Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 254: Snow Mission List In The Fourth World.

Chapter 254: Snow Mission List In The Fourth World.

As Snow sat up while touching the injury on his forehead which was caused by bumping hard at the wooden wall inside the carriage after it suddenly rushed out in surprise, has slowly closed his eyes in order to learn the client's memories.

Base on the game map, it will continue to run straight in a few minutes so there isn't any danger yet, so right now, Snow needed to know his present situation in order to fully grasp what move he needed to do.

While a beautiful but fierce-looking eagle with a more slender body has suddenly flown inside the crazy shaking carriage and dropping next to the delicate and fragile-looking young lady who has a pale face with dry blood upon her white cheeks while having her eyes close.

"Snow~ Are you alright?"

Opening his eyes, Snow attention instantly went to the beautiful eagle who has black and silver feathers upon its body before reaching over and began petting it.

"I'm alright Flake."

Soothing the worried Flake who has gotten an eagle body in this world, Snow quickly recounts the information he receives while glancing at the dots in the Game Map, narrowing his eyes when there are a different dots that are far away from the group of people that have been waiting for the carriage he is riding to arrive in their location.

Hm definitely not the same one.

Right now, if Snow didn't arrive at this moment, Su Yu, that young girl from before who is the biological sibling of Su Yao which is the name of Snow client would end up disabled from today's ambush attack.

Today was also the catalyst for the deeply hidden secret that the two siblings have been hiding the entire time to be known later on, and it was the fact Su Yao and Su Yu are both males that have been dressing as a female, basically, the two of them are true brothers rather than sisters.

And the person who planned it all was their Mother, who has married the head of a high-rank aristocrat family, a high royal official serving as the head of the Ministry of Revenue in Royal Court, a man is known for his great ability and loyalty, a rare uncorrupted official.

The only downside is the fact that he is a bad husband to his main wife while dearly favoring one of his concubines and children.

As for why their Mother has hidden their gender, it was because that favored concubine is a rather vicious and ruthless person that acts as a kind and gentle person outwardly that has wanted her son to become the head of the Su Family despite being a mere concubine, after all, it is a tradition that the main wife oldest son would become the successor of the Family.

Unfortunately, though, Su Yao and Su Yu have been birthed last among the children in the Su Family and the fact that during Xia Yue, Su Yao mother, almost due date of birthing on Su Yao, she has consumed a non-lethal poison that causes complication on Su Yao health that was birth earlier than expected.

It was the cause of Su Yao's rather weak, fragile, and delicate body with a heart problem that can cause him to lost his life anytime, the only fortunately about what happened is the fact that Yao's Mother's capability of being pregnant didn't get affected, so she was able to conceive Su Yu.

So in order for Xia Yue to protect her children life and safety, while surviving in the venomous and scheming backyard, she has decided to hide her children's real gender and let them live a female life since the fight of being the heir is the root of all the problem of why they got targeted in the end.

It was the decision of a Mother desperately wanting to protect her children, although Snow is capable to plan a different outcome rather than hiding their real gender but he won't judge her decision.

After all, this is an ancient world where the female population has fewer rights than a modern world has.

Even though Su Yao's mother's family is also powerful and influential but the deep thought of a woman that has already been married off has cause Xia Yue to assumed that she can't just bother her biological family about her problem that might complicate everything more.

Anyway, it is already a deeply ingrained thought from generation to generation that it's hard to change some views of a woman toward their husband after being married, so Snow couldn't fault the woman's decision, even though there is something wrong about what she did.

After all, she probably didn't think ahead about the problem when they grow up and being caught lying about their gender.

"Snow we are almost there~"

Returning from his thought, Snow then made a quick look at his mission in this fourth world.

Su Yao Wish and Regret

First: If it is someone else that has lived my life, having the same weakness and problem that I have been born with, will that person have an entirely different ending from what I got?

Second: I really want to protect my loved one.

Third: I wish to have my name to be remembered in a significant way even after death rather than being forgotten.

Snow who saw the wish and regret list of his client can only sigh inside because, in Su Yao moment of death, he didn't blame anyone in resentment or more precisely, he cares more about a certain matter rather than thinking of avenging the miserable life that cause him to die on a cold winter day in some unknown corner of an alleyway, ignored and forgotten since all the people who cared about him has already died, leaving him all alone.

Su Yao is a smart person, but just too kind that he ended up dead by the scheme and plotting of the people with malicious intention toward them despite his decision of remaining humble while just letting the others get what they want in order for them to leave his family alone in peace.

If it was Snow that has live Su Yao life, there is no way that he would back down and remain humble while letting others trample over him, however, he knew that people live differently while not anyone will think the same thing.

In the end, Su Yao has just chosen the peaceful way out which didn't work out, and like always, Snow will respect anyone's decision because in the end they will be the ones taking the responsibility for their actions.

