Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 276: No Matter What, Snow Need To Fulfill What He Wanted To Do With Pure Stubborness.

Chapter 276: No Matter What, Snow Need To Fulfill What He Wanted To Do With Pure Stubborness.


When the Emperor has lowered his head, Snow couldn't help but let out an unconscious surprise feminine sound which was the body complete reaction and for the first time, he comprehends that he was ticklish in this world after feeling the gentle brush of wet touch upon his slender neck.

Which causes Snow to inwardly rolling his eyes when he felt the familiarity of his lover rather shameless actions of trying to eat his tofu with that action, maybe because his lover isn't in his right mind that he isn't restraining himself anymore?

Such high possibility...


"Your Majesty!!"



Snow can only sigh at the three completely useless people that were once again thrown by his lover force of energy while unable to stop the way he felt so proud and praising how strong his lover is.

"Hmm~ it's alright "

Snow has let out a soothing humming sound while gently and softly raising his hand to caress the back of the Emperor's head while his own black hair has slowly change into the usual snow-white hair color as soon as he uses the original Su Yao special power along with his own spiritual hand.

While Zhuang, Yu Xing, and Wen Shihong have suddenly stopped their actions while seriously gazing at the Emperor who was embracing the young woman underneath him in a fairly tight grip that has miraculously behaved in an obedient manner rather than becoming mad and violent every single time that his special status acted out in a chaotic manner.

Usually, they receive severe injuries just stopping their Emperor violent rampage, but now, such a marvel situation has happened!


"Shh there we go such a good boy"

Narrowing his eyes, Snow that was staring up while laying in the ground and gently letting the Emperor continue to tighten the embrace on his body has seen the way that a certain pink aura was trying to enter inside the Emperor body which has caused the dark aura around his lover to react badly when it tried to invade and also produce a certain effect once it's inside.

Snow inwardly sneer such an absolutely vain and selfish fox.

Charmsgood affection it seemed to make the dark energy react badly, seemingly in a possessive manner that it wouldn't allow anything to make the Emperor feel affectionate to a certain person, or more likely only the female gender?

Snow gentle smile spread wider when a thought flash on his mind since there is a high chance that the Emperor didn't show any reaction yet when he was obviously falling for him because of a certain reason.

Maybe the caster didn't even think that the Emperor will fall in love with the same gender? Well, for the Emperor's personality and even because of the outlook and opinion in this ancient world that the chance wasn't high enough that all the curse was placed only in the opposite gender?

Ah How about Snow test it out now that such a perfect situation is happening

So without any hesitation, Snow has finally allowed his emotion toward the Emperor to grow stronger as he allowed himself to eventually accept the Emperor as his lover, causing his gentle eyes to turned far affectionate and warmer.

While Snow affection slowly grows stronger, he suddenly felt a certain pang of pain in his mind.

Ah, of course, for a possessive and obsessive person that has given the dark Status to the Emperor that the effect even took for a long time would not just leave any leeway, although it was far weaker than the one set against the female gender.

So, the curse is basically like this

No one is allowed to have romantic affection to the Emperor since a certain curse status is also will affect them.

While the Emperor isn't allowed to have romantic affection to other people or else the effect of status will grow stronger and will be powerful enough to make him succumb to the impact of the influence.

And the dark energies more focus is causing the Emperor to slowly lost his mind, making him act in a violent and insane manner while slowly breaking his mental health and will.

So, what is all with those wives in the Harem then? From what Snow investigated so far, everything is living quite well without any major problem.

Although its a bit understandable since during the ancient time, rather than having affection with the Emperor, those women can also only be eyeing the seat of the Empress while having authority and power if they get the affection of the Emperor.

Anyway, if Snow was going to be entering the Palace, one way or another those women will have to completely disappear.

For now, though, Snow has raised his hands toward the chaotic dark energies while completely sealing off all his emotions, and just like he assumed it to be, he didn't get much reaction and struggle from the dark energies along with the tainted and broken soul within it, whatever emotion they sense to other people will automatically place a different set back toward him or her.

