Something's Wrong With My Wife

Chapter 34: How Impressive!

Chapter 34: How Impressive!

The bright moon was high in the sky, and stars littered the sky.

The two boats sailed side by side in the lake.

The surface of the lake rippled. The moon and stars glittered across its rippled surface as the boat moved along. It was like a resplendent milky way with starlight specks, and it was beautiful beyond words.

The few young girls were chatting about Mo City's matters as they admired the beautiful night scenery of the lake.

On the other side of the boat, it was very quiet.

Bai Ling was dressed in a pink outfit. She stood at the stern of the boat and supported herself with the rowing oars. Her black hair swung in the breeze and her clothes fluttered, making her look like a goddess of the lake.

Luo Qingzhou stood at the bow of the boat and looked at the pavilion in the middle of the lake not far away.

Xia Chan sat in the middle of the boat, holding a sword in her arms. She still had a cold look.

Zhu'er looked over and saw a certain someone standing motionless at the bow. She could not help but mock, "Sir, aren't you seasick? Why are you still standing there? Aren't you afraid of falling into the lake?"

Luo Qingzhou retracted his gaze and glanced at her, then at the sword-wielding girl sitting in the middle of the boat. He replied, "Who said that I'm not allowed to stand if I get seasick? I'm not dizzy if I stand. Rather, I feel dizzy if I sit."

The girls were amused.

Zhu'er said angrily, "Young Miss, did you hear that? Sir did it on purpose. He clearly doesn't suffer seasickness."

Qin Weimo smiled and said, "Maybe he gets seasick occasionally, but there are important guests today, so he doesn't feel seasick today."


Zhu'er pouted and snorted. She did not say anything else.

Since her Young Miss was even defending that guy, there was nothing she could say.

Song Zixi, who was sitting beside Qin Weimo, suddenly said, "Weimo, I saw a sentence on a painting the day before yesterday and thought it was quite interesting. However, I don't really know who came up with this sentence or the meaning of it. You're an avid reader, so could you help to answer my queries?"

As she said that, she glanced at the youth on the other boat.

It was obvious that she wanted to test Luo Qingzhou and see if he was really as talented as her good friend said.

Qin Weimo naturally knew what Song Zixi was trying to do. She smiled and said, "Zixi, go ahead. Tell us about it."


Song Zixi cleared her throat. After attracting everyone's attention on the boats, she behaved in a pretentious manner and recited, "The Fundamental Way of the Great Learning is to enlighten one's inherent splendid virtue, to revitalize the people, and to continuously pursue these endeavors until one rests and resides in the highest level of excellence."

As she recited that, she swayed her head like a teacher would if he recited a poem.

When Qin Weimo heard her finish reciting, she smiled and looked at the young man on the other boat. "Brother-in-law, have you heard this before?"

Actually, all the scholars who were preparing to take the imperial examination knew this sentence.

After all, there were four books that were mandatory for all scholars to read if they wanted to take the imperial examination. This was one of them.

However, for a woman who did not need to take the imperial examination, the fact that she knew this sentence implied that she was not a simple woman.

In this era, nine out of ten people were uneducated or even illiterate.

Therefore, for a woman, it was something to be proud of if she was literate or even knew poetry.

Luo Qingzhou felt a little bored by all these.

However, since it was the Second Young Miss who posed this question, he had to respect her and not make her look bad. He replied, "These words came from 'The Book of Rites, the Great Learning'. Legend has it that it was written by Zengzi, but I think that it should have been written by some Confucians later on. What it means is that one should conduct themselves in an honorable and ethical manner; one should abandon the old and accept the new in order to attain the highest realm. To put it simply, everyone possesses virtues, so they should be considerate of others, and they should rid themselves of their bad habits and turn over a new leaf. Moreover, they should constantly strive to improve themselves and seek perfection."

On two small boats in the lake.

All the girls looked at him quietly and listened to his answer.

Under the moonlight, the figure standing at the bow of the ship was tall and straight. His face was handsome, his eyes had a determined look, and his voice was sonorous and bright. He was neither servile nor overbearing, and he was not weak and pretentious like the other scholars were, nor did he have the inferiority complex and timidity like the other matrilocal sons-in-law. His appearance, bearing, and temperament greatly attracted the eyes of all the other girls. He seemed to shine like a star from the night sky.

The sword-wielding girl closest to him also looked at him expressionlessly.

