Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 261: Snow Sudden Inspiration Once More.

Chapter 261: Snow Sudden Inspiration Once More.

When Snow wanted to avoid the oncoming attack of Su Jie, the next action he was about to take halted when a quick figure has suddenly appeared and has taken him into their arms before dodging the attack with great ease. 

"Brother Hui!"

Su Yu who saw the familiar tall figure that has protected his older brother Yao is unable to stop himself from shouting in great relief and delight before delivering one last punch to the servant of Su Jie and running toward the two people that he could trust with his life.

And Snow who was in the arm of another man remains quiet while recognizing the fact that he is suddenly experiencing the cliche scene of a handsome man saving a beautiful woman in distress.

While giving a negative point to the special person that has remained quiet and unresponsive the entire time, because despite having no plan of meeting that person but Snow can still feel the presence of his lover nearby.

It seemed that after meeting each other and his lover seeing the jade rings, Snow is finally able to sense his lover presence even though it was rather weak that it has taken him a bit while to detect the Emperor that is in the area.

While in another high building that has its window slightly open, wide enough to see the commotion happening in the street, a tall man who has been sitting the entire time has remained stilled and frozen before slightly lowering the hand that has been holding the cup of tea a few silent moments.

"... sigh, your Majesty, you were a bit slow in saving the young lady in distress"

"Be quiet."

The Emperor swiftly shoots his cousin a cold glare before returning his attention back at the familiar small figure that is being embraced and protected by another man, and after a while of silence, he has finally turned his gaze away before placing down the cup of tea on the table in a calm manner, although there isn't any mistake at the slight cracked upon the cup.

And Zhuang who has witnessed the entire ordeal could only inwardly sigh in helplessness, if that man didn't appear to save that young lady, his cousin would have used that cup to swiftly launch it toward the whip weapon and causing it to break in pieces.

Just on the powerful strength of the Emperor, that one single move is enough to stop that violent lady from further attacking the fragile lady while the guards that should be handling the Capital security and discipline will soon arrive before anything more dangerous happens.

After all, the Emperor has secretly ordered the hidden guards to call the officer to quickly deal with the commotion outside, especially when the entire situation shouldn't escalate that far in the first place.

Ah those people will definitely suffer now because of their lack of responsibility, this is the entire reason why his cousin always secretly leave the Palace while checking the Empire status and situation.

But for them to meet that young lady again after the Emperor has decided to once more patrol the Capital almost felt like fate itself.

Su Yao, the main daughter of the Su Family and base from what he has investigated so far, that young woman is a person that can die anytime because of her health issue and a rather weak heart while being cope inside the Su Family residence most of the time.

That is definitely the reason why they couldn't recognize her identity after they met before in the forest.

However, the Su family other children sure are brazen enough to treat the main children this way in the open area, and even in the street where the aristocrat families tend to hang out with, the news will soon spread.

Although, it isn't that surprising and unexpected for some of the main children to be treated poorly while favoring the children of the concubine, however for it to turn this way when the master of the Su family is working as the head of the minister of the revenue is a bit upsetting.

Su Nianzu should be showing a good disposition because of his high status in the Royal Court to the common people.

It doesn't matter if it's genuine or fake appearance because as long as the Emperor's reputation wouldn't be affected by it since Su Nianzu was chosen by the Emperor himself, which will lead the people to began to question about his cousin choice and decision. 

If it was another person on the throne, then this sort of scandal and shameful matter wouldn't matter one bit.

However, what the Royal official is serving is Luo Fang, the present Emperor that is stern, ruthless, and decisive on fulfilling of taking care of the Moon Empire.

And despite the fact that the Royal family will never bother to mix with other families matters, but when Zhuang gaze at the dark and dangerous atmosphere around his cousin, well, that Su Nianzu will regret about how he treated this main daughter of his for all these years.

Because even he can clearly see the interest that is beginning to appear to his cousin who has remained indifferent all these years, even when those beautiful and charming women throw themselves in the Emperor's arms have only received utter disinterest.

However, when Zhuang glanced at Su Yao showing a grateful and soft smile to the man that has saved her, which from what he can recount is the person named Han Hui, a well-known ladies man in the entire Capital because of his smooth tongue has instantly cause Zhuang to grimace.

Especially when he saw his cousin acting like a piece of rock, unmoving and unresponsive about what is happening. 

Urghcousin if you stay this way your woman will be taken away alright? Damn it, despite being wise, why are you clueless about your feeling?

And when the two main daughters of the Su family followed the young master of the Han family into a well-known restaurant while the concubine daughter was capture to be dealing with the sudden disturbance she has done while attacking a family member of hers make Zhuang deeply sigh at how confusing the entire situation is.

Regarding what these two people's future would be and even have a high chance of getting together, Zhuang can notice all sorts of the problem right now, not only was that young woman health a major problem, his cousin rather oblivious manner toward his sudden interest is problematic.

Or more precisely because of what happened in the past of his cousin meeting that crazy woman who has an insane amount of obsessive and possessive attitude toward the young Emperor has caused him great suffering and hardship all these years.

Zhuang still felt it was a miracle that his cousin has won all those wars despite the fierce stattus that has been placed upon him during those times.

Although, because of that reason, the Emperor is more guarded and doubtful about dealing with other people especially regarding the female gender that tried to get close toward him.

And when Zhuang remembers how protective his mother is toward this cousin of his as well, then everything seemed to be leading to a chaotic situation full of difficulty and struggle, especially if that young lady is able to move the Emperor's heart.

"Your Majesty let us followed the young lady. After all, we don't want anything bad happening to the person that can help with your well-being."

Zhuang can only use that sort of excuse now in order to give a reason for his cousin to get closer to the young woman.

Really, such a pain in the ass, isn't his cousin the Emperor? Why is Luo Fang being indecisive now when he can just decree that young lady of the Su family to enter his harem rather than watching her fall to another man?

It is not like Luo Fang is going to make Su Yao the Empress, especially with the health problem that the young woman has will cause her to become less ideal to seat on that chair.

And while Zhuang evaluates those ideas without seeing any problem about the way he thinks, the two of them soon followed behind after the Emperor has nodded his head after a minute of being quiet.

While Snow just inwardly raises his eyebrows when he felt the presence of his lover following behind him closely, which is also followed by the familiar fake kind man by his side, however, Snow raises his hand to cover the playful curl of his lip when a sudden idea has flash on his mind.

And then the Emperor and Zhuang who was hidden in a secret room that can easily let them witness and hear the entire situation in the other room, see the way that the young lady has suddenly become extremely charming and lovely.

Especially when those soft and sweet voices escaping that small lip of hers sounding like she wanted to be pampered to heaven.

Particularly with having such a small and delicate body with the appearance of a fragile beauty that made any man want to protect her forever while treating her gently and tenderly.

Damn. Did Su Yao for that playboy Hui? Why does every movement and action she does exclude such endless attraction that cause a person to become easily intoxicated with it, even the small smile of those pink lip and the gentle bat of her long eyelashes are full of temptation?

Zhuang's kind smile twitches nonstop as he continues to watch the strange and dangerous situation inside the other room, and even somehow feeling pity to the awkward Qiang that remains quiet and frozen as he witnesses such heart-throbbing scenery because frankly, even he almost fell for it.

And would probably want to start chasing after her too if the chill Zhuang felt on his spine didn't remind him of the fact that there is a dangerous and terrifying beast watching with him in tightly close room.

Damn it! Does he just want to help why does it feel like he is going to be in great danger? My Lady! Please don't fall for him!

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