Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 251: Snow and Leo Life Later on.

Chapter 251: Snow and Leo Life Later on.

"It's a healthy baby boy!"

Snow was suddenly presented a 1-year-old child and has been delivered to carry into his arms after the child was taken out from the incubator where children with the same genders can create their own child.

And while Snow gently holds his son there is only one clear emotion that flashes inside him along with one thought and that is feeling extremely relieved that he didn't experience giving birth this time.

Although he doesn't mind the experience however that triple children he birthed in the first world sure have given him a great impact, really it was truly a special circumstance yet he prefer not to perform the birthing process if he doesn't need to though, at least, Snow doesn't need to break Leo's hand this time right?

However, his attention was soon captured back when a small uncoordinated hand has touched upon his cheek along with an unintelligent baby sounds, causing Snow to gaze down at his child who has his emerald eyes and white hair from Leo.

Speaking of his lover, Snow has turned his attention around and saw that Leo has begun to shoot a familiar gaze to their son along with a calculated look.

are you being jealous once more? And Snow lip curves up in amusement when he can basically tell that Leo is definitely planning on how to have all of his attention once again, shaking his head at his lover possessiveness, Snow has gently rocked the child in his arm while stepping closer to where Leo is.

"Love, what name should we give to our son?"

Leo that has finally gotten his Baby attention has brightened up before his lip curve in a pouting gesture causing Snow to find his lover so adorable.

"Well let see how aboutZ-!"

Suddenly the obedient and adorable child in Snow arms has suddenly let out a loud cry completely stopping the words that will come out next from Leo's mouth.

"Oh? You don't want Daddy to name you?"

Raising his finger to poke the soft cheeks of his son while gently removing the tears on his face, Snow saw the way that his son has blinked his eyes before instantly quieting down, while Leo who was able to perceive the way that he was being disliked by his son can only feel grievance.

Well should he say that like father and son? Snow is quite used to his children and lover fighting over his attention so, although this time when he saw the way that Leo has felt wrong and sad, at least, his lover in this world seemed to have more fondness with their child despite his attitude from before.

Letting his finger be held by his son rather strong grip, Snow thinks for a bit while letting Leo lean over to give a gentle kiss upon his forehead before automatically leaning upon Leo's body when he felt the careful embrace from behind.

"Lucas, .yup..., our son is going to be called Lucas, our bright light."

Hearing the slight gurgle of happiness from his son, Snow let out a wide smile while feeling his lover whisper their son's name with an affectionate voice which Lucas seemed to have also heard as a another happy gurgle was let out.

Well now, Snow can definitely tell that these fathers and sons will get along in a strange way.

While, he isn't surprised about the display of intelligence that Lucas has despite being one year old while staying at the incubator the whole time, after all, Lucas has a parent who has Tripple S mental power, there is no way that Lucas will turn out normal.

Special is good though, at least, Snow will not treat his son as a monster because of being completely different while having a stronger mental power than both of them has, yes, Lucas is born with Super Tripple S mental power, Snow saw it from the appraisal skill.

"Father and Daddy! Is that my younger brother?"

Suddenly an excited Flake has instantly appeared, the tightly close door opening up from his sudden appearance, right now they are in a secret institute that has been carefully guarded and protected the entire time that Lucas has been growing up.

"Yes, this is Lucas, Flake treat your younger brother well alright?"

"Of course, Father! I will not let anyone bully him!"

Soon, Snow has carefully given Lucas to Flake arms which have instantly brightened up in delight, and the entire time, Snow was not at all worried and concern about the safety of his son, after all, Flake will never be a danger.

And then, Snow was gently holding his lover hand while they walked side by side in the hall and watching their children interact with each other with a gentle smile in their faces before finally arriving in a certain room in which is where everyone has been waiting the whole time.

And as he looks around the place, Snow has instantly seen Marc and Shane with their 8 and 4-year-old sons and 6-year-old daughter, well the number of their children would have been more if they didn't manage to stop Marc's mother from wanting more grandson and granddaughter to spoiled though.

