Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 223: Who Is This Young Woman? Ulric Trying To Be Charming. Snow Just Inwardly Rolled His Eyes.

Chapter 223: Who Is This Young Woman? Ulric Trying To Be Charming. Snow Just Inwardly Rolled His Eyes.

During the afternoon, Snow with a completely different appearance has stood in the corner of a certain building while watching as a group of soldiers was surrounding the Entertainment Club of Marc while some other people were preventing the people from entering inside.

Raising his hand to gently touch his chin, Snow's eyes narrowed down as he continues to observe the place while numerous ideas have been flashing constantly on his mind, and after a while, he let out a deep sigh before turning around and leaving the place without any hesitation.

And the entire time, inside the building, stood Marc, Ray, Shane, Rhea and one of her friends that she has bought along while giving a nasty glare at the tall man that has been sitting on a chair with an inquiring expression on his face while being surrounded with soldiers for his protection.

In which unlike the last time that Ulric Smith has visited the place, he was more unrestrained and sinister on his actions at the moment, while uncaring about the trouble that he was currently causing. 

Studying the people before him, Ulric Smith just showed a smiled while revealing the reason why he was currently in this place in which was an order from his Uncle.

During what was happening the past days, Ulric has been investigating the reason why was two of their greatest allies were suddenly targeted by the Royal Family and cause them to act out with such a decisive action despite the fact that their actions would have caused them trouble than its worth.

Why was it the standstill fight that they have with the Royal Family from the past few years was suddenly broken just like that.

Everything is extremely confusing, unusual, and abnormal in which after trying to investigate the latest information about what might have caused the entire situation to turned out this way was the only last message that his friend Alex has sent him before everything went to hell the next morning.

Although he knew about Alex certain actions most of the time, especially with his hobby, his friend is usually smart enough to know that he couldn't just create trouble for his family because of what he usually does.

Especially when Alex was with his woman all the time when his nightlife happens in which they just targeted people that don't have enough power to cause them any harm.

"Don't try to deceive me, the last person that Alex has been together with and met was your friend Dalle. Everything is pointing up to that person, and I knew that he is the key to what is happening in the Wolfe Empire right now."

Especially with the question of how did that person has managed to escape Alex's hands, which is the most suspicious about the whole situation.

With an evil smile on his face, Ulric eyes that have always been playful and greedy turned extremely hard, so different from his usual lecherous self because when it comes to his family power and authority, there is no way that he will treat the problem as a mere game.

"Don't play with me. Every one of you knew that if I really become serious, even your family couldn't do anything about it."

Leaning forward in a threatening manner Ulric Smith spoke in a threatening voice, completely disregarding the people before him, although inside, he was also eyeing the person that has been trying to hide discreetly on the favored child of one of the famous Military family, Rhea May.

"Now then invite, call, lie, do whatever you want and let that man name Dalle arrive in this place or I'll use a more forceful method to make that person appear here right now."

Marc, Shane, Ray, and Rhea gripped their hands, knowing fully well if Ulric fully uses his power, there was nothing that they can do to fight back, it was the reason why they never told Dalle about what is currently happening.

Their friends are going to be safe at his current hiding place, Shane and others have made sure that no one will be able to quickly find the place that they have been using the last two days.

If nothing else works, at least they knew that Leo will keep their friend well protected from what they have seen from the man so far, all they can do right now is to tolerate about how powerless they truly are when facing a person with true power in their hands.

However, they felt a bad feeling when they suddenly saw Ulric's face flash a surprise expression before turning into delight, seemingly receiving a piece of news just a moment ago, and the feeling they felt become heavier when Ulric has suddenly stood up and decided to leave the place.

"I'm leaving now. But before that though"

Suddenly, Ulric has quickly walked over and taken hold of the young man wrist that has been hiding at Rhea back in which has caused a loud gasp of a surprise to escape the person lip, while Marc that has gotten an extremely great impression from chatting with the friend that Rhea has to introduce from before has reacted in surprise shout.

Especially when Marc remembers the way that Ulric preferred cute, small, and pretty young man than a female one. 

"Hey! What are you doing to Ian?"


Ulric laughs derisively while sneering at the oblivious and clueless people standing before him, and then roughly pulling the supposed Ian to his side while staring straight down at the supposedly young man that doesn't meet his eyes. 