When he finished answering, there was a moment of silence on the two boats.

Immediately, Qin Weimo broke the silence and smiled. "Zixi, how is his answer? Is this the answer that you're looking for?"

Song Zixi pouted and said, "It's merely so-so. Anyway, it's written in the book. Anyone who reads ought to know about it."

Qin Weimo smiled and looked at the young man on the other boat. She praised him gently, "Brother-in-law, you're very impressive."

In response, Luo Qingzhou simply cupped his hands. He did not say anything else.

Bai Ling, who was rowing the boat at the bow, also smiled sweetly and imitated Qin Weimo's tone. "Sir, you're very impressive."

Luo Qingzhou looked elsewhere and ignored her.

The two boats slowly rowed across the lake and soon arrived at the location where the lotus flowers were at.

Although it was winter, the lake water was warm. Lotus flowers bloomed all year round. The lotuses were of various colors: white, pink, red, etc. It was the most beautiful scenery in Moonlight Rain Court.

Every time Qin Weimo came over, she liked to get the boat over to where the lotus flowers were at. She would pick some lotus seedpods, break some petals, and play in the water by the boat for a while. She still retained her childish disposition. After she did all these, she would feel much better. Her mood would be instantly lifted.

At this moment, Meng Yulan suddenly asked, "Young Master Luo, I have a question. Can you answer it for me?"

Luo Qingzhou looked at her and thought about the fact that her brother had a romantic interest in males. He said, "Miss Meng, please go ahead and speak."

Meng Yulan emitted a heroic aura as she recited loudly, "The Superior Man is harmonious without blindly following the current trend of the times. How indomitable his strength is! He stands in the center without leaning to either side. How indomitable his strength is! When the state is with the Way, he is changeless in his inward aspiration. How indomitable his strength is. When the state is not with the Way, he maintains his course to death. How indomitable his strength is! So, how would you explain this?"

"Luo Qingzhou froze for a bit before answering, "This comes from chapter 10 of a book called 'The Doctrine of the Mean'. The meaning of these words is that a person with high moral values who won't be pushed into trends or easily influenced by others is the most powerful person. They can remember where they are coming from and will stand by their stance. When a country's resources are abundant and politically stable, a powerful emperor can be persistent and not indulge in sexual pleasure or capital. If a country's leader can be consistent in helping citizens and hold on to his beliefs when a country is disrupted, that's the most powerful person."

Meng Yulan's eyes revealed a hint of surprise. She nodded and said, "You're indeed very well-read. You have even memorized the meaning of the sayings in the Four Books and Five <anno data-annotation-id="a5038c0e-da96-4ed4-9767-9451086a2f3e">Classics</anno>. You can even remember the chapters clearly. I'm impressed!"

Luo Qingzhou cupped his hands and heard the words she was thinking. "Weimo wasn't lying when she said that guy is talented. The things in the books probably won't be a problem for him. I wonder how good his poetry is," she thought.

Following that, Meng Yulan threw Song Zixi a meaningful look.

Song Zixi nodded slightly and suddenly said, "Young Master Luo, I heard from Weimo that you know poetry very well. Some time ago, I received the first two sentences of a seven-character quatrain, but I'm not satisfied with the latter two sentences no matter how I think about it. Young Master, can you come up with the next two sentences for me?"

Luo Qingzhou glanced at Second Young Miss Qin and thought to himself, "I've only recited couplets with her before. How does she know that I know poetry? Is she deliberately trying to make me look good? Or is she showing off that she has a talented brother-in-law?"

It was rare for a sister-in-law to brag about her brother-in-law in front of her good friends.

Since Second Young Miss was so protective of his image, naturally, he would not embarrass her. Luo Qingzhou cupped his hands and said, "Miss Song, please tell me. I'll try, but my answer might not satisfy you."

Meng Yulan smiled and said, "How can all the poems in the world be perfect and satisfactory? Most of them have to be modified before they can even be considered barely passable. Those wondrous masterpieces are all rare treasures, few and far between. There are very few of them. So, Young Master Luo, there's no harm in creating them."

Song Zixi recited it in her heart before saying it out, "Upon the New Year's Day no fragrant flowers came out, not till the second month did buds begin to sprout... These are the two sentences. I have tried to make up the second half of the poem, but so far, I'm not too satisfied with them. Young Master Luo, Weimo, and Yulan, why don't you try this?"

The two girls beside Luo Qingzhou frowned slightly as they pondered over it.

