Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 295: Granter Snow vs Granter Lily.

Chapter 295: Granter Snow vs Granter Lily.

"I'll take care of the others Baby please, come back to me safe and sound."

"... I will my love, please take care too."

Snow who can feel the Emperor's great care and utter concern have gently squeezed his lover hand in a soothing manner before quickly dashing toward the running woman while secretly noticing that Wen Shihong and the others are busy protecting everyone safe in the Game Map

And also dealing with the organization enemies that have been secretly taken along inside the Palace in the name of the envoy that came with the Prince to celebrate the Emperor's Birthday Celebration, of course, Prince Li people and the woman admirer that couldn't be added as her lovers.

Right now, only some hidden guards are following the Emperor's side while the Imperial Guards are split between keeping the guest and people in the Celebration Hall safe while the others are already ordered to stop the woman and her lovers from leaving the Palace.

"Snow~ Ill go play with her special soul partner~"

Snow nodded his head along with a pampering smile to the suddenly excited Flake that was finally meeting the same type of existence while at the same time feeling extremely curious how he will fare against it.

And there wasn't even a question to Snow about which one of them will win against each other because he has always favored his special soul Flake at the start of the first Mission World in which he has already planned about using his Soul Karmas Energy Point for making Flake strong.

There is also the fact that Flake's existence is what has caused Snow in the first place to choose about becoming a Granter among the list of rewards

To a special soul that was neglected and disregard by their owner, Snow completely believes that his Flake is going to be on the winning side during the confrontation, although, he didn't overlook to remind Flake to be extremely serious for safety measures while never getting ahead of himself since anything can happen.

It's never good to underestimate anyone, especially their enemies.

"I will! After all, I have learned from the very best! Which are Father and Daddy."

Snow lip curls up in an amused smile at the exact time that he jumps over a fake hill causing his free long wavy white hair to gracefully flutter while his robes gently sway around his delicate body.

And while in the air Snow has calmly gaze down at the woman that has turned around at the exact time in which she has instantly shoot a hostile expression that showed large amount jealousy toward him.

Seeing that reaction from Granter Lily, Snow couldn't help but raise his eyebrow when he was able to understand that even during this time, the woman has a moment to even consider being envious over his actions that definitely appear graceful and beautiful in her eyes.

Ah, what great fortune did this kind of a person get to even have the luck to become a Granter?

This just showed Snow that the Soul Karma Core wouldn't discriminate anyone no matter what type of person they are, as long as one fulfilled the requirement needed, anyone, can choose the reward of being a Granter.

"My love is waiting for me, let's finish this alright?"

Snow smiled kindly along with his eyes curving up in a gentle manner causing another hate-filled gaze shoots his way, however, easily disregarding the woman reactions, Snow has slightly moved his hand before a beautiful light blue sword with a mystical rune cover upon the sharp blade has appeared on his grasp.

And when he finally starts descending down, the panic woman has taken a deep breath before also taking out a beautiful crimson sword from her jade bracelet dimension cheat and quickly grasping it on her hand.

Seeing that the woman has finally decided to stop running after figuring out that the entire area around them was completely surrounded by the Emperor people, Snow narrowed his eyes after seeing the hard glint in Song Meilin's eyes that has finally shown a certain determination upon it.

Earlier, Snow couldn't help but wonder if the person before him is also a new person after witnessing how she foolishly deal with the unexpected situation, however, when he saw that she was finally showing some fight within her, at least, he finally able to see some befitting actions a person should have from having the Granter title

Soon in a beautiful garden full of blooming flowers, Snow and Lily began to fight each other with a hard glint in their eyes, in which one after another the beautiful swords in their hands appeared mystical and out of this world was viciously exchanging blows.




All of their actions have only a certain one motive, and that is to kill the person before them.

"You have hidden so well you Fake White Lotus Bitch! How dare you get in my way?"

"I'm just far smarter prefer peaceful method, unlike you, a Vain Slut Fox that only knows how to act as a Proud Peacock."

Taking a side step from the sudden ruthless slash to his face, Snow quickly narrowed his eyes after observing the woman's actions and easily guessing that Granter Lily has definitely used a cheat skill in a system shop in order to be skilled in the sword fighting.

Nevertheless, it was an extremely foolish skill that the woman bought since even Snow can already perceive during their short blow that the sword skill she has chosen to buy was full of flaws and was more leading to a beautiful and graceful form of attack.

Well, Snow isn't surprised anymore since it fits the woman vain attitude so.

It is different from Snow practical and simple operations that practice the swiftest and decisive manner to take a person's life away, especially when his skill was learned base on experience during the lifetimes he lives in different worlds and wasn't just bought from the Black Trade Shop in the system.

And now Snow decision to never take the easy way out and using the Black Trade Shop items and cheats skill when truly needed is finally showing his firmness and judgment is correct.

In a certain RPG game or any game, the skill usually has a certain setting and repeated actions regarding their attacks and it seemed that it is the same thing with certain cheat skills from the Black Trade Shop after observing Lily's cheat skills.

So with a cold glint on Snow eyes, he quickly bypasses the woman's attack by using the flaw he already figured out before raising the sword in his hand and ruthlessly slashing downward without any hesitation about the gender of his enemy.


And at the same time, the woman has quickly used the swords to stabbed him as the sword skill instinctual response rather than the woman real ability which unfortunately for her was something that Snow was able to avoid before swiftly kicking the swords out of the woman hands causing it to fly somewhere.

"... I I refuse!"

Suddenly, Snow eyes contract when he saw the bloody stain lip of the woman curled in a vicious arc along with a certain glint in her eyes that spoke about a determination to throw caution away and resolution of causing everyone to have a miserable the moment that Snow has slash his sword downward in a sure kill.

"As long as he is dead, I'll win!"




"Argh! *cough*Haha *cough* Haha, Die Bitch! If... I c-can't win*cough*... then no one can!"

At the moment that a gun quickly appeared on Lily's hand, Snow who couldn't stop his attacks his body has instinctively move to shield the gun pointed toward the Emperor before his mind can quickly think of another plan to deal with the sudden situation.

"... really, such rotten personality... "

Modern world weapon is forbidden in this world!

Snow has already tried to take out his stored item in the inventory and was given a hard warning the moment he tried.

"Let's die together." 

Snow has cough out blood while the woman in her last moment seemed to show another twisted smile on her face before a bunch of modern world bomb items quickly appeared around the two of them, which the pin upon it was already taken out.

"Ah truly crazy."


Even when Snow life was in great danger, he didn't hesitate to slash his sword and decisively cutting the woman head, and in the split when the bomb was about to go off, his expression quickly turned soft while shooting a sorry expression to the Emperor that was desperately running toward his way as took numerous furniture to blocked his lover way.

"... love its dangerous"


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