Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 236: Snow Being Speechless. Flake Sudden Movement. Leo Shamelessness.

Chapter 236: Snow Being Speechless. Flake Sudden Movement. Leo Shamelessness.

After declaring Snow claim to his lover, the preceding few days that have past by were hectic and chaotic.

Firstly, to his lover that has finally learned about ordering a hit list on him has suddenly gone depressed, crazy and basically a pain in the ass of the people that follow and work around him, especially his friend Steve who has finally made a decisive order that causes Snow to feel entirely speechless.

While feeling annoyed at his three friends and older sister amusing and pitying look that enjoy his confusing situation after learning about what happened to Snow, after a frantic subordinate has announced in the entire group about the information that he has acquired.

And so, because of Leo's destructiveness, it seemed that karma has come back to bite Snow considering he found himself in the same exact situation from what happened toward his own subordinates when it comes to his lover.

Right now, although Snow every actions and location remain hidden, it doesn't stop the fact that all of the people that are extremely loyal and worship his lover are currently trying to hunt him down.

Meaning, there was an order for Snow to be either taken away, capture or kidnapped depending on the situation and what his response will be when he was to come with them before being send to Leo place in order to warm his bed this time.

So rather than Snow subordinates that were trying to capture his lover, he was the one being capture by his lover people.

Oh how Karma work, it seemed that in this world, Snow was finally dealing with that certain word.

And of course, that mission seemed to pacify Leo crazy actions for a while now, although, Leo has ordered his people in a threatening manner to not hurt the person he loves.

So for the past few days, Snow has been stricter and severe to his people since he dreads his lover determination and resolution to capture him with all his might.

Anyway didn't Snow reject him so clearly? Why is Leo acting in a way that he isn't listening to his words?

Even if it's a different world and identity along with a new personality, Snow was quite sure that his lover will listen to his words.

And here Snow assumed that his lover will just sulk and locked himself up in a room for a few days in which he already decided to monitor his sulking lover that will definitely appear so lovely on his eyes before contacting him after Snow finished basking on Leo delightful side.

Right now, some of Snow plan doesn't seem to go in the right direction the way he wanted to every single time, really, Snow is quite sure that there is something wrong with this world.

Shaking his head, Snow then remembers his traitorous friend that we're being led on by Henry at the moment, from what he can observe so far, Carl is just waiting for Henry to suddenly confess his undying love in which even at this time cause Snow to roll his eyes at the traitorous man absolute confidence.

Before praising Henry excellent acting to have Carl completely believing that Henry is finally falling for his charm, in which, Snow couldn't help but shake his head at the narcissist way of Carl thinking process, even the original Z didn't know about that certain side of his childhood friend.

Yes, Carl is beautiful young man, but it isn't to the point that anyone that lays their eyes on him will fall in love with his attractive appearance.

Or Henry was just absolutely determined to keep his lover Tyrone safe from Snow mysterious dangerous hand along with that infatuated new criminal leader to the point that Henry has done his best and even went so far as trying to play another person affection.

Everyone is selfish in their own way if no one knows the circumstances of Henry, along with what Carl has done, then to the people who learned about what Henry is doing will lead them to label him as an extremely disgusting person that plays with a person emotion.

Really, Snow doesn't hate Carl, it is the part of him as Z that hate the young man as a Granter right now, but as he mentions before, it just a mission that he needed to fulfill.

One of them needed to fail for the other person to win.

Well, it's all good for Snow so far, especially when the purging of people has become faster when using the power that Carl holds and sacrificing those people that have chosen Carl's leadership so easily rather than the original Z after learning his death without any hesitation.

His traitorous friend sure work hard and easily sacrificing the people working under him without any hesitation as long as the person he fancy look at his way.

Anyway, in just few days, almost half of the people that they needed to remove were completely eradicated just like that, along with Leo crazy actions and Snow didn't even decrease his own people to fulfill it, really planning and doing the work as he hid is the best way.