Luo Qingzhou repeated the first two sentences a few times in his heart as he pondered over it. His gaze wandered casually across the lake and suddenly saw a pear tree by the lake not far away.

The evening breeze blew, and the blooming flowers on the pear tree fluttered down. They passed through the scarlet railing and landed in the pavilion beside them.

A thought came to Luo Qingzhou and he came up with the second half of the poem.

At this moment, Bai Ling, who was standing at the bow of the boat, suddenly smiled and said, "Sir, if you can't figure it out, you'll lose your chance next month."

"What chance?"

Qin Weimo asked curiously.

The others also looked at Bai Ling curiously.

Bai Ling's eyes flickered and she said with a smile, "Second Young Miss, you should ask Sir."

Luo Qingzhou did not reply. He looked at Miss Song and said, "I did think of another two sentences, but I'm not sure if they fit well with the first half of the poem. Please give me your thoughts on this, Miss Song."

When the girls heard this, they immediately looked at him.

Even the sword-wielding girl standing beside was also looking at him coldly.

Luo Qingzhou pondered for a moment before reciting, "Upon the New Year's Day no fragrant flowers came out, not till the second month did buds begin to sprout. The snow humiliates the spring for being late, and sprays white petals in the garden all about."

As soon as he finished reciting, Meng Yulan's eyes lit up. She immediately clapped her hands and praised, "Good poem! After saying the last two sentences, the atmosphere and art of the entire poem instantly rose by a huge margin! Young Master Luo, you're impressive! You're truly impressive!"

Then, Meng Yulan said, "The title of this poem..."

Luo Qingzhou interrupted, "The poem should be titled 'Spring Snow'. How about that?"

"Spring Snow?"

Meng Yulan thought about it for a moment and then clapped her hands. "That's an amazing title! Once this name is out, the artistic conception of the entire poem will rise to another level! Young Master Luo is indeed talented!"

"The snow humiliates the spring for being late and sprays white petals in the garden all about... Spring snow..."

Song Zixi muttered a few times before looking suspiciously at the young man at the bow of the boat. "Young Master Luo, did you do the first two sentences as well? If not, don't you find the last two sentences overly harmonious and smooth? They simply blend into one another, without any traces of being pieced together."

Luo Qingzhou cupped his hands and said, "I didn't do the first two sentences. The second two sentences suddenly came into my mind, so it is not worthy of such praise."

Qin Weimo raised her brows and chuckled. "Zixi, now you know how powerful my brother-in-law is, right?"

The delicate and beautiful girl, who was like Lin <anno data-annotation-id="b868c539-9530-43db-8f9d-8b533dd6d98e">Daiyu</anno>, actually sounded a little smug and proud.

This time, Song Zixi was completely convinced by Luo Qingzhou's talent. She lowered her head slightly and said to the young man at the bow of the boat, "You're indeed talented, Young Master Luo. I'm impressed."

Luo Qingzhou lowered his head again and cupped his hands in return.

Zhu'er, who was on the boat, also thought to herself, "I didn't expect this guy to be so impressive. No wonder my Young Miss treats him differently. In the future, maybe he can really become the top scorer in the imperial examination and make the Qin residence proud."

Bai Ling steadied herself on the stern of the boat and looked at the young man at the bow. Her beautiful eyes flickered and she stopped teasing him.

The sword-wielding girl sitting in the middle of the boat was still as cold as ice and expressionless.


Right at this moment, a splashing sound suddenly sounded among the lotus flowers.

A group of white gulls were alarmed and jumped around in panic. A few of them actually jumped on the two small boats!

The few maidens cried out in shock, and the boat swayed dangerously.

Bai Ling's expression changed. Suddenly, she let out a cry. The boat swayed violently from side to side and titled a little.

The sword-wielding girl sitting in the middle of the boat seemed to be thinking about something. She was caught off guard and her body suddenly leaned back. Suddenly, she fell into the water with a splash!

Bai Ling immediately shouted from the bow. "Sir, help! Xia Chan fell into the water! She can't swim!"

Luo Qingzhou threw a glance at her before jumping into the water.

<annotations style="display: none;"><li>These books serve as the curriculum for the Chinese imperial examination</li><li>A female character in a classic novel. She is portrayed as a well-educated, intelligent, and beautiful young woman of physical frailness who is somewhat prone to occasional melancholy</li></annotations>

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