Small upgrade system

Chapter 156 156 - First Day At College (3)

One by one, the top 10 students begin to share their experiences with all the first year. Sam, all this time listening to their experience with focus. Because all of his seniors tell them about the monster invasion, and also their adventure in many dungeons. Not only some but Jeni and the others also listened to their seniors' experiences. Until now, no one knew about those many monsters, so they wanted to gather as much information as they could.

From the 10th number of students in the top 10 candidate list to the 2nd number students already told their experience. It was now finally Fiona's turn. Every student at this time becomes serious. Well, not that they weren't serious when other students told them about their experiences. It was just that she was the second-best student at the Royal Academy. Because of this, normally everyone becomes so serious.

"Well, I would like to welcome all of my juniors to our Royal academy. I hope you all will work hard to achieve your dream and become powerful. All of my classmates already told you about their experiences while facing those monsters. So I won't be telling you about the types of the monster that came out of the dungeon. I will tell you about the monster's behaviors. You don't know, but when those monsters came out of those dungeons, their behavior became very violent. I think they have only one thought in their mind, which is to kill all the humans. Even the intelligent monster became violent. They have only one thought: to kill the humans and to achieve that they can sacrifice themselves. It was like they did not feel any pain or fear. Suppose you are a D-grade warrior and you are facing F-grade monsters. Normally in a dungeon just releasing your aura, those monsters will run away from you. But when those monsters came out of the do, then their behavior was complete. Even when they were facing high-grade warriors, they did not back down. They are like mindless beasts attacking anyone and they fear no one. This is the most dangerous thing about those monsters." Fiona saying all of this. Sam and the other students listen to her words very seriously.

Sam was surprised when he heard about the violent behavior of the monsters. He never knew that those monsters could become like this. Well, those low-level monsters did not have that much intelligence, but those high-level monsters were naturally very intelligent. He never expected that those monsters could become violent.

Only then does Sam understand why every year his mom, dad, and sister went to the dungeon hunting, and it almost takes 2 months for them to come back? At this time, no reuse reporters, no normal citizens, and no low-level warriors were permitted to go near the dungeon.

Fiona also told them about her experience in many dungeons and the various monsters she fought. She also told them about the weakness of some monsters.

"Right now you all are Students Of The Royal Academy. If you don't work hard, then your classmate will be leave you behind and you will become a loser. So don't be a loser, work hard and become powerful. I think everyone knows that I and Gloria were a competitor. We fought many times and also competed with each other. Finally, she broke through, and right now my strength isn't enough to compete with her. But I still did not give up. This also motivates me to break through. This also motivates me to work harder so that I can catch up to her and we once again become competitors. Those students who were in the early D-grade, I want to tell you that you will be facing many difficulties while breaking through, but don't give up. This is one of the hardest grades to break through. I think everyone knows about this, but still; I wanted to tell you. Well, many of you are wondering how I can give you a lecture when I still did not break through. Well, I did not reveal it to anyone, but I am now an early C-grade warrior. In my previous dungeon exploration, luckily I got a limit breaker and now finally I am an early C-grade warrior." Fiona said that which makes everyone shocked. Every student and teacher gets up from their seed and begins to clap for her. It was a really proud moment for the Royal academy. They now have two C-grade students who still haven't graduated from college. Sometime later when everyone stop clapping Fiona once again began to talk.

" In this Royal academy, if you work harder, then the college will reward you. They will give you many resources for your growth. But if you want to slack off and don't want to work hard, then you won't get anything from the college. It wasn't just our college, but this is the reality."

"Now I heard that Gloria's brother is here. He is also a genius like his sister. " Sam got startled when Fiona suddenly mentioned him. His friend and all the first year when now looking in his direction.

"Well, I would like to call Sam Kainer on the stage. I want everyone to clap for Sam, " with that said she looked in Sam's direction. In this kind of situation, Sam knew that he needed to go onto the stage. If he refuses to go onto the stage, then it will be because he was very arrogant and did not respect his seniors. Sam just sighed and then got up from his seat. He began to walk toward the stage while every student began to clap for him. After coming onto the stage, he greets Fiona. She also great him with a smile, then she turned around and begin to talk.

"He is Sam. Like his sister, he is also a genius. But I think many of you know that at first, he was not that powerful. I also learned from Gloria that her brother wasn't that powerful warrior, but he worked hard. And today he is the first position holder for the college admission exam. So I wanted to tell all the first year that you should also work hard so you can become like him. You need to surpass him. That should be your goal. But I don't think he will wait for you; he also works hard and continues to grow strong. To surpass him, you need to double work hard. When I was in the first year, I was only a peak E-grade warrior. But my eyes at that time were set on Gloria. The only thought I had at that moment was to surpass her. And that thinking makes me grow stronger and eventually we both become competitors."

"I was only the 10th position holder in the college admission exam, but Gloria was the first position holder. But I did not back down and challenged her many times. I can even count how many times I challenge her. I continue to grow strong and begin to surpass those other candidates and divisively become the second position holder in the first year. So I wanted all the students to challenge him. I don't think he will back down if you challenge him. But I must warn you, don't use any tricks in a warrior fight. Our Royal academy did not allow anyone to cheat when they were in the warrior battle. That year, many students wanted to cheat in the warrior battle, but eventually, they got expelled from the college." After saying that, she stopped talking and then turned around. She looked at Sam, then she said, "Thank you, Sam, for coming here. I hope you also achieve many things like your sister. I don't think you know, but your sister faced failure many times, but she did not back down. Every time she faced failure, her fighting spirit grew stronger. So if you face any failure, don't give up. If you need help, then you can ask your seniors or teachers."

" No, problem seniors Fiona. Really, thank you for the suggestion, " Sam said as he left the stage and came back toward his seat. Everyone was clapping for him.

"Well, the last thing I wanted to tell all the first year is that if you face any failure or if you need any help, you can ask your seniors for help, or you can ask teachers. No one will let you down. Thank you so much for listening to my speech," after seeing that Fiona stopped talking and left the stage. Every student and teacher at this time clapped for her.

Sometime later, everyone began to leave the auditorium hall. Today's program was finally finished. From tomorrow, all the first years will start their first class. Today they will go to their classroom and after that, they can leave the college.

Sam and his friends are now looking at the classroom list. Fortunately, they were in the same class. They were now walking toward their classroom.

_____________To be continued__________

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