet, he absolutely knows for a fact that Claude was speaking in a resolute manner.

Really, besides being lovely, Claude is such a domineering person too Snow lip couldn't help but bent into a nice arc while leaning his head closer to the point that his lip has gently caressed the beautiful neck before him, which has instantly caused the blonde man body to shudder from the unusual touch.

".... Hey, behave!"

Snow couldn't help but whisper sexual harassment when his butt of all place was suddenly pat by a large hand, of course, Snow has instinctively reacted as he opens his mouth to bite the man beautiful neck in retaliation causing Claude to almost let out a loud weird sound.

Fortunately, he managed to control it, or else he will definitely receive such a strange gaze by the people before him, of course, he didn't forget to fiercely whisper to the person in his arms.

"Damn brat, are you really asking to be spanked more?"


Damn Snow was quite sure he was being affected by the client's personality and physical body, or else there is no way that he will react the way he is doing now because really, biting a person's neck?

In Snow right mind, there is no way that he will be doing such a childish action.

Fortunately for the two of them, everyone couldn't hear what they are saying and only managing to glimpse of their actions.

However, the scene was enough reason to cause Brian doubt of lessens since, in his knowledge, Noel will never get close to other people so intimately and with great ease, because the half heart he got was enough proof that Noel has truly love Ange.

Especially after the betrayal, Noel wouldn't be capable to feel a strong emotion to another person, much less become someone else partner.

So Brian can finally release a small sigh of relief while narrowing his eyes and finally reacting to the blonde man absurd declaration, however, he was still prepared to watch the child just in case something goes wrong, after all, it's better to be careful.

"Claude, we already know our wrongdoing before, however, is there a need to even cause our families to be enemies just because of it? Please, don't be so unreasonable and irrational, you might not care how you react but everyone knows that your words alone can move the Franc family into action."

Brian knows that this person has strong power and control over to the Franc Family despite only caring for cooking and baking all the time, to easily spoke a word that can cause chaos is such an unresponsible action for him to do.

"So? Didn't you guys already know that I'm an unreasonable person? Then why the hell did you even target my partner in the first place? Even touching my people is a great taboo, so you didn't even think about how I will react when you casually target the person in my arms huh?"

Claude has patted the naughty child butt in his arms once more after feeling the sting on his neck before finally rolled his sky blue eyes since the annoying person continues to make noise that doesn't fail to irritates his ears.

Letting out a loud sigh, Claude's expression turned into a sneer before raising his hand in a shooing motion.

"Go on and leave my eyesight, or else I couldn't help but want to beat the two of you up." 

"....did you forget?... after the space crack appear there is a barrier that would keep us in the same place in random time"

"Gah, so annoying, then turned your back away so that I couldn't see your annoying faces. Don't you know that just looking at you guys makes me want to beat you up? Damn, who gives you guys the courage to target my partner huh?"


This person couldn't be reason with Brian already heard it before about this man but for a person to really exist is truly strange, at least, he never met one before.

After a few more seconds, Brian has finally decided to just stop after seeing that there is no point continuing to talk with such an unreasonable person that wouldn't even deem listen, however, his eyes couldn't help but turned toward the small child that has suddenly gaze at him in an eerily calm manner.

Abruptly, Brian felt a great chill has run down his spine when a smile that appears so lovely and sweet has instead given him an overwhelming bad premonition.

There is definitely something wrong with that child, even if the kid wasn't truly their friend Noel, Brian sharp instinct has been alerting him to watch out over the kid because of unknown danger.

And Snow that has given Brian a smile in order to make the man feel extremely uncomfortable without any fear of what it might lead has finally turned his attention back to the blonde man that has carried him away in the safest distance from the group of people that definitely work and follow the client's previous friends.

"... you aren't suspicious?"

No matter how unreasonable the blonde man has acted to Brian before, but Snow has already whisper about remembering the two of them bullying him, which was a piece of great evidence that the Noel those two have mentioned can be him.

So, if Snow was able to comprehend that thought process then there is no way the blonde man wouldn't be able to understand it too, yet the blonde man continues to act that there is really nothing wrong about the entire situation.

Snow doesn't know why he keeps testing the blonde man to see what he will do, yet, the entire time, Snow is truly beginning to see how the 'he' with memories has chosen this person, even an individual that has unusual personality will have hesitation but Claude didn't even pause to think of his actions.

"Noel, are you really listening the entire time? You are my chosen Partner, meaning you are now mine. Of course, I also belong to you. So, there is no way I will let anyone bully you alright? Even if you are a Fallen, then aren't I so great that I seemed to have gotten a special Fallen as my partner?"

Snow that has been gently lowered down in the ground has straightly met the serious sky blue eyes of the blonde man who has squatted a bit in order for the two of them to face each other at the same level.

"Anyway, I'm tired of dealing with such annoying people. This is why I like staying in my sacred kitchen all the time rather than going outside. Although, you brat better treat me well too, since you now have gotten the best halfling as a partner! So, give me more of that red apple from before."

Ah here is the shamelessness that Snow has seen in the memories, but the person seemed to be a bit narcissistic in this world too.

Anyway, a familiar jade black bracelet has suddenly appeared in Snow small hand before gently putting it on the blonde man's left wrist that has curiously watch what he was doing while staying at the object with great interest, although a tiny crack has suddenly appeared on the black jade bracelet causing the two of them to become startled.

"...I got some of the material stored on it, and it seemed that this object couldn't handle the aura it has so a crack has appeared."

Nonetheless, Snow has quickly uttered such nonsense at the end of his sentence while his expression didn't change one bit despite seeing the sudden slight crack that has appeared upon the black jade bracelet while inwardly taken note to understand all the remaining memories in order to get an explanation later on.

"...! Wow, I definitely chose an awesome partner, even if its a kid"

After witnessing such touching action from the blonde man, Snow has decided to let the man wear the token of love that the 'him' has given to his lover in the second world, of course, unlike before there is an added function within it, which was a small space inside that can only be used in a right setting and this world is one of them.

"Brother Claude, I'm hungry."

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