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Chapter 185 185 - Showing His Power.

In the battle area full of students and teachers. Almost all the students from all the years were present today. All of them were very excited to watch the fight between the second year and 1st year. Not only the students, but even the teachers are also present here. Alena is also present here. She was sitting with her student, Gloria. Both of them looked at the battle ring.

June Keon was already on the battle ring. It was just Sam still did not come to the battle ring. So all of them were waiting for Sam.

It was 12:55 p.m. so they still had 5 minutes before the fight started. No one was able to spot Sam.

'Where is Sam right now?' This was the question that everyone was thinking about.

Tony and the girls are already in the battle area and sitting in the stadium. They were also confused about why Sam wasn't here. They already came to the battle area 10 minutes ago. That time, Sam told him they should go to the stadium where he would go to the battle ring. But Sam still did not come to the battle ring. Because of this, all of them are very confused.

Gloria, Fiona, and Alena are also confused about this. Gloria already asked Tony about Sam. But after hearing their explanation, Gloria became confused. She knows her brother was powerful and he can easily defeat this second year, but then why still he didn't? He was on the battle ring. Did something happen to him? Right now, she was thinking about this and getting very anxious. She was above to get up from her seat and search for Sam when Alena held her hand and told her not to worry.

At this time, those second years were moving Sam.

"Haha… June looks like the first year didn't have the courage to come. He becomes scared of you. Haha,"

" Haha… Genius first year. Haha, he can only talk big," June also mocked Sam.

" Tick.. tock… tick… tock," now only 30 seconds left before the match starts. If Sam still hasn't come to the battle ring, then June will win the fight by default.

All of them looked at the entrance but still did not see any trace of Sam. Gloria, Alena, Tony, and the girls were getting anxious. Why did Sam still not come to the battle ring? Did those second years do something to him and because of this, Sam could not come to the battle ring? Nobody knows the answer, but if he did not come 30 seconds later, then Gloria and the others would immediately take action.

The referee that was present on the battle ring looked at the time. When there were only 10 seconds left, he started to count.











"The winner is…" 10 seconds later, when the referee was about to announce the winner's name, suddenly a person appeared in the battle ring. He was standing beside the referee. The referee did not even get the chance to announce the winner's name because he got frightened. Not only the referee, but you can say everyone present in the battle area was startled.

Instantly, all of them recognize that person. It was Sam who suddenly appeared on the battle ring. Gloria and others who were supporting Sam finally smile. They already know that the same wasn't a person who was a coward. All of them know that Sam will appear on the battle ring.

"This boy… really… For a moment, I thought something happened to him," Alena finally sighs after seeing Sam.

In the battle ring,

The referee and June were looking at Sam with their wide-open mouths. After seeing their reactions, Sam just laugh and told the referee,

"Well, Mr. referee, let's start the fight," Sam said to the referee. Finally, the referee came back to his senses. Not only he, but June also came back to his senses. The referee quickly nodded, hearing Sam.

"As the fighter, Sam was present in the battle ring, the battle will be started," after saying that the referee left the battle ring.

Instantly, once again, Sam vanished from his place. June became very alert after seeing this. Currently, he is unable to detect Sam, so Sam can attack him from any direction. Because of this, he was fully alert. But even when he was in alert mode, he was unable to sense that Sam was already behind him. If he was a real enemy of Sam, then he would have already died by Sam's hand. But it was only a small battle, so Sam did not attack him while having a killing in a tent. Sam just casually walked toward the 2nd year and placed a knife in June's neck.

It happened so quickly that nobody was able to react and understand what happened there. They only saw that Sam had once again suddenly vanished from his place. At this time, June becomes very alert but still unable to react when Sam suddenly appears behind him while holding a knife to his neck.

Suddenly, everyone became silent. They wanted to know what would happen now. This was clearly Sam's victory, but still, all of them were waiting for the referee's decision.

"Well, as you can see, I can easily win the fight if I use my full power. But then you will say that but get the chance to fight. So I will give you a handicap. This time I won't vanish," at this time Sam suddenly opened his mouth and told June. He already knows that even if he wins like this, June and his friends will complain that June didn't get the chance to fight properly. Well, why not give him the handicapped while Sam will try to use his new spirit sword technique? This second year's senior will be his training partner.

At this time, the referee finally came back to his senses.

"Fighter Sam once again gives a chance to fighter June. So the fight will once again start," quickly announce that. June, at this time, was very angry. A junior humiliated him in front of everyone. He angrily looked at Sam.

"I will make you pay for this humiliation," He suddenly said to Sam. Sam, hearing his warning, just smiled. Who cares about this empty threat?

"Began," the referee once again gave the signal to fight.

Instantly, June runs toward Sam. But Sam just silently stands there while holding his sword. He also closed his eyes at this time. It looked like he wasn't planning to move from his place.

This time, Tony and the girls become confused. Why the hell Sam suddenly closed his eyes? They are unable to understand this. But Gloria, Fiona, Alena, and the other teachers were different. They can easily feel the circulation of spiritual energy in Sam. All of them were familiar with this circulation because spiritual energy only moves like this when someone uses the spirit technique. Sam's mastery over this technique was still low level. Because of this, he still could not control the spiritual energy when he connected the spiritual energy with his sword technique.

June also saw that Sam closed his eyes. But this time, he did not underestimate Sam. June knew that Sam was planning something, so he was very alert, but still, he did not decrease his speed. June reaches in front of Sam and swings his sword at Sam. But suddenly, Sam also opened his eyes and swung his sword.

Both of their swords were about to clash with each other but before the swords clashed with each other suddenly something unexpected happened. Suddenly, the blue light came out from Sam's sword. Instantly, both of the swords clashed against each other. But then an explosion occurred. June was unable to control himself and was sent flying backward by the impact.

Sam was still standing in his place. He was now calculating the power behind the previous attack. He did not show that hard, but using his spiritual energy, he could easily send June backward.

At this time, all the students and teachers present in the battle area were shocked. All of them instantly recognize that blue light that came out from Sam's sword. They were just unable to believe that someone was able to release the spiritual energy who didn't even practice that much. This was shocking news for everyone.

Gloria, Alena, Fiona, Tony, and the girls were smiling at this moment.

"Haha… Gloria, I never thought that your brother would have this much genius." Fiona said with a smile. Gloria didn't say anything, but you can notice the smile on her face.

"Hahaha… well-done, bro. But please control your power, so that the second year doesn't die by your hand." Tony said to Sam loudly. Saying this, he instantly began to laugh. Not only he, but Alexa and the others were also laughing.

Sam, who was present in the battle ring, suddenly heard Tony's words and he just smiled. He can really joke.

____________To be continued________

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