Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 291: The Emperor Declaration Of His Determination And Overwhelming Affection.

Chapter 291: The Emperor Declaration Of His Determination And Overwhelming Affection.

While the Emperor announced such a shocking declaration, the neighboring Empires Prince and Princess were waiting for some of the high court officials to make a noise at the absurd situation only to found out that everyone has remained silent.

It completely showed how much the Emperor treats the whole situation with such great importance in the way how he handles the entire matter causing everyone to become extremely curious and interested in the person that has caught the heart of the wise and powerful Emperor of the Moon Empire.

"As for those who have entered the Palace, they will still be given the chance to showcase their outstanding skills and talent for today's celebration."

Everyone can hear the hidden meaning behind those words, it just meant that the Emperor will no longer choose anyone of them to enter the Harem but will still allow them to show their skills in order to get the attention of the talented and excellent men that have attended the birthday celebration.

Of course, there will always be people among the group of ladies that remain ambitious and would want to get the Emperor's attentions, especially after knowing that the Emperor appeared to be a passionate person with the way he was handling the situation for just one person alone.

And among the group of young women, the most eye-catching of all was inwardly seething in anger after being told about the Emperor decision a few days before the Birthday Celebration occurs.

"... I will definitely make you fall for me!"

And Snow that has been drinking a fruit juice that the Emperor has secretly prepared for him has hidden the raise of his lips after hearing Flake mentioned about the reactions of the woman that was definitely got her pride hurt.

He can already tell that that woman has a rather vain approach regarding her beautiful appearance while having the pride of causing men to easily fall for her beauty, and for the Emperor's continuous refusal while completely disregarding her existence has definitely caused her to become crazy in anger.

It is just a matter of time before the woman completely lost it all.

Soon the pleasantries continue to occur before the time comes for those specially selected young women to showcase their talents and honestly, Snow embraced with appreciation about how the ancient times show their talents while watching so those young women sing and dance so beautifully, gracefully, and elegantly.

After all the traditional beauty and elegance has been almost been lost in the modern world.

So the entire time, Snow eyes are crystal clear with pure appreciation and delight while watching everyone perform so outstandingly, although Snow couldn't help but finally take a glance when a heated and passionate gaze has remain glued on his figure the whole time in which he has instantly met the fiery silver eyes of the Emperor.

Can you please hold on? Lou Fang didn't even announce yet who was the soon to be Empress, however, almost all the people in the Celebration Hall were quickly catching up on who has caught the Emperor's heart as long as they follow his gaze.

Well Snow can obliviously see the jealousy in his lover eyes along with the feeling of fear that Snow will suddenly fall for those young women's beauty and allure, after all, Snow is still a man no matter what so it's understandable that the Emperor was being jealous.

However, Snow absolutely believes that his lover will always become jealous with how sticky, clingy, and possessive he is.

ah, how adorable~

In order to show that Snow only has his eyes to the lovely Emperor, his cheeks have completely turned into a lovely shade of crimson color while showing a shy and bashful expression causing the spectator that has seen such scene to widen their eyes, especially their mouth opening in shocked when they suddenly witness their forever solemn, fierce and indifferent Emperor expression become extremely warmth.

So when it was Song Meilin turned to showcase her beauty and excellent talent, she suddenly notices when almost everyone's attention wasn't in her beautiful and graceful entrance causing her face to turn into crimson color, which was from shame and anger.


Nonetheless, she couldn't help but narrowed her eyes dangerously when she gazes toward the pale face delicate-looking young woman that the Emperor has been gazing heatedly the whole time that cause a cold light to flash on her eyes since she finally figures out the person who has taken the Emperor the heart.

Even though there is a murderous emotion swelling up in her heart, Song Meilin still remembers where she was before taking a deep breath and began to show her elegant, beautiful, and graceful dance that causes everyone to direct their attention toward herself.

And with a beautiful smile along with a moving action, Song Meilin flexibly dances with all her might in the Center of the Hall, soon her long loose sleeves gently swayed along with her long hair gracefully following along with every movement she makes.

