Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 256: Snow And The Emperor Chaotic Situation.

Chapter 256: Snow And The Emperor Chaotic Situation.

"... My Lord, do you want this?... Pardon me, but may I ask the reason why?"


Snow steadily gaze upon the tall man that has suddenly shown a quick flash of trouble expression on those piercing silver eyes while seemingly unable to figure out the reason.

And while Snow waits to hear the important answer, he proceeds to observe the Emperor actions that remain absolutely ignorant and clueless about the constant ringing sound of the small black bell that Flake has been ringing nonstop the whole time.

"It catches my attention."

Soon a deep and smooth sound has finally answered in a matter of what fact voice causing Snow to become more confused with that spoken sentence.

Are you really my lover? Or not?

You can't hear the ringing sound of the small black bell but you can see the two jade rings that only my lover will be able to see while I couldn't even feel the special connection that will link us the moment we met.

Really, why is the world becoming harder and harder? Can Snow arrive in some normal world later on?

However, it seemed that the Emperor has more patient than his outward image shows, although, Snow can tell that he can still become cruel, heartless, and decisive when needed be, after all, that the bloodthirst and dangerous atmosphere around the Emperor are genuine ones.

At least not a Tryan ruler or maybe slightly only since Snow was sure that he is being feared by his subjects because of the oppressive atmosphere around him.

"My Lord if you like the jade accessories how about this one?"

Suddenly, Snow has reached over his long sleeves as he disguises about taking out the black jade bracelet from his inventory while inwardly devising a plan in proceeding to identify if the Emperor is his lover or not.

Since Snow promises to find his lover in the previous world, then right now, he needs to handle this certain confusing problem, besides those people are definitely dying by the hand of that serious guard, so there is no problem with that side.

And with a small fragile hand that has bruises all over it along with some dry blood, Snow has peered over the tall man with clear pure black eyes that spark with sincerity along with the calmness that continues to remain from within it as he offers it with a somehow shy action.

Although Snow appears innocent right now, it didn't change the fact that a hint of chilling murderous intention brim on his heart at the mere thought that if this person is truly his lover, then he needs to give a special way of dealing with him this time.

"Let me, My Lord."

Suddenly, the kind smiling person that has been silent and tense the whole time has reached over to the item in order to check for any danger before it can reach his Lord.

And, despite having the friendly atmosphere around him, Snow has never let his guard down to this person since there is no doubt that he will be struck down by him if he is a danger to their life. 

"No need."

However, the Emperor has suddenly spoken causing the friendly dark guard to blink in surprise, especially when he watched as his majesty, which is also his cousin, has calmly stepped closer before reaching out over to take the black jade bracelet from the young woman hand.

Huh this is unusual His Majesty rather dislikes getting close to other people, suddenly, he couldn't help but secretly observe the young lady standing before them.

A rather thin and fragile delicate young woman who has messy blue clothes which are definitely caused from her running away, and as he further examines her, there is also bruises from all her body, especially narrowing his eyes on the injuries on her forehead that still retain some dry blood along with a rather pale small face with a long wavy dark hair that has turned pure white from before.

The young woman before them truly has an appearance of someone that has definitely suffered from such a dangerous situation while running away from what is chasing her.

And although she definitely has a lovely and delicate appearance, but he has seen a far more beautiful and appealing woman that has been desperately desiring to possess the Emperor's heart.

However, what finally catch his attention the most is the fact that he suddenly found out that there is no hint of fear in the young woman's eyes, only tranquil and calmnes eyes that clearly reflect the Emperor figures.

A truly spectacular lady, even he still felt uncomfortable over that dangerous atmosphere on his Majesty body always feeling oppressive from the heavy pressure around him, however, his thought has suddenly halted after hearing a small breaking sound along with a surprised gasp that has come from the young woman lip.



Snow has raised his hand to gracefully cover his mouth, appearing surprised and shocked while showing an ashamed and embarrassed expression, however the whole time, numerous thoughts flashes on his mind as he gazes at the slight crack on the black jade bracelet that still remains intact on the Emperor's wrist after he wears it.

Soul, connected to soul is there something wrong with the soul of his lover?

