Small upgrade system

Chapter 129 129 - City Tour (2)

"So, Sam, this is the Royal Academy," Kenny said to him. They could enter college. So, with no delay, they enter college. They weren't allowed to go inside the area of the college; they could only stay in the outside area of the college.

"Sam, your sister also read here. Why didn't you ever come to the central city?" Tony suddenly asked.

"Actually, I don't really like to travel that much," Sam replied to him with an awkward smile. Should he tell him that his relationship with his sister wasn't that good previously? And the main thing was that he wasn't the original Sam.

"Oh… " Tony replied.

"Why don't you tell your sister that you are here?" Tina suddenly asked him.

Sam shook his head and told them," She is now busy with her training because the annual college competition is coming."

" Oh yes, I completely forgot about that," Tina replied.

" Ok let's go guys. I am suddenly feeling thirsty." Alexa said to them. They all came out of the college campus and approached a cafe.

"Six cold coffees, please," Tony said to the waiter. They sit down.

" So, guys, which college do you want to go to?" Sam asked them.

"Royal College," all of them said with no hesitation.

" Oh.. guys, you answer that with no hesitation," Sam said to them with a speechless expression.

"I am going to this college because it is near my home. Also, Miss Gloria is a student here. Because of this, I decided to join here." Jeni explains to him the reason. Tony, Kenny, Tina, and Alexa all nodded after hearing her. They also have the same reason to join here.

"Well, I think Sam knows that my idol is Miss Gloria. She is the reason I wanted to join Royal College," Elena explained.

At this time, the waiter came toward them with 6 cold coffees.

While drinking, Tony suddenly asked Sam, " Previously, you said that you don't have any friends in your school. But didn't you have teammates when you entered the dungeons? Or do you go to the dungeons alone? "

" Actually, you guessed it right. I actually don't have any teammates. I always went to the dungeon alone." Sam answered him.

" Guys, I have an interesting idea." Sam suddenly said to them.

" What?" Everyone said that.

"Only I have only known you for a few days. I don't really know about you guys or your likes or dislikes. So why not introduce yourself with an interesting process? First, you should tell your name, then your aim, and last, your likes and dislikes." Sam suddenly remembered an interesting introduction process that he saw in an anime in his previous life.

[A/N: I know you can already guess the Anime.]

"Yes, quite an interesting process to introduce yourself," Alexa said.

" So, who will be first to introduce?" Tony asked.

" Don't worry, I suggested this idea, so naturally I am going first," Sam said to them. Now everyone is looking at him.

" Hello, my name is Sam. Currently, I have only one aim, which is to protect my family. Currently, I don't have any other aim. I like many things, for example, food, cooking, reading interesting stories, training with my sister, etc. I hate many things, for example: traveling, working under someone, people backstabbing their friends, etc." Sam said to them.

" So like this, you should also introduce yourself," he said to them.

" Hello, my name is Tony. My goal is to become as powerful as my grandpa and then protect humanity. I like to talk with my grandpa, listen to his stories from the old days, sleep, etc. I hate those people who are abusing their power. The power they should use is to protect humanity. They are using it to harm other people." Tony said.

" Hello, my name is Jeni. My goal is to become someone like my grandma. I like my grandma the most, and I like to spend time with my friends. I mainly hate when someone I don't know tries to disturb me or when I see someone try to abuse their power," Jeni said.

" Hello, my name is Elena. My goal is to become someone like Miss Gloria. I like to follow in Miss Gloria's footsteps, then spend time together with my friends, cooking and singing. I hate the people who said something bad about Miss Gloria, also those people who have the power to help humans, but didn't use that power to protect or help them." Elena said. What can you say? She is really a hard-core fan of Gloria.

"Hello, my name is Alexa. My goal is to become the number one warrior. I like adventure, action, and spending time with my family and with my sister. I hate when my sister doesn't stay at home or grandpa works all day." Alexa said. She was the girl who loved her sister.

" Hello, my name is Kenny. My goal is to become an S-grade warrior. I like to spend my time with Jeni and my friends. I hate when someone says anything bad about my friends," Kenny simply introduced herself.

"Hello, my name is Tina. My goal is to become someone like Saint Mira. My favorite thing is to follow in Miss Mira's footsteps. I said when someone says anything bad about her or my friends." Tina said. Once again, a fangirl of Saint Mira.

Finally, everyone stopped introducing themselves. They had already finished their coffee, so they left the cafe. They were currently going to the lake villa. It is one thing that was from 100 years ago. Like this Lake villa, there are many buildings like this that were from a hundred years ago.

A few minutes later, they were now in front of the Lake villa. Nobody could enter this villa. So they can only see the villa from the outside. It is an exquisite villa with a beautiful lake. In history, they read that this villa belonged to a princess 100 years ago.

They were now going toward the clock tower. This clock tower was in the middle of the city. You can also go inside of this clock tower.

All of them will be inside of this clock tower. You can go to the top of this clock tower, but you need to use the steps. Everyone began to climb. A few minutes later, they were now at the top of this clock tower. This Clock Tower has the same height as a six-story building.

A few minutes later, they climb down. Sam was feeling hungry, so he told them to go to a restaurant.

"Hey guys, let's go to the Eon restaurant. This is a five-star restaurant that is owned by my uncle. My uncle was a B-grade warrior, but he has another hobby, cooking, so he opened this restaurant." Jeni said.

Nobody said anything. They all agree to go to the restaurant.

" Haha… Jeni, your uncle should satisfy Sam's appetite." Tony said, laughing. The others also laughed.

"Don't worry about it," Jeni assured them.

A few minutes later, they were now in the restaurant. With no delay, they enter the restaurant. Jeni was the leader, and they were the followers.

A waiter, after seeing that it was Jeni, led them toward a private room.

"This was the room that was only for me and my friends," she says to everyone.

After giving our food order, we began to wait. It took some time to prepare the food. We all begin to eat.

30 minutes later,

If you look, then you can see the time is 6:00 p.m. Sam is now at his home. A few minutes ago, he came back and went directly to the bathroom to freshen up. He decided to take some rest. He wasn't that tired, but he just wanted to take a rest.


At this time, in the association,

"How is the situation, our warriors?" Markus asked. He has already sent a team to attack the branch of the dark association. Still didn't go there because the warrior can handle this alone. But he still was ready. What if suddenly a powerful enemy came toward the warriors? For this type of situation, he was ready to help. He wanted to finish this work as soon as he could.

They get to know about three branches of this dark association. Markus already sent one team to attack one of the branches. His other two teams while going toward the other two branches of the dark association. They still hadn't reached the base.

In these branches, the most powerful warriors should be a peak B-grade warriors or an early A-grade warriors. Because of this, Markus was sure that the warriors from the association could easily handle the situation.

The one Alpha team who already attacked the base. Everyone warriors carrying camera bots. So, Markus was able to see the fight. The most powerful warrior in this base is a peak B-grade warrior. An early A-grade warrior easily handles that guy.

_____________To be continued_____________

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