Then he turned around and saw his older brother and Henry with their 7-year-old son, before glancing at his older sister and Byrone that has five children in which are three daughters, and two sons, and Snow isn't surprised the least about how many children they have, especially when he saw that large bump on his older sister stomach that is almost due date soon.

And then there is Ray and Rhea with their 6-year-old son and 8-year-old daughter before turning to his left-hand person in the past who was with Steve while carrying their two sons who are between the age of 4 and 8 years old.

In this world, it took 10 years for Snow and Leo to have a child on their own, while the others have already had their children earlier.

Well, it isn't surprising that they become last among their group since Snow and Leo have preferred to do the disappearing act while they travel around the Galaxy and showing dog food to the entire network for years while their mental power is also abnormal in level so it was a bit a troubling matter too.

Especially when Snow damage mental power needed two full years to completely become healed once again.

So it took a bit while to have their child.

And then, with a happy sound, everyone began to surround Flake as they wanted to take a glimpse of Lucas.

Seeing everyone happy and excited, Snow leans his head to his lover's shoulder which has instantly wrapped his hands upon his waist, Snow felt entirely comfortable and peaceful inside, especially in this world because he didn't have much trouble unlike the previous one.

"Love, I am happy."

"Hm Baby, as long as you are by my side, I am always happy no matter what."

Hearing the sweet words of Leo, Snow simply smiles tenderly before turning around and giving a loving kiss on his lover's cheek.

And later on, Snow with Flake on his right side, while Leo on his left side and holding Lucas on his arms has stood up in the middle of everyone that is spread wide around them.

"Here we go 3 2 1 smile!"

Snow with a happy and lovely smile on his face gazing at the floating futuristic camera in front of them before he finally heard the small noise of their pictures being taken.


Years later, Snow and Leo have dropped over at the Welch family in which Tyrone has succeeded while Henry has married in, has instantly received the warm welcome of Snow grandmother and mother which has showered the ten years old Lucas and forever young Flake with love.

Of course, Snow has also received a shower of love of his own, albeit fast since Leo keeps sticking toward him so Snow mother and grandmother can't fully show their familial affection.

All of them have a great happy night before everyone has finally went to bed and of course, as per usual, Leo has kicked out their son from their room after trying to sleep together with them.

After growing up to ten years old, Snow has also deemed that he can't keep spoiling his son anymore while grieving his lover, although, what is with his lover of wanting to make love every single day?

Well, it is not like Snow hates it though.

Soon, the next morning has arrived and Lucas was waiting in the dining room to eat breakfast while letting out an adorable small yawn once in a while and the entire time holding the hand of his older brother Flake.

"Eh? Father? Daddy?"

Not seeing his two father's appearance, Lucas couldn't help but turned around to his older brother in slight confusion since everyone has already appeared and even began eating while his parent didn't, although he felt a bad premonition inside him.

Flake that has started taking care of his younger brother as they began to eat their breakfast, just roll his eyes at the naiveness of his cute adorable brother, well this wouldn't do, Flake needs to start toughening Lucas up and can't always spoil him anymore.

"Oh, they left before everyone woke up. They declared about wanting to have their alone time once more. It isn't really surprising, you know that already right? And don't worry though, Big Brother will take care of you, my cute and lovely brother."

First though, Lucas needs to exercise, his younger brother's body is a bit weak, what to do if he got easily pushed down in the future? At least, Flake wants his younger brother to be the one pushing his lover later on.


"Hey! No bad words!"

And then years have passed by, another 20 years. 40 years 100 years then in 300 years later, Snow still has a young appearance despite 300 years has passed by, since living 300 years is the normal lifespan of everyone in this world that has a mental power in B level.

However, one day while chatting with his already grown-up son that has managed to push down Steve and Roy's youngest son has suddenly collapsed without any warning before being taken to an emergency with a flustered, panic, and terrified Leo along with Lucas and his family.

"Baby! What is wrong? Baby! I I won't let anything bad happen to you!"

Snow that has blurry vision, barely managing to see the crying face of his lover while hearing his frantic and fearful voice that sounds so far away, and despite wanting to reply back, Snow can only weakly close his eyes while having no strength to even raise his hand to wipe the tear away from Leo miserable face.

I'm truly sleepy...

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