Soul Karmas (BL)

Chapter 206: Snow Being Bad. Giving Henry A Wake Up Call. Leo Erupted in Madness.

Chapter 206: Snow Being Bad. Giving Henry A Wake Up Call. Leo Erupted in Madness.

Letting out a light sneeze, Snow blinks his bright emerald eyes while tilting his head to the side before whispering softly.

"Hmm Leo definitely thinking about me right now."

Shrugging his shoulder, Snow has soon taken a relaxing shower before wearing normal civilian clothes and going out from one of the private rooms that is solely arranged by Marc for his friends to use whenever one of them decided to take a rest in his building.

Snow has made a cracking sound on his neck as he stretches it while letting out sleepy yawn once in a while before entering the usual private room that his friends usually hang out and slowly taking a glance around the place, and didn't see any friends of his in the room, which are probably still sleeping.

And while waiting for breakfast to arrive, Snow has also started reading the other pieces of information that Flake has send-up, his eyes narrowing down at certain information before deciding the course of actions for today.

Soon, after a few more minutes of planning, strategizing and scheming, his breakfast has finally arrived and so he began to eat his food while slightly humming.

After forty minutes later, Snow is currently walking in the city market of the Wolfe Empire Galaxy.

Although the present world is a futuristic one with high technology around, the people in this world didn't forget to retain some of the traditional way of a modern world structure and cultures, which is where Snow is currently in a store where he could buy ingredients to cook food and bringing it back home at the same time.

Since Snow has decided to take care of his chosen lover while seducing him with his delicious cooking skill, unlike Leo that seemed to use flirting and his handsome look more in order to make Snow fall for him, although from the look of it, there was really no need for Snow to make Leo fall for him.

From what he observed so far in the two lifetimes and the present one, it is always his lover that strangely and abnormally fall for him first, Snow was quite sure that there is a reason for those but since he couldn't get an answer from it then he will just have to patiently wait until everything is going to reveal itself.

As for rather than choosing to just order the ingredients online, and seeing the images along with it, well, Snow would like to see and observe his present world, after all, one of the reasons why Snow has chosen to be a Granter is so that he can experience numerous new cultures, lifestyle, and customs.

Besides, it not like he was strange for doing it this way since there are also other people that rather like to go in person and checking the items with their own eyes, and to the futuristic people, it was a sight to behold and expereince being it one of the numerous remembrances to their ancestor that has once live in a planet called Earth.

Though Snow bright emerald eyes have secretly glance to the person currently standing a few distances away from him, soon, Snow turned his back away before moving in an entirely different direction, pushing buttons once in a while as he picked what he wanted to get in the display.

Seemingly so focus on what he was doing, Snow has accidentally, which isn't really an accident, bump into someone else, which was also a hard action causing Snow to bounced away in force rather than pushing the person he bumps to the ground, after all, base by their appearance, size, and shapes, Snow is going to be the weaker ones, a lie but no one need to know about it yet, so he has definitely lost.

Thus, with startling bright emerald eyes and slightly open lip, a surprised and shocked Snow found his body falling down hard although in his mind Snow couldn't help but think about not needing any acting skill when his other mission will be in the entertainment industry later on.


"Watch out!"

Suddenly Snow found himself being pulled back as a large hand wrapped around his slender waist and pulling him into a slightly firm chest before hearing the person that has save him to release a great relief sigh.

Soon, Snow felt the person gently letting him go while making sure that he was standing steadily, completely showing how careful and gentle the man before him is.

As he stands before the man while secretly observing everything about him, Snow has soon made an apologetic face before raising his hands to grasp the man one arm in worry and concern while he speaks in a flustered manner.

"I'm sorry Mr! I wasn't paying attention, I hit you hard just now, are you alright?"

With bright emerald eyes open up in a round way, along with flushed cheeks which made his beautiful features becoming more bright and touching has suddenly caused the man before him to become stunned from what he is seeing.

And Snow watched as the man before him suddenly widen a darker shade of green eyes as the man gaze upon him with quick flashes of a fleeting nostalgia, wistfulness, and remorse appearing upon it, causing Snow that has been sharply observing the man entire reactions to feel a twinge of pain into his heart.

Although in the corner of his eyes, Snow notices the way the person that has been following him from the start after he left his friend business building suddenly stand still for a few seconds, which to an extremely sharp and observant person knew has just performed something, which is definitely relating in using their brain chip.

If Snow didn't sense the woman trailing after him the entire time, then he wouldn't have bothered to focus his attention on her, and as for who the woman is, Snow can only inwardly roll his eyes.