Even Snow who has quietly observed the woman's actions while also secretly noticing her entrance has nodded his head at the breathtakingly beautiful and stunning display of a dance that doesn't appear offensive and shameful despite also carrying a hint of seduction and temptation within it.

It's just too bad that if the person she was trying to charm, seduce and get attention from isn't Snow lover, then he was quite sure that she would have flawlessly and easily able to get the man affection.

So when the woman has finally finish dancing, it wasn't surprising when her expression finally showed a cracked after seeing that the Emperor's eyes have never left Snow figure that has easily taken his entire attention and focus just by quietly sitting there.

And Snow who was able to witness everything that is happening has inwardly smile while clapping his hand in appreciation at the woman's beautiful dance in an oblivious expression along with a clear sincere eye that honestly secretly adding oil to the fire.

"White Lotus Bitch"

Snow doesn't know if the woman has done it consciously, but he was able to hear the soft whisper of Song Meilin which was spoken in a different language from a modern world that was genuinely directed toward him.

Of course, anyone but the two of them was able to understand the meaning behind those words out, however, Snow who really wanted to reply back about a fake female lead sluts has smartly restrained himself while still showing a gentle smile along with a pure and innocent confuse gaze when he met her fierce red eyes.

White Lotus huh? Well, Snow will act that one out whenever he deals with her now.

Soon, when every single young women were finally able to showcase their talent and the Celebration is reaching its highest peak, the Emperor has suddenly stood up from his throne before calmly stepping down and walking to a certain direction with a determined and warm expression on his face.

"In our happiest day, we are now happily going to declare our soon to be Empress. Let everyone, the heaven, and earth witness my vow and pledge today, we, Lou Fang, although is the Emperor, however, we promise and assured that I will only love one person in my entire life. And for the rest of my life, I will only have one pair lover with the person I love."

Snow who saw his lover declared his love and made his resolute vow in front of everyone showed a teary gaze along with an extremely touching and warm expression as the Emperor finally arrive in front and gently offering him a hand with a loving expression.

"I love you with all my heart and more than my life, please become my Empress?"

"Your Majesty!"

Even Snow didn't know that the Emperor will perform such actions in front of everyone, although he already knows that Lou Fang would announce about him being Empress in today event, however, for Lou Fang to also make a vow and pledge in front of everyone and personally walking toward him like this cause his heart to be overwhelmed with warm.

Snow would admit that he was utterly touched by Lou Fang's actions, after all, his lover is the Emperor of the Moon Empire, a responsible and wise monarch that cares for his Empire, so completely different from Snow past lovers in the previous worlds and for him to do such a thing cause his heart to feel so much sweetness at being loved by such a wonderful person.

"I will, your Majesty...I am greatly honored and blessed to find out that my whole heart is being returned completely there is nothing more wonderful than knowing that the person I love the most in the whole world loves me so much too. And already becoming a pair of lovers for a lifetime is the greatest gift of all that I will receive in my entire lifetime."

Snow has slowly stood up and reached his hand over to take a firm hold of the offered hand of his lover before showing a teary eye and touching smile on his face.

And when Snow was pulled into a tight embrace he has carefully grip the Emperor majestic robes while sensing the extremely delight and happy atmosphere of his lover that was finally able to declare his love for the whole world to see and hear.

While Xia Yue that has been skeptics and worried the entire time has finally felt soothed after hearing the Emperor himself declared a vow and pledge in front of everyone causing tears to flow down in joy and relief knowing that her children were able to find their happiness despite the secret that they carry all these years.

"I refuse to accept this!"

However, there is always someone that couldn't read the mood when a shout full of anger, grievance, and disbelief echoed out causing the touching scenery to suddenly become awkward, of course, Snow has already considered the possibility of the woman reacting causing a wide smile to appear on his face which was fortunately hidden in the embrace of his lover.

Come on show your true color, its time to see if my guess is correct about you.

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