Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 217: "Snow~ Flake Punish Your Bad Golden Thigh For A Bit~ No Worries, He Is Still Alive!"

Chapter 217: "Snow~ Flake Punish Your Bad Golden Thigh For A Bit~ No Worries, He Is Still Alive!"

As everyone out frozen from shocked, a figure has quickly rashed out from the inside of the room, and it was a woman with broken left arm with wide alert and alarm eyes before stopping in a far distance as the woman head snapped to glance in their way.

And with eyes filled with recognition, she has quickly spoken to Leo with a severe expression.

"Boss! Great you are here."

Seeing her boss's expression turning frigid from being called out, the woman was unable to stop herself from giving a warning despite how her situation will become troublesome and difficulty from revealing that she knew her boss.

Besides, she is unable to remain silent when everything is going to be dangerous right now, she didn't know that the usual bright young man has that dangerous side of her, although it should be understandable since that is the person that her boss was fascinated with, which should be obvious from the start that the young man wouldn't turn out normal.

"Boss watch out though and try to stay away, it's dangerous right now. He isn't on his right mind at the moment."

Henry who knows that Leo has people following Dalle couldn't help but tense up from the woman's words before standing in front of the confused Tyrone, his body alert and ready for any kind of situation that might happen.


"... stay back for now."

Tyrone that wanted to ask more about what is happening can only close his mouth shut, especially when he saw how serious and tense Henry has gotten before preparing himself too from any crisis and even though he isn't as strong and powerful fighter as Henry is but it didn't stop Tyrone from training his body to be fit and strong.

Marc, Ray and Shane's eyes twitch when it finally dawned on them that the reason why Leo has suddenly appeared in this place and knowing what is happening was the fact that there is a person that he orders to follow Dalle around.

So Dalle got a dangerous stalker now

Although it sounding good right now though because it is showing the great use of Leo stalker side, what with appearing to save their friend's current bad situation which they still don't have any idea what is all about but can guess about what happened.

Nevertheless, the three of them should still mention Leo stalker manner to their friend, they can't just have Dalle being clueless about the action of the person that he is living with.

While the trio decided about Leo actions, the person being mentioned has given a sharp gaze to his subordinate that dares to reveal herself and making these people know about him ordering someone to follow his Little Cutie, which was something that he will deal later since he heard a movement from inside the room, while detecting the familiar presence of the love of his life.

Soon, a sound of slow footstep echoed out causing Leo, Henry, Ray that far more experience in fighting and dangerous situation to tense up, especially when they also heard the sound of a heavy object that appeared to be dragged roughly in the ground along with the tiny whimpering sound of a woman.

And then what appeared before them is the figure of Dalle dragging a beautiful woman using her long hairs that were grasped tightly into his hands without a single care about the fairer gender, before stopping and turning his attention to where they are standing without speaking a single sound.


"Marc, Shane, just stay back right now!"

Ray that can feel the sudden danger from Dalle out of all people couldn't help but pushed his two clueless friends back while the long senses that didn't disappear and have stayed low during his time in the military have once more awakened.

With a tense atmosphere, they watch the silent Dalle that currently has a blank look on his eyes, dull and emotionless without any light within it slowly tilt his head to the side causing their muscle tensing up when they were able to comprehend that the young man seemed to be unable to recognize them, causing a grimace to appear more to Henry and Ray face while a painful expression to Leo.

The current state of Dalle isn't excellent right now.

"H-Help me! T-this Monster, Kill him right now and s-save me! My father is the Duke! He will reward you plentifully if you save me from this man!"

Suddenly the woman that has been whimpering the entire time along with a bruised face and broken fingers has finally seen the numerous people before her and couldn't help but scream and yelled out, which has quickly shut off as she cries out in pain when she felt her body being pulled roughly and raised up by using her hair.

Eyes wide in horror as a whimper escape her lip, she met the dark eyes of the young man once more causing her to remember the way that her fingers were broken apart so quickly when she started removing the shirt of this person.

Suddenly she felt a huge regret of forcing this person to come with them and giving him the drugs this time, they chose someone especially dangerous that cause a threat to their life...

"... you're making my head hurt once more..."