It really isn't surprising that the woman is working to Leo, which was probably was asked to stalk him for today in order to know what he was doing because of being interest on him, which was good, better than because Leo was suspicious and doubting that he was the man that has just gone to Henry last night in a threatening manner.

But for now, the person before him is far more important than the obvious familiarity of his lover paranoid stalkerish tendency, thus Snow has lively and brightly began to interact with the rather gentle and kind man, which isn't supposed to be, but Snow has an idea about why.

And after a few more minutes, Snow quickly has gotten the man good favorable impression as the two of them sat into a cafe, with hot chocolate his hand gently cupping while the other person has dark coffee for a drink.

"Really? I didn't know that you are the one who has taken all those beautiful sceneries! Wow, such an amazing coincidence!"

Of course, Snow has definitely done his research, which is really ironic because this person is the one to have been buying the original client sceneries of what he has taken while he was out in the outer space when there are million people out there that could have bought it.

But can only Snow just nodded his head with a gentle and bright smile, while continuing to interacts with the handsome man which soon has shown a startling look to appear on his face when after speaking so friendly the entire time that the two of them didn't even introduce themselves yet.

With a bit a sheepish look on his face, the man has offered his hand for a shake while introducing himself, although telling the first name but Snow already knows his name anyway so.

The handsome man with dark green eyes smiled gently and kindly while there is a certain strange expression that runs deep within it that Snow acted like he didn't see at all as he too gently took a hold of the man's hand before shaking it and showing a gentle smile of his own.

"Hello, nice to meet you! My name is Tyrone."

"Hello, Tyrone! Nice to meet you, My name is Dalle."

So with that, Snow has become easily acquaintances to his biological brother in this world while in the corner on his mind, he didn't forget to send a message to a certain someone while continuing to make his older brother give him a stronger good impression.

As for a certain someone becoming extremely jealous after learning what Snow is currently doing, getting close to another man so fast, showing gentle and shy expression and without him knowing that this person is his biological brother, oh well let just say that Snow's personality in treating his lover in this world is rather strange and more darker, probably got affected by the client's personality which he doesn't mind at all.

So with that Snow continues to interact with this Older Brother of his, uncaring and indifferent at the storm that he has just created by only interacting at the person before him.

Henry that was finally deemed alright to leave the facility has suddenly recieve an alert message to a specific person, causing him to pause from starting his space car from driving away.

However, his teeth gritted so hard when he read the message after a few seconds later.

Threat SSS: As your ally, I'll help remind your pitiful poor self about your rather miserable affection to a certain someone that you are so extremely afraid to even take an action for. See the pictures? If you don't get your attitude soon and do something then your love will be taken away by someone, which is going to be a pity since in my investigation that man is such a good catch too.

And in the pictures, the first one is a rather ambiguous image of Tyrone having his hands wrapped around a young man's waist while they gaze at each other with a rather startling look, which Henry can only perceive as love at first sight type.

Then the next few pictures were the two men smiling gently to each other, having fun speaking, and even sitting in a cafe in order to further know each other more.

Henry has never seen Tyrone showed those open and lively emotions so easily after the past few years which has caused his heart to twist in pain because he wasn't the person that has made the person he likes to bring out those bright expressions.

With a throbbing pain on his head as numerous chaotic thought run on his mind, Henry has swiftly and decisively started his space car and going into the location that the dangerous person has send him to.

He believed that he will just have to wait to express his emotion to Tyrone after everything is over but he was being silly and stupid for not even thinking that there is a high chance of Tyrone being taken away by someone else...

And in another place, Leo has suddenly bolted up with a dangerous and twisting expression on his face before rushing out in the room as the pictures that has been sent to him continuously run on his mind, which is easily enough has made him erupt in madness.


"W-Wait Leo! We are not done yet!"

Suddenly the people in the video, along with some people inside the room that has arrived early this morning, couldn't help but be startled before calling out to the suddenly leaving Leo, which a dangerous and almost derange glare was shot their way causing them to choke air, especially on the heavy the killing intent that was heavily pressing over them that has added of mental power upon it.

"The hell with that! All of it can burn for all I care! You want me to stay still while My Little Cutie is about to get taken away by some random man? Stop me and I don't mind obliterating everyone of you right now!"

Leo knew that he was reacting a bit out of it, but when he saw those gentle bright emerald eyes, flush pink, shy and embarrassed expression being shown to another person, his entire mind burst to madness while every fiber of his entire being just screams possessive words and that is.




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