"Of course, as a loyal soldier, I need to escort our Precious Princess Vivian Wolfe to the Palace right? After all, we don't want anything bad happening to the only child of his Majesty."

With a sneer, Ulric turned around and pulled the young woman along with him in which Vivian can only give one last glance at the people she just befriended and gave an apologetic smile, especially her gaze lingering far longer to the currently wide eye Marc that seemed to have become shocked of her true gender being revealed.


And so, Vivian and Ulric have completely left, while Marc that has been secretly questioning himself if he also likes the same gender when he felt a deep attraction on the young man after getting to know him has found himself quite speechless when Ian has suddenly turned into a young woman while being the only Princess of the Wolfe Empire at that.

However, Marc has instantly snapped back from his surprise after finally figuring out that Vivian was taken away by Ulric and wanted to rush over to save her only for Rhea to blocked his way while shaking her head.

"Marc don't be stupid. We can't do anything right now, as for Vivian safety, at least, Ulric isn't stupid enough to harm a Royal family no matter how much power his Smith family currently has. At least, we know that they are not ready to have an all-out of war with the Royal family right now."

Frowning, Marc can only let it go while feeling uncomfortable inside while Ray couldn't help but ask about Rhea on why did the princess of all people has suddenly came into this kind of place.

"She was absolutely insisting to meet Dalle today and I couldn't refuse her so."

Rhea awkwardly smiles while also showing a confused expression about why is her friend has suddenly wanted to meet Dalle, although Vivian remembered her certain feelings to Dalle from before but the Princess has known that her feeling has shifted to another person already.

"Guys! Did you forget about why Ulric has suddenly left?"

Suddenly Shane that has been frowning the entire time has interrupted his friend's discussion, causing Ray, Marc, and Rhea to suddenly widen their eyes in alarm, because yes, Ulric has been so obstinate on getting Dalle to arrive in this place.

Why did he leave so easily just like that?

And in the exact timing, Marc, Ray, and Shane receive a message from a frantic Tyrone as he worriedly explains about Dalle has secretly sneaked out without knowing it, and has just learned about it after he went to check the supposedly resting Dalle, in which he only saw him missing.

After hearing Tyrone's explanation, Ray, Marc, and Shane's eyes has instantly widened before finally comprehending about the bad feeling that they have felt from before and why did Ulric has suddenly left without causing any more trouble.


And a few minutes later, Snow that has been captured and placed inside a space car suddenly saw the door open before a young man, in which he could easily tell that it was a woman, has entered the car before being followed by a tall man with dark eyes that was filled with such wickedness despite he man was trying to make it look soft and gentle.

The man then showed a smile and began introducing himself after seeing Snow figure that has been sitting in the corner the entire time.

"Dalle right? Hello, I am Ulric Smith, its nice to meet you."

Snow just turned his head around and didn't answer back while the young woman seemed to find him interesting enough for her to bravely sit on his side while her deep gaze was almost boring a hole on his face.

"Oh? Well, let's go to a better place alright? There is just a simple question I want you to answer in which you can leave shortly after I'm done."

Seeing the young man continue to ignored him, Ulric just smiled while feeling amused inside, especially now that he got the person he has been looking for, Ulric felt a bit more relaxed while his gaze couldn't help but start to appreciatively observes the person before him.

And with a few seconds, Ulric's eyes turned shinier the longer that he gazes upon the young man figure and appearance.

Well now, he can finally see the reason why Alex has suddenly tried to take this man to his bed, such a lovely and beautiful bright young man suddenly, Ulric couldn't help but question himself for not becoming interested in Dalle before.

After all, he has seen the young man more than once after visiting Ray for now though, his friends failed to get him right?

And from the message that his friend has given him about the young man, well, Ulric doesn't mind finishing what his friends have started after he got what he wants from him.

"Don't worry, I won't do anything bad to you."

Soon, Ulric began to gently charm the young man before him, while showing his gentle side and handsome appearance.

Unlike Alex that prefers to force people, Ulric rather like them to be obedient and more active in their own accord, unless, he really desires a person then, he doesn't' mind using his friend method once in a while.

And Snow that saw what the man was trying to do has inwardly rolled his eyes.

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