For now, though, Snow has been wondering about a certain matter, so with that thought in mind, he has opened up his Black Trade Shop, and just as he expected, he wasn't allowed to do that.

Notice: Due to the first wish of the client, unable to open the Trade Shop to purchases items and cheats during the mission time.

However, Granter Snow will still capable of using the Permanent Skill that has been purchase and wouldn't be limit and restricted by the wish of the Client.

Just like Snow guess, in the first wish, he needed to live as Su Yao while having all his weaknesses and at the same time changing his fate with completely different actions from what he has done in his life.

Well, Snow can do that, especially when he just received a prompt about being allowed to act differently from the original personality this time, which is 80% freedom of being out of character.

With that prompt though, Snow couldn't help but think about his certain lover that will let them become together faster this time than the previous world while wondering at the same time if his lover is also in this world, and without a second hesitation, Snow has taken out the small black bell before quickly tying it near Flake claw where a messenger usually ties a tiny letter when they use a bird.




Hearing the sound of it ringing, Snow has taken out the other token of love into his hand, which is the black silver jade ring from the previous world, and just like he has guesses this one has also gone back to his inventory panel rather than being carried by his lover soul.

Securing it in another red string, Snow has created a necklace out of it before tying it into his thin slender neck, causing the two jade ring to dangle near into his fake chest.

Unlike the black jade necklace that is able to be a GPS if his lover is wearing it, the black silver ring is something that no other people can see besides the one who it's connected from, which is his lover while allowing Snow to senses his lover presence even if he isn't wearing it.

And with a smile, Snow has stood up when the horse has finally turned around and has gone deep in the forest, while in the game map Snow was able to see another group of people waiting for his arrival.

As the main daughter of the Su Family, what is a better way to ruin a good reputation of a woman in order not to be married off to a great family?

Of course, it was the usual ruining the innocence and chastity of a young lady, and with a calm smile, while cold light flashes on his eyes, Snow has taken out the hair accessories that was barely keeping almost of his long hair up, causing a black wavy long hair to drop down and reaching pass over his waist.

Unquestionably, in order for that vicious concubine daughter to have the chance of being sent to the Palace and being chosen as a new wife of the present Emperor in the harem that is about to choose once more in just a month while also having the chance of becoming the Empress has gone all out to destroy Su Yao and Su Yu life.

Despite the fact that there is no way that the original Su Yao will enter the Emperor Harem, not only was his health an issue, his real gender will definitely cause the entire Su Family to be implicated with the crime of fooling the Emperor.

While Su Yu is only fifteen years old to be chosen, maybe if the present Emperor is one of those indulging and unwise one which he isn't so, Su Yu is still safe.

And right now, as Su Yao, Snow will definitely not perform a Palace harem drama as he fights over the Emperor's life unless that is his lover he is talking about, which is doubtful.

After all, it is a well-known fact that the Emperor already has lots of wives in the harem and the only missing one is the appointed Empress title that everyone is fighting over for years now.

So for his lover to have another lover, and a lot at that, there is no way that he is Snow lover. 

And if there is a high chance that the Emperor is his lover well, Snow will go kill all those wives before killing his lover for cheating on him, memory or not.

Suddenly, the calm smile on Snow face has become chilling before slowly awakening the special blood inside him, which was almost the people in this world are capable of having with various forms.

Basically, a beast form that boosts a person's physical strength, power, abilities and even having a rare special power among the group of people that is capable of changing their forms.

And when Snow felt his ears changing once more while finally able to see his black hair turning into a wavy pure white color, well, it wasn't surprising since the beast form that Su Yao has awakened with was a white sheep.

Yup, an adorable white sheep without an attack power.

With his lip twitching, Snow has instantly made a move, fully knowing well about having a time limit of being in a beast form.

And when he grabs something to flip himself over on top of the shaking carriage, Snow emotion has been absolutely calm in order to stop himself from getting a heart attack and dying so early in this world.

Besides, there is no way that Snow will obediently appear at the group of people that are waiting for him to arrive, not with the body he presently has since he needs to make sure not to stress his body too much.

As such, with a quick observation around the passing trees, Snow has instantly reached over a near tree branch that can carry his weight while feeling his hand being bruise over and the bone on his arms felt like it was about to snap over from the strong force of grasping it while dangling over it while the carriage that he has gotten off continue to its destination.

Right now, Snow present body doesn't have any experience in any fight, much less any training because Su Yao has been trained in a female way.

With a sigh, Snow has let go of the tree branch before rolling his body over in order to lessen the damage he will receive from the fall, and with bruise hands, arms, and even legs now, Snow has started running away while making sure that his heart will not act out.

"... somehow it felt like this world is going to be a complicated one just like the second world mission"

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