Unlike the second world were he needed to continue doing the work physically despite being hungry, lethargic, and basically feeling weak, this world is sure a great one even if he was being unlucky in a certain way, and as he remembers about what he has done in that world, Snow couldn't help but feel like what he performed was such a masochist attitude.

Nevertheless, Snow has been multitasking the entire time that he thinks about that information on his mind while receiving important reports in a different part of the Galaxy at the same time while giving out orders and glancing once in a while to the four people that dare to play some sort of gamble futuristic card game in the safe distance.

Aren't they here to help him? After meeting his older sister it seemed that they forgot their initial determination to assist him with his problem, at least, Ray has taken the time to bake him a delicious cake after giving him the recipe of how to make it.

Though that crunchy and noisy sound of mutated potato chips that Ray has also made cause his eyes to twitch up, especially when Marc has become more shameless after listening to his older sister wise words along with reading those reference books of hers that Snow knew for sure has caused Marc to use it to Shane during night time.

Damn such shameless friends he sure got, at least, Snow was smart enough to let Marc and Shane stay in the same room of his other subordinate in order to stop them from bothering his mind that needed to be serious of conceiving about important plans.

Somehow, Snow couldn't help but miss his lover once more, maybe he should let himself be captured for a while? It's not like he couldn't send orders while he was being captive, especially when unlike the previous world, all Snow needed to do is let others do the work for him.

However, before he can descend to another absurd decision, a special and alarming report has appeared in the large screen causing everyone's attention to instantly turn that side before hearing the rather absurd report that causes everyone to gaze upon Snow sitting figure that has just taken a mouthful of chocolate cake.

why did that man didn't just send the report directly to his brain chip link than letting everyone know about those circumstances?

But anyway, Flake is dealing with Leo face to face at the moment? How the hell did that happen? Flake was given the free will to do whatever he wanted as long as it isn't dangerous and letting Snow know if it's important.

Calmly chewing the cake on his mouth and swallowing it, Snow asked about how the two met and what lead to them facing each other.

"Well, you know that they wanted to capture you, Leader. But your man seemed to insist to be capture by you so when one of the subordinate got caught, Leo began to stubbornly threaten our people to take him away quickly or else he will beat the person on his hands, Sir Flake was the closest person around with the highest authority so he was the one who went to rescue the situation."


Ignoring the snickering friends of his along with his older sister that let out a loud excited squeal, Snow just let out a sigh at his two most important people's actions before standing up and leaving the place in order to fix the situation right now.

And in another part of the Galaxy which was thankfully in a hidden place without letting anyone know of what is truly going on right now, that was turning into something ridiculous that cause Steve that has been with Leo the entire time to become entirely speechless.

While the two headache-inducing people that matter to Snow are glaring at each other in a silent manner the entire time before Flake that has used Zou Yi appearance has finally broken the weird atmosphere.

"You are a bad person! You order a hit list to My precious Leader!

"My precious? Why do you call him yours? He is mine!"

Although Leo somehow felt a good impression and comfortable feeling as soon as he lay his eyes in this young man figure except when hearing those words that sound like a claim on the love of his life well, there is no way that he will back down.

"Of course he is mine! He is my creator! So my precious person!"


Slowly, Leo seemed to figure out that there is a misunderstanding between their sentences while the young man words was a bit misleading, somehow, he got more patient and acceptance in this person that Leo was willing to listen more into his words rather than going crazy and trying to kill him as soon as he heard those claims.

"Of course! I'm an outstanding Robot, one of a kind, and Leader is the one who created me thus he is My Father!"

"Oh hello son! You seemed to not know it yet but I'm your other father."

Instantly, Leo's dark and gloomy expression turn soft and tender along with a fatherly smile that causes Flake to become stunned at the sudden declaration that he just heard, while Steve who decided to smartly stay silent almost choke on his breath alone after hearing his friend rather shameless claim.

And Snow that was watching the whole ordeal, only remain silent and speechless.

"Come on, come to daddy, let me see you properly my adorable child."

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