With that, she felt her body was roughly thrown aside while quickly feeling an unimaginable pain when she felt numerous sharp objects has pierced her delicate body, and then finally losing consciousness.

While everyone that has been watching the entire time, witness the way that Dalle has thrown the woman carelessly to the side which has hit the broken pieces of the metallic door that have rather sharp broken pieces upon it in which has turned rather bloody and terrifying.


Shane and Marc couldn't help but let out a shocked gasp while their eyes widen in alarm and fear about what is currently happening before their expression turn concern and worry when they finally figure out that there is something wrong with Dalle.

And Tyrone that has been examining the young man that he has treated at his biological younger brother since yesterday has narrowed his eyes with a sharp glint at the sign of wrongness upon Dalle on his observation so far.

"... he was definitely given by some types of drugs that cause him to be in this state which affected his mind and mental state Henryeveryone... be careful, Dalle right now is extremely powerful than usual, it also has given him a powerful boast in strength, so be prepared."

However, after speaking those words to others, the young man before them has suddenly mumble in a soft voice while scratching his shoulder and neck in an irritated manner which has caused the already messy clothes to become messier than ever.

"... disgusting it's disgusting disappear"

"Little Cutie"

With bloodshot eyes, Leo who heard the young man's words and was able to connect about what has happened couldn't help but take a step closer, his face twisting in remorse and regrets as numerous apologies escape his lips.

"Sorry I wasn't here to protect you Sorry I was late. Sorry I wasn't by your side"

With shaky hands and low breath, Leo took another step causing the young man to suddenly turned eerily still and quiet while Henry that has been watching the entire time felt so shocked at the current reaction of Leo but soon an understanding look appears on his face since Henry knew that he will react the same way as Leo now if it also happened to his Brother Tyrone.

However, before Leo can take another closer Henry that has been standing next to him and the other man that seemed to be a friend of Dalle, has seen the way those emotionless eyes has suddenly gaze upon them into split-seconds has instantly caused the hair in the back of his neck to raise up in chill.

"Watch out!"

"Defend yourself!"

"Leo stop Dalle right now!"

The first to be hit was Henry which has skid over to the right after a particular sweep of a kick met the arms he has uses to defend himself in which he couldn't help but let out a slight grunt when his arms were almost broken up from the strength of the attack and the only reason it didn't break was the unconscious use of his mental power.

Henry has still underestimated the person before him.

Then the next attack went to the guarded Ray in which rather than defending himself has dodged the oncoming attack and rushing backward while his eyes narrowed down for any incoming assault that might come after only to feel a bit of relief when his abnormally strong friend didn't go after him and directly began to confront Leo that was easily able to deal the attack that comes his way.

. Well, now he suddenly saw the reason why Dalle has a great affinity to the dangerous Leo, a frenzy and berserk Dalle was exceptionally scary... and Ray felt the same dangerous atmosphere from him too which was a great shock and surprised that has narrowed his eyes with a bit of doubt in which he quickly shook his head to focus more at their current situation.

"Little Cutie! It's me? Leo? Please. Stop"

Finally deciding to stop his dodging and defending, Leo has decisively taken the young man on his arms without any hesitation and fear, unbothered and unprotected to the struggling person on his arms.

"Shhh Little Cutie I'm here now CutieBaby My sweet Baby, you're safe now." 

Even Shane, Marc and Tyrone's eyes widened from the crack of bones that they just heard, wincing at a particular loud snap, and the entire time, there is no painful sound that has come out from Leo's mouth, only comforting pat in the head of Dalle while gentle and soothing coaxing voice.

"...L L-Leo?"

With great relief, Leo's expression turns soft and loving while running his fingers through the sweaty soft platinum gold hair after finally getting some reaction from the young man.

"Yeah sweety my cute Baby it's me, Leo."

With a whine and a sobs Snow that was able to finally regain his senses from the drowning pain on his mind, acted spoil and wrong into the arms of his lover while feeling comfort from the wave of mental power that continues to grace his own damage mental power.

"... hurt Leo head hurts"

Though he was a bit speechless from the words that Flake has left after giving the control back after he woke up from the sudden haze a moment ago.

"Snow~ I punish your bad golden thigh for you! It's only broken bones though and not dangerous to his life! Take care Snow! I'll go back to work now~"

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