Undoubtedly Snow absolutely believes that the Emperor before him is truly his lover because rather than having a slight crack upon the bracelet, it should have directly broken apart the moment that the Emperor has worn the accessories.

Besides, Snow instinct has been screaming that he truly found the person he is looking for but there is just some unforeseen situation that he doesn't have any idea about.

"I I'm truly sorry My Lord! I didn't know that it will suddenly break like that!"

And as Snow gracefully bows his head in apology, he has decided to figure out the problem while at the same time observing his lover identity in this world in order to comprehend about what is the difference between the previous lover he met so far.

Although he will definitely make sure to check out the Emperor's wives on his harem after he gets back to the Moon Capital too because Snow will have trouble falling in love with his lover this time around.


Seeing the slight a crack in the black bracelet on his wrist, the Emperor forehead wrinkle over before reaching over and gently tracing where the crack appears with his silver eyes deepening while the other guard has spoken in kindness as he offers comfort at the apologetic young woman.

"Ah, Lady, raise your head, it might have become broken when you were running away without you knowing it, right?"

"... so, that jade rings on your chest?"

Suddenly, Snow heard the Emperor spoke the other token of love causing his lip to twitch up before finally raising his head in which he has instantly seen the way that the Emperor sharp silver eyes have swiftly gaze upon his chest, or rather the object dangling on top of it.

Really, can you stop eyeing at the jade rings in my chest? For god sake, you are still the Emperor and definitely have more beautiful and luxurious objects in your Palace.

"My Lord I'm embarrassed to speak this but this jade rings If someday, I found a person that I will fall in love with I planned to give it as a token of love to that special person so I'm sorry My Lord but this object I can't really give this to you."

Even if you are my lover, I will not give this to you unless I fall for you in this world, which is going to be complicated when I remember your wives in the harem that made me want to go murder them all, of course, you also count in the list.

Seemingly resembling a maiden speaking about a naive dream of her, Snow has swiftly shown a shy expression while letting his pale cheeks flushing into a lovely pink color because of shyness.

"Hahaha, My Lord, stop troubling the young lady already, how about just accept her offer from what she has decided from the start?"

Giving a sharp glare at his cheeky guard, the Emperor gaze upon the shy young lady before finally nodding his head, although he still kept the slightly broken jade bracelet on his wrist and doesn't have any intention of giving it back causing Snow that was able to guess what the man is feeling to feel a bit amused.

Well, his lover's actions felt a bit lovely.

"My Lord as you have been able to see, my beast form is rather weak but I still have a special power and I know that you are easily able to tell that it isn't any attacking skill since I would have used it to my attackers."

Suddenly, Snow notices the way that the atmosphere around the two men before him has changed, however, he doesn't feel weird about their reactions since any special power can be mysterious and needed to be guarded against even if it isn't an attack-type because in this world everyone will try to keep their special power hidden.

Especially from what he can see, the Emperor seemed to have been affected by a powerful special power from a long time ago that it still remains trying to affect the person it is designated with, to Snow eyes it felt like a dark spell cast into a curse upon the Emperor, those dark and gloomy energies trying to get into the Emperor body and seemingly wanting to affect him with malicious intent.

"For saving my life today and with the best of my ability. My Lord, I can try dealing with that darkness I saw around you."

And when Snow found himself being pinned into a tree trunk with a speed he was able to see but unable to react with, while at the same time feeling the pain on his back that has definitely left a huge bruise upon it.

The entire time, Snow has just remained calm while straightly meeting the narrowed silver eyes of Emperor that have abruptly become extremely dark, gloomy, and somehow vicious-looking while the silver eyes showing those ominous red light flashing within it that spoke about losing his reason.

Ah truly this lover of his is unquestionably troublesome this time around.

Nevertheless, if this person isn't positively his lover, Snow was quite sure that he is dead now for even revealing about knowing the well kept hidden secret of the weakness of the Emperor of the Moon Empire that still has numerous enemies trying to take him down.

Come let see how you will act in this world and with that Snow constant strange and chaotic association with the Emperor is going to start at their first meeting in the deep forest.

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