But for now, the dark aura was far more focused toward the stubborn and persistent pink aura that continue to target his lover, with a cold glint in Snow eyes, he swiftly grabs the pink aura and completely sealing off its all power and while destroying it completely, Snow has let the dark energies to connect upon it.

Which has soon started to pressured it while certain dark invincible energies have gone out and shot to a certain direction causing Snow to show a rather cold smile which is fortunately been hidden when he lowered his head down and placing it a bit close to the Emperor's head.

Although Snow was unable to stop the continued paling of his face while a constant sweats flow down his face, after all, he has already use his special power today and hasn't even taken a proper rest and Wen Shihong who was observing the well-being of both the Emperor and his future daughter couldn't help but take a step closer.

"... it's alright"

Snow felt his breathing a bit faster now, it truly so stressful while having such illness and bad health is truly inconvenient, however, his hand continues to violently break the naughty dark energies that continue to stubbornly want to possessed his lover.

"... begone leave his Majesty alone"

He is mine, its time for you to disappear.

"I am here nowso you can't hurt his Majesty anymore."

Hmph, you already cling to my lover for many years, you think I'll allow you to continue on when I am already here?

And with last one grab of some of the broken entity hidden inside it, Snow felt the dark aura has finally calmed down, although he wasn't able to completely remove all of it yet because of his weak body capability, at least it was slowly weakening while the core was being destroyed.


A few silent seconds, the Emperor has finally able to quickly regain his consciousness back and the first thing he felt was the soft body intimately close against his while the smell of medicinal and familiar lotus flower lingers on his nose.

After a while, Lou Fang has finally raised his body in a slow and gentle manner while the tight grip on his hand become delicate as the memories of what happened finally emerge on his mind.

Although Luo Fang always loses consciousness when his dark status acts up but he will be able to remember the memories of what happened, it was the sick pleasure of the one who has cast the spell for him to feel pain and remorse of the unconscious actions he has done during his madness.

And when he looked down, tired pure black eyes and glistening pale face that is full of sweats is what he saw, which has completely shown how tired she has been after working extremely hard to let him retain his reason.

Somehow, he felt a pang of pain on his heart while gently raising his other hand to tenderly wipe the sweats on those pale cheek while showing a heavy expression because, for the first time after a violent rampage, his silver eyes dim down feeling entirely guilty and remorse to has caused her to experience such hardship.

"... My L-L..! Oh your majesty how are you feeling?"

"...I you"

Badumph Badumph BadumpBadumphBadumph!!!


No fair I didn't get to touch those fluffy silver ears yet Snow felt the sudden twist of pain on his chest, along with the dangerously quick beat of his heart while showing a rather resign smile at the widening silver eyes.

"... m-medicine...urgh"

The already pale face already turned so severely while a painful grimace appeared on Snow delicate feature causing the Emperor silver eyes to show such unusual emotion which is complete horror and utter fear.


Snow felt his vision turning blurry while his chest rapidly moves but he still notices that his lover has finally spoken his name in this world before feeling his lover has gently raised his body before letting him lean upon his perfectly muscular and firm chest before the Imperial Physician Yu Xing has quickly appeared and has swiftly started to check upon his health.

Ah, Snow was glad that he was holding the special item that won't let his real gender be revealed, and he was preparing to give it to his younger brother later too.

It was to safely guard Xia Yu real gender, after all, a strange person has taken over Song Meilin's body, then there is a high chance that she might know that Su Yu gender is a male base from how she was acting, seemingly knowing a certain future what with her collecting bunch of powerful and high-status men while targeting his lover.

So even if they strip Snow now, they will only see the illusion of a female naked body although he was quite sure that his lover will go rampage once more if other men will glimpse of his body.

Maybe, he was far luckier in this world rather than the previous one? That world sure has a problem with him.

And before that, Snow still has one thing he truly wanted to do, so using all his strength, he has stubbornly raised his hand before finally managing to gently touch the silver ears that still on his lover head, when he felt it twitch and move, Snow was quite satisfied that even a smile has appeared on his face when he completely lost consciousness, of course completely ignoring the wide eyes look of his lover.

Well, it is soft smooth and great to touch later on, Snow will plan another chance